
18 Benefits of Yogurt for Beauty – How to Use Tips

For the sake of beauty sometimes people, especially women, don’t care about how much money they should pay, how much time they should spend or how much pain they should endure. However, do you know that for natural beauty, what you need is natural way? Why don’t you open your kitchen cabinets or refrigerators and you will be surprised that you have so much way to keep your beauty in natural way. One example is yogurt, there are a lot of health benefits of yogurt for beauty that not everyone aware about.

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What is Yogurt?

Surely you know what yogurt it. Yogurt is one of the dairy products made from the fermentation of milk and certain bacteria called Lactobacillus. This delicious stuff could be consumed directly or added to salad, smoothies and more food recipes. Some studies have been conducted to reveal the benefits of yogurt to human health and one of them is for beauty. Surprisingly, the list of health benefits of yogurt for beauty is quite long.

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Nutritional Value of Yogurt

Yogurt (Plain)

Serving Size: 1 Cup

Calories 137 – 7%
Protein 14 g – 28%
Carbohydrate 18.8 g – 6%
Vitamin A 17.2 IU
Vitamin C 2.2 mg – 4%
Vitamin K 0.5 mcg – 1%
Thiamin 0.1 mg – 8%
Riboflavin 0.6 mg – 34%
Niacin 0.3 mg – 2%
Vitamin B6 0.1 mg – 6%
Folate 29.4 mcg – 7%
Vitamin B12 1.5 mcg – 25%
Panthothenic Acid 1.6 mg – 16%
Choline 37.2 mg
Calcium 488 mg – 49%
Iron 0.2 mg – 1%
Magnesium 46.5 mg – 12%
Phosphorus 385 mg – 38%
Potassium 625 mg – 18%
Sodium 189 mg – 8%
Zinc 2.4 mg – 16%
Selenium 8.8 mcg – 13%
Flouride 29.4 mcg
Fatty Acids
Omega 3 Fatty Acid 2.5 mg
Omega 6 Fatty Acid 9.8 mg
Cholesterol 4.9 mg – 2%
Water 209 g

If you are one of those people who adore yogurt because of its flavor and its health benefits, it is the time to learn more about the health benefits of yogurt for beauty. In other words, beside consuming yogurt to keep you healthy from inside, you also could use yogurt for external use and keep yourself beauty from outside.

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Yogurt for Face

One thing you should know, yogurt is an excellent natural face mask. Instead of purchasing expensive face mask products, you just need to stock more plain yogurt to feed your belly and your beauty skin face.

  1. Solution to Glowing Skin Face

To reveal the natural glowing skin face, you should avoid chemical-based cosmetic products that are only harmful for your skin, instead choose natural products only.

How to use: mix yogurt with crushed lentils and leave it for 20 minutes. Rinse it off thoroughly for glowing skin.

  1. Get Rids of Dead Skin Cells

Dead skin cells are the reasons behind dull and dark skin face. Get rid of them with yogurt to reveal the natural and healthy skin complexion.

How to use: mix yogurt and oats. Gently massage your skin face in circular way for about 10 minutes before you wash it off.

  1. Say No to Blackheads or Whiteheads

No matter how hard you get rid of blackheads and whiteheads, they will keep coming back. Well, at least now you know what you should do when they come back to your face.

How to use: make a paste made from yogurt and rice powder. Rub it in circular way to the area with blackheads or whiteheads.

  1. Treats Acnes and Pimples

Yogurt contains acidic properties that could act as antibacterial agents that will deal with the root of acnes and pimples problem.

How to use: apply yogurt to the infected area directly for 30 minutes before your wash it off.

  1. Reduces Blemishes

There are a lot of factors that could cause blemishes in skin but whatever they are yogurt is one of the natural solution to deal with it.

How to use: massage plain and unsweetened yogurt to the blemishes areas and leave it for 15 minutes before wash it off.

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  1. No More Dark Circles

As one of the natural source of antioxidants, you could deal with dark circles in easy way with yogurt.

How to use: apply yogurt in thin layer to the dark circles area. Leave it all night and rinse it when you wake up in the morning.

  1. Reduces Wrinkles

There are a lot of factors that could cause wrinkles but premature aging is likely the root of the problems. Antioxidants are strongly needed and yogurt is excellent source of powerful antioxidants.

How to use: mixed yogurt with whole milk and use it as face mask for 20 minutes before you rinse it with lukewarm water.

