
Is Egg Good for Diabetic Patient ? (#Expert Review)

Egg mostly consumed for breakfast due to the high nutrients contained which is good to start the day. Egg is the source of energy that could help people being more energetic to do their daily activity. Besides that, egg has a lot of benefits for health. However, is it still good for patient with diabetes? To answer that question is not as easy as it seems because egg could be good for diabetic patient but egg also could be bad. So, why don’t we found out, why egg is good and why egg is bad for diabetic patient:

Why Egg is Good for Diabetic Patient?

  1. Affecting Glucose Metabolism

The main benefit of egg is affecting the glucose metabolism. In other words, egg could help optimizing the absorption of glucose and assisting people in controlling blood sugar level. The better the glucose metabolism means the more optimal glucose absorption is.

  1. Reducing Food Craving

Consuming egg could make you feel full faster and longer. In other words, egg could help you controlling your appetite and craving. Once you feel full, your appetite to consume foods that might be endangering your current diabetic condition could be reduced. Don’t take craving issue for granted because the more you eat the chance of dangerous substance that entering your body is also increasing.

  1. High Protein Source

Protein is essential for the body system, without which body will suffer some deficiencies. For people with diabetes, controlling their daily diet is important and most of protein source found in meet product. Well, it is recommended for people with diabetes to avoid or reduce the consumption of meat product. That is why egg is an excellent substitute to provide protein for the body. Besides that, protein could help in slowing down digestion system that is very helpful in optimizing the glucose absorption.

  1. Potassium Excellent Source

What is the main function of potassium? Potassium has important role to balance the level of sodium in blood. High level of sodium in blood could increase the risk of hypertension which could be another problem mostly suffered by people with diabetes.

  1. Containing Biotin

Biotin found in the egg yolk which is functioning as natural enhancement of insulin production. So, adequate amount of insulin production means optimal absorption of glucose in blood that could assist in lowering blood sugar level in diabetic patient. However, egg yolk though it is rich of biotin, the consumption should be limited due to high cholesterol contained in this part of egg.

  1. High of Omega 3

Omega 3 considered as healthy fat for diabetic patient. Fat is still needed to produce energy, without which body will easily get tired and less interest to do physical activity. Omega 3 is healthy fat that is safe to be consumed by diabetic patient, especially those who have been diagnosed to have diabetes 2.

Why Egg is Bad for Diabetic Patient?

  1. Affecting Blood Cholesterol Level

Egg yolk might be high nutrients source like vitamin and mineral. However, egg yolk is also containing high of cholesterol. Consuming egg in excess amount should be avoided by people with diabetes especially those with high BMI. However, consuming egg in moderate amount is still recommended but consulting it with your doctor is still necessary, in case they suggest to do otherwise.

  1. High Fat Content

It is true that egg is containing fat that could endanger a person with diabetes, especially the egg yolk. However, protein contained in the white is healthy for diabetic patients. Perhaps it is just the matter of how you process the egg as your daily diet, you could still consume egg but only the white part and leave the yolk part.

How many eggs you consume per week? Perhaps it is the time for you to start counting because egg is probably good for your health but something that is too much is never be a good thing especially you who have problem with body weight. Excess body weight means higher risk of diabetes type 2 and others dangerous diseases like heart disease, hypertension and many more.

In summary, those who consume more eggs have more chance of diabetes type 2 than those who consume fewer eggs. This is closely related to the BMI (Body Mass Index) because consuming more than 4 eggs a week could drastically increase BMI, the higher the BMI means the risk of diabetes type 2 is also increased. As mentioned above, perhaps it is just the matter of how you consume egg and how many. If egg yolk which is so high in cholesterol that could harm your health condition then you should avoid it, instead you could only consume the white part which is rich of protein, low in calorie and considered as fat-free food. By doing that, you could easily get all the benefits of egg and avoid all the bad effects.