When talking about Asian herbs and remedy perhaps only Chinese that could compete how amazing the knowledge of Indians about herbs. Most of Indians knowledge about herbs and traditional medical practices come from Ayurveda, a system where all information about medical herbs and medical practices were inherited to present generation from their ancestors that could be traced back to thousand years ago. Though some studies found that some practices are impossible but most of them, especially the knowledge about Indian herbs and their health benefits were proven to be scientifically effective and has been used as part of alternative solutions nowadays.
The reasons behind health benefits of coriander seeds and coriander leaves are because this herb contain quite high of vitamin C and vitamin A. Per 100 grams of coriander could fulfill your daily intake of Vitamin C up to 45% and Vitamin A more than 100%. Furthermore, corianders also contain powerful anti-inflammation properties that could act as anti-rheumatic and anti-arthritic.
Since ancient time, curry laves has been used as traditional Indian dishes as well as Indian’s home remedy especially to treat conditions like diarrhea and some stomach problems. Furthermore, based on some research studies, curry leaves contain iron that effective to deal with anemia and dizziness caused by iron deficiency. A study conducted in Hyogo, Japan stated that curry leaves contain potent antioxidant called alkaloid that could help fighting free radicals and minimize the side-effect of chemotherapy.
From the health benefits of Ceylon cinnamon you could see that Cassia cinnamon contains coumarin in surprisingly high dosage around 1,200 times higher than coumarin found in Ceylon cinnamon, it means you cannot consume Cassia cinnamon in large dosage without putting your kidney and liver in a risk. Ceylon cinnamon is quite friendly for diabetic patients, great for immunity system, good for cardiovascular health and also good for bones. The fact that the flavor of Ceylon cinnamon is also much tastier than Cassia cinnamon makes this type of cinnamon is top in its class.
Not only Indians, among the list of Chinese herbs for health, lotus also one of the flower that used as traditional herbal remedy. One of the health benefits of lotus flower is to treat cholesterol and blood sugar because it contains complex carbohydrate and dietary fiber to help slowing down the digestive process for managing glucose absorption in the bloodstream. Furthermore, a study conducted in 2013 white lotus also contains some anti-inflammatory properties to help reliving conditions caused by inflammations.
Basil is quite rich of vitamins and minerals, especially Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin K, while per 100 gram of basil you could get about 295 potassium and 64 mg of magnesium. It means, when talking about the health benefits of basil, this herb is great for cardiovascular health because it is high of potassium and contains low sodium. Furthermore, as rich of vitamin K, basil is also preventing blood clotting that could increase the risk of heart attack and stroke by optimizing the production of good cholesterol.
Among the benefits of chia seeds as beauty secret this herb also well known to be effective in weight loss. It is because chia seeds are the great source dietary fiber that could help optimizing the digestive system so nutrients will be absorbed optimally. Furthermore, chia seeds also the source of energy you need and the combinations of omega-3, protein and calcium make chia seeds are super food you could add to your daily diet to promote healthy bones, better management of cholesterol level while at the same time chia seeds could be great diet combination for diabetic patients.
One of the health benefits of saffron is this herb is highly recommended for pregnant mothers because it contains quite high of folate, per 100 grams of saffron a pregnant mother could fulfill up to 23% of folate daily intake. Furthermore, saffron is also packed with vitamin A, vitamin B and vitamin C that make saffron one of the super herbs that Indian really fond of.
So, those are the Indian herbs and their health benefits you should know and perhaps you should grow in your kitchen as well. Indian’s cuisines were well known because they are so rich of spices and herbs. Well, the fact that those spices and herbs are not only for the sake the flavor improvements but also for the sake of health benefits, perhaps you should learn some recipes that you could add to your daily diet.