
23 Health Benefits of 1 Hour Walking Every Day

People often take the benefits of one hour walking for granted, especially in this modern era, because nowadays many vehicles available. Practicing one hour walking constantly is good for making us fit. Walking is the simplest form of sport. We can practice it in our daily basis, such as walking to school or office. The benefits of walking share the same benefits as in swimming. There are 23 scientific health benefits of One Hour Walking for Our Health:

1. Preventing Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is kind of bones problems happen to old people because their bones mass is low. Besides, the bones structure and the lowered quality of bones tissues trigger osteoporosis. To prevent osteoporosis, we do not only consume milk but also walk at least 15 minutes a day in a daily basis.

2. Promoting Healthy Heart. 

Walking reduces our blood pressure. As a result, blood clod because of the adhesion among blood cells also reduced. When we walk, automatically our body is moving. This activity increases the HDL (good cholesterol) which absorbs the LDL (bad cholesterol). Thus, this process promotes the health of our heart.

3. Keeping Us Fit. 

Walking everyday to work will make us fit during the working activity. Walking for three times a week can increase our fitness and keep our breathing system significantly.

4. Improving Our Breathing System. 

walking is the simplest form of sport that can be done by everyone. The walking activity improving our breathing system so that it becomes smooth and stronger. Walking makes our breathing system stronger and longer.

5. Stabilizing Our Blood Pressure. 

The metabolism process in our body is gained by practicing one hour walking everyday.  Stable blood pressure helps to stabilizing our blood pressure. For high blood pressure patients, one hour walking is extremely perfect sport. One hour walking routinely for three or five times a week is believed effective to reduce blood pressure.

6. Preventing Dementia. 

Dementia is a disease that is often experienced by old people in which their brain loses its function. Based on the study and research, dementia can be prevented by routinely one hour walking in every possible chance. At least it can reduce the risk of dementia for 40%.

7. Healthy Life Foundation. 

One hour walking routinely is the strongest foundation for having a qualified life. Thus, no wonder that several milk products suggest 10.000 steps every day to increase our health and prevent bones disease.

8. Improving Our Immune System. 

One hour walking means that we have given our effort to increase our immune system so that it becomes stronger. Our sweat and perfect body metabolism will strengthen our immunity system so that we are prevented to suffer from dangerous disease.

9. Increasing the Amount of Vitamin D in Our Body. 

Vitamin D in our body is gained from various sources, such as food and sun rays. Sun rays are the most important source of vitamin D. Thus, walking will automatically expose our body with sufficient amount of sun rays.

10. Sleeping Tight. 

One hour walking in the morning will bring us into a tight sleeping at night because walking improve our metabolism  which eventually brings a comfortable sleeping pattern every night.

11. Burning Calorie.

Based on the study one hour walking is much better than 10 minutes walking in a day. Walking routinely can burn our calorie until our weight reduces 2,3 kg per year. Besides, walking can be adjusted with our purpose of physical exercise.

For people who want to burn calorie fast, they can practice fast walking since it is proven effective. Sufficient fast walking (at least 5-6 km/hour) is proven to burn calorie the same as we do jogging and it does not give pressure to our joints.

12. Keeping Our Mind Sharp.

Walking for 9-13 km a week can prevent us from loosing the concentration, memory and thought. That study was done to 299 old people for nine years.Besides, walking for 8 km per week can protect their memory and their brain so that it slows down the loosing memory in Alzheimer patients.

13. Improving Our Mood. 

Based on the research that is publicized in British Journal Of Sports Medicine, one hour walking can improve our mood, mind, and thoughts so that we are free from tense and depression.

14. Solving Insomnia.

Based on the research in Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, insomnia patients should walk at least 45 minutes in the morning for five days a week. This is believed to help our insomnia.

15. Reducing the Risk of Breast and Colon Cancer. 

Female who walk for one hour per week can loose their chance to suffer from breast cancer and colon cancer until 18% compared to less active female.

16. Improving Our Brain Performance. 

Based one the study found that female who walk one hour per week have better brain function than female who walk forty minutes per week.

17. Shaping Our Shoulders.

Shaping our shoulders while walking is based on the movement of our hands. We should hold our hands in a comfortable position, bend our elbows, and swing them forward and backward while we are walking. The faster the swing we make, automatically it will make our walking speed faster. All the movement include lifting our arms, shoulder and upper back.

18. Making Us More Energetic.

Fast walking is the best natural energy producer. This is because it elevates the circulation and oxygen supply to every cell of our body so that we are more aware in facing our life. Walking can eliminate the paints in our joints and reduce the tense in our muscles so that we can walk faster.

If we feel that we need more energy in our working place, we should go out for a while during lunch time to buy food outside, instead of just walking behind our desk waiting for the delivery meal package.

19.  Making Us Happier.

The inevitable benefit of walking is raising our mood. Based on the research, medium intensity of sport (fast walking) that is done regularly is as effective as antidepressant for light and medium depression. This is because while we are walking, our body releases endorphins hormone  into our blood. As a result, our stress and anxiety reduces.

20. Shaping Our Feet.

Shaping and strengthening our feet are the benefits of walking. It also forms our thigh, calf, amd button. If we concern with our posture while we are walking, one hour walking will reduce our waist size. Thus, if we want to have a beautiful shaping waist, walking is the best and cheapest solution.

21. Keeping Our Weight Normal. 

If we want to reduce our weight, we must burn 600 calorie per day. Walking is the easiset way to do that. A person weighed 60 kg can burn around 75 calorie by having a mild walking (2 mph) for one hour. If we want to burn 99-150 calorie, we should increase our speed becomes (4mph). Walking can increase our muscles mass. The more muscles mass we have the faster our metabolism will be. It means that we burn more calorie, even when we take a rest.

22.  Preventing Diabetes type 2. 

Besides heart disease, diabetes type 2 can also be prevented by having one hourwalking a day. Walking triggers our muscles to work at their best so that they can absorb the raising glucose. One hour walking can reduce diabetes type 2 at least until 30%.

More facts about diabetes

23. Preventing Sexual Dysfunction.

Based on the research on Journal of American Medical Association, fast walking for minimum 3,2 km a day can reduce the risk of impotence. This is a good news for male.

Thus, we should put out best on the cheapest and simplest way of sport. Spending our time for one hour walking is tremendously a good idea. The main key is exactly our willingness and consistency whether we want to apply a healthy life style since walking is a part of it.