Yogurt for Hair

Do you want to have healthy, shiny and zero problem hair? Well, just make sure you have enough stock of plain yogurt in your refrigerator because not only for skin face, yogurt is an excellent source of nutrients for your hair as well.

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  1. Solution to Dandruff

Dandruff occurs when the production of sebum in your scalp is excessive. Yogurt could remove that excessive sebum and give you healthy and clean scalp free from dandruff.

How to use: apply plain yogurt to your scalp thoroughly and leave it for around 45 minutes. Rinse it off and cover it with towel for another 45 minutes.

  1. Natural Hair Conditioner

You could save a lot of money from chemical-based conditioner products if you have yogurt to keep your hair soft and healthy.

How to use: apply plain yogurt to your wet hair from your scalp to the end leave it for 15 minutes. You could do it before or after shampooing but after applying it, you need to shampoo your hair one more time.

  1. No More Frizzy Hair

It is true that frizzy hair could be a problem but to deal with it, you always have yogurt whenever you think your need it to be tamed.

How to use: add yogurt to beaten white egg and apply it to your hair for 15 minutes. Rinse it off with shampoo.

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  1. Remedy to Dull Hair

Direct exposure to sun is likely one of the main causes of dull hair but the solution is as simple as yogurt.

How to use: mix yogurt with almond oil and beaten eggs. Apply it to your scalp and thoroughly to your hair and then cover your hair with shower cap for 30 minutes before shampooing.

  1. Treats Hair Fall

Mineral deficiency could be one of the reasons behind hair fall and yogurt is rich of minerals that will treat hair fall naturally.

How to use: mix grinder fenugreek seeds and yogurt. Apply to to your scalp for 40 minutes before wash it off.

  1. Helps Highlighting Hair

Highlight in your skin will give unique accent to your hair. Right now, you don’t need to go to hair salon for the fake highlight because yogurt could reveal the natural highlight of your hair.

How to use: add 2 table spoons of lemon juice to a cup of yogurt and apply them to your hair, leave it for 20 minutes before wash it off.

  1. Promotes Hair Growth

What you need for faster hair growth is only plain yogurt but you need to apply in regular basis for optimal result.

How to use: apply yogurt to your wet hair every time you shampooing your hair.

Yogurt for Skin

Do you think only your skin face that deserves all the health benefits of yogurt for beauty sake? Your whole body skin also deserves the same thing. Just by adding some other compounds, yogurt is amazing body scrub for your beauty and healthy skin.

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  1. Natural Skin Moisturizer

Yogurt contains some compounds that could act as natural skin moisturizers to keep your skin healthy away from chemical-based products.

How to use: apply thick yogurt to your damp skin (best time is rightly after shower) and leave it for 10 minutes. After that back to the shower and wash it off from your skin with tepid water.

  1. Solution to Unexpected Tanned Skin

Having tanned skin could be great but how about the tanned skin is only in some areas that will make your skin looks ugly. Yogurt is the natural solution to unexpected tanned skin.

How to use: make a paste made from yogurt, lemon juice and flour. Apply them to the tanned area for 15 minutes before wash them off.

  1. Soothes Sunburns

Yogurt contains quite high amount of zinc that could help soothing the burning sensation and redness in skin caused by sunburns.

How to use: directly apply plain yogurt to the affected area and leave it for while until the burning sensation is gone.

  1. Treats Skin Infection

Since yogurt contains lactic acid that could act as antifungal agents, it is effective to treat skin infection caused by fungi.

How to use: just simply apply plain yogurt to the infected area to treat the conditions.

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Cautions of Yogurt

If it is for external use only even those with condition like lactose intolerance should not worry about rubbing yogurt to their skin but still there are some cautions you should aware even if it is for external use only.

  • Those with sensitive skin type should try product made from yogurt slowly. Yogurt contains some dairy product that may worsen some skin conditions suffered by those with sensitive skin type.
  • Unlike those who have lactose intolerance condition, those who are allergic to dairy product should avoid yogurt in all cost because even for external use, skin could reach to yogurt the same way as when you consume it.
  • You have to make sure to use unsweetened plain yogurt only with no additional of refined sugar. So be careful when you do the shopping. You should read the ingredients really carefully.

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So, what are you waiting for? Now you surely have realized that if you have enough stock of yogurt in your refrigerator, you could save more money, time as well as energy because you are no longer need to make an appointment with dermatologist or purchasing expensive chemical-based cosmetic products.