
3 The Benefits of Calcium Lactate for Pregnant Women

The calcium lactate is assigned to pregnancy category C by FDA. The calcium lactate is only given to pregnant women during its benefit is bigger than the risk.

Calcium-based antacids such as calcium lactate are a valuable medicine during pregnancy, it is really helpful for them to reduce even problems during pregnancy. However, many of them still don’t know about these benefits.

1.     Density of Healthy Bone

Bone turnover is a cycle continuing of bone breakdown by osteoclasts in areas of the body where the bone isn’t required, and handling of bone re-creating through osteoblasts which bone encounters continuous re-modeling with resorption constantly and precipitation of calcium to new bones is a balance among resorption of bone, the sediment is important for healthy bones, changing within age, and both of calcium to magnesium are crucial to healthy bone.

More useful calcium for bones can see here the benefits of calcium lactate for the body. 99% of the body’s calcium supply is stored in the bones. Teeth bolster the structure. Normally, the function of bone is for health. Supply to increase calcium for the body and magnesium through consuming supplements of calcium.

It has a role in developing the structure of bone 50% to 60%. Specifically, magnesium implicates bone establishment and affects the activities of osteoblasts (bone forming) and osteoclasts (breakthrough of bone).

2.     The healthy Heart

Previously in the article, we can get the benefits of eggplant for heart health. Nowadays, there is research explaining the supplementation effect of lactate acid to 43 people who have cholesterol within hyperlipidemia and previous liver inflammation.

The research participants were split into 2 groups. They are a test group control group called a placebo. The first (test group) by given lactate acid. and vitamin C 3 times in 4 weeks. The result is a reduction in levels of cholesterol total in the amount of 4%.

There isn’t a side effect even a significant change in the statistical of cholesterol markers. This research is related to supplements of calcium lactate in a small dose for a healthy heart. Additionally, this research needs to validate.

3.     Hypocalcemia (Low Blood Levels of Calcium)

It happens when the body doesn’t have enough absorption of calcium from food and calcium deficiency. Lacking vitamin D, low the body’s immune system, medical conditions such as pancreatitis, kidney, liver even celiac disease, and certain medicines are causes of it.

Hypocalcemia can see more through the health benefits of calcium gluconate. The way to treat is to give calcium as a pill or infusion to being back to normal levels. Other than that, the body needs vitamin D as preventing osteoporosis.  

The symptoms start with tingling hands, feet, and lips being weak, losing controlling the body, heart rate slowly, depression, nervousness, anger, and strain. This symptom can be handled by consuming rich calcium in food like milk, cereal, yogurt, and cheese.

Getting more sunshine if the body doesn’t need vitamin D. it is really important for not smoking because it can increase the amount of calcium that come out of the body through urine.

1 up to 2% of total body mass creates calcium and the rest in the amount of 98% in the skeletal system. Calcium intake is essential for development and maintenance throughout life.

It is crucial during pregnancy and lactation as decreasing bone mineral density and increases bone resorption rate during this period. Other bone density, is another of the benefits of calcium for pregnant women. The fetus accumulates 25 to 35gram calcium during pregnancy.

At the age of 20 weeks pregnant, the fetus collects calcium within speedy 50mg per day and 330 mg per day at the age of pregnancy in 35 weeks. During lactation, 210mg per day in breasting.

The Institute of Medicine recommended 1000mg of calcium per day for pregnant women and lactating women aged 19-50 years and 1300mg per day for them those below 19 years.

Heartburn and cramps are uncommon symptoms during pregnancy with later occurring earlier and others coming fast. Both of them need treatment at one time if the changing lifestyle doesn’t function to cure it.

We recommend that minimal only medication be used during pregnancy and only if the benefits bigger than the risk. As the pregnancy grows, potential space initially occupied is encroached stomach by the uterus enlarging but cells producing hydrochloric acid in unusual amount means depend on the food they eat.

A pregnant mother is likely acid reflux to the esophagus culminating in heartburn. A further illustration, in research conducted on 607 pregnant women, 72% of them have experienced heartburn, increasing during pregnancy aged.

The IUPAC name calcium lactate is calcium 2-hydroxy propanoate. This is an antidote for consuming fluoride soluble and treatment of hypocalcemia. Antacids react within gastric acid to produce salt, water, and carbon dioxide in the chemical reaction below,

CaCO3 + 2HCl >>>>> CaCl2 + H2O + CO2

Commonly dose used pH is around 9. When it is dissolved in 30 to 40ml of water, 2 grams of calcium lactate will bring 100ml hydrochloric acid to a pH above 6. The increase in gastric acid pH diminished pepsin activity in gastric secretion.

Calcium lactate absorbs well in consuming with food. It is containing the highest amount of calcium, 2 times more essential than calcium citrate (antacid in another for heartburn treatment), and has fewer tablets than calcium citrate heartburn called hypocalcemia.

Not only bones or hypocalcemia but there are other benefits of calcium. Antacids are medication the first line to heartburn during pregnancy which is a solace that comes through acid reduction.

Antacid-based calcium like calcium lactate increases sphincter esophagus pressure by more than 30 minutes also peristalsis and acid clearance. Pregnant women consuming calcium lactate to overcome muscle cramps or heartburn can give 2 benefits.

Adding more calcium to the body for treating symptoms. Dairy products and green vegetables are credible sources of calcium food. All pregnant women have it on their menu. According to FDA, calcium lactate is a category C medication caution if the benefits are bigger than the risk.

The milk–alkali syndrome to the patient using a big dose. It needs levels of high calcium in the blood, and alkalosis with impaired kidney function. Patients with this disease or dehydration and imbalance in electrolytes are predisposed.

High doses or use in a long term may lead to hypersecretion gastric and acid enhancement. It has to remember calcium lactate can’t be consumed if not are pregnant or have condition below :

  • Concomitant digoxin therapy (heart failure)
  • Renal calculi and nephrolithiasis (kidney disease)
  • Zollinger-Ellison syndrome (rare digestion)
  • Hypercalcemia (calcium level above normal in the blood) and
  • Hyperparathyroidism (the parathyroid hormone is up in the bloodstream).

The conclusion is calcium lactate still being a source of valuable help in acid refluxing in relation to pregnancy and as a supplement to calcium during pregnancy.