
20 Benefits of Coffee For Skin And Hair #1 Beauty Treatments

Not only beneficial for the health of the body (See: Health benefits of drinking black coffee), coffee also can be useful for the beauty such as facial beauty, skin care, hair beauty and so on. Coffee is very effective in helping to reduce cellulite skin. It is one of materials of list of herbal beauty products that can be used as organic acids, potassium, minerals, magnesium, and iron.

Here are the contents of the coffee beans:

  • Caffeine
  • Trigonelline
  • Protein and Amino Acids
  • Carbohydrates
  • Aliphatic acids (carboxylic acids)
  • Chlorogenic acid
  • Fats and derivatives
  • Glycosides
  • Mineral

Based on its contents, coffee is very beneficial for healthy skin and hair. Lets see the benefits of coffee for skin and hair as below:

Coffee Benefits for Skin Treatments 

(Read also: Health benefits of kiwi for skin)

Benefits of coffee for skin is very amazing, you could try drink or use in external ways.

1. Refreshing Facial Skin

Coffee contains antioxidants that can be able to remove dead skin cells which caused by free radicals. Thus, the face will look brighter.

The things you should do: first, make a cup of coffee and put into ice-cube trays. Then, freeze it in the freezer until it is frozen. After that, you can cut the iced coffee, and wipe onto your face like wearing lotion. The last, rinse the face with clean water, and the face will be felt fresh again. Try it!

2. Body Slimming

Mash the beans but in a bit rough (not too fine/smooth). Use coffee grounds as a scrub with Cara and rub gently on the skin. This can help to slim your body because coffee contains caffeine that will destroy the fat in the body. There are more benefits of coffee for skin and hair.

3. Reducing the Risk of Skin Cancer

Based on studies at Rutgers University, United States: the theory stated that caffeine in coffee is a barrier of skin cancer. It is because caffeine can inhibit the enzyme protein in the skin that is often called as ART. Scientists found that the coffee powder when applied directly to the skin, it can block the UV rays that is able to trigger skin cancer.

Apply ground coffee directly onto the skin. Coffee will help to protect the skin from ultra violet rays. UV rays into the skin will cause skin cancer. Caffeine contained in coffee will hinder the development of skin cancer-causing enzymes.

(Read also: Health Benefits of Quitting Caffeine)

4. Eliminating Dark Spot and Acne Scars

Mix a few spoonfuls of ground coffee with baby oil. Stir into a thick paste. Directly apply to face by giving a gentle massage. Allow a few moments and then rinse.

5. Revitalize Skin

Caffeine in the coffee can keep healthy skin and revitalize the skin to back healthy.  How to make it:

  • 3 tsp of coffee mix with 1 tsp of milk.
  • After it, then apply on face as a scrub.
  • Massage entire face area slowly, then allow it to dries.
  • Rinse your face with cold water.

6. Skin Tightening

Before using coffee to tighten the skin, wash skin first. Then, rub the skin with coffee that has been dissolved by using a cotton swab dipped in a solution of coffee. Besides it is useful for facial skin tightening, coffee is also useful as a lotion that can eliminate the brown skin of the face and body

7. Face Masks

Coffee mask can be applied singly or in combination with other ingredients such as chocolate, milk or honey. This combination can be tailored to the needs and skin type. This mask can remove the dead skin cells and help tightening the sagging skin. The use of coffee on the face mask will also make the skin looks clean because coffee contains anti-microbial. For dry skin, you should combine olive oil with coffee powder in order to obtain a moist skin.

To make a mask of coffee is needed some extra materials which are suitable for skin problems that you have. Here are some of the mixture of coffee with other materials that very good for the skin.

8. Coffee and Honey Mask

Coffee acts as a scrub, while honey can act as a supply of nutrients to the skin (Read: Health benefits of honey), ranging from nutritional vitamins through natural minerals. So that, your skin will look healthier and more beautiful naturally.

How to make:

  • Prepare black coffee powder and 3 tablespoons of honey and fresh naturally.
  • Mix the coffee powder and honey until it forms a kind of cream or pasta. Try not too thin, because it will be difficult smeared on your face.

Apply a natural face mask bit by bit evenly which is started from the face to the neck. In order to be absorbed optimally, leave the mask in case of 60 minutes, or until it is stiff and tight in the face. Now, rinse the mask with cold water until it cleans.

9. Coffee and Yogurt

Yogurt is a drink that is good enough for digestion in our bodies (Read:  Benefits of yogurt for health). In addition, the content of lactic acid in yogurt also can make your skin look healthier and more beautiful. How to make a mask of coffee and yogurt:

  • Prepare 200ml of yogurt, and some coffee powder as needed.
  • Combine the yogurt and the coffee powder to form a paste or cream. Do not be too watery but try to fitting thereof.

Use this natural face mask after having shower, both in the morning or afternoon. The way is to put on a mask evenly throughout the face. Then let stand for 30 minutes to absorb completely. To rinse, please use clean water and cold.

10. Coffee and Lemon

The coffee will remove dead skin cells on the face, while the vitamin C in the lemon will be efficacious to kill the bacteria that cause acne. The easy way to make a mask of coffee and lemon:

  • Prepare the coffee powder and 1 fresh lemon.
  • Squeeze the lemon and take the water into the coffee grounds. Make sure the mixture is just right and form a paste. Before you use, please wash your face first by using facial foam or face tonic. This allows the dirt on your skin clean and make optimal content of pervasive mask.

Now please let the mask stand to work for 30 minutes, while waiting, you can put cucumber slices on the eyes. Now rinse the mask of coffee and lemon with cold water until completely clean.

11. Smooth Skin

In India, the habit of smearing the body with coffee is believed to be able to streamline the body when it is done regularly, because the caffeine content in coffee can destroy fat. How to make: Before using the coffee, you should brush your body first using a body brush, then apply that have been coarsely ground coffee to all parts of your body and rub gently as a scrub.

12. Coffee for Body Massage

In beauty salons, coffee is used for body massage (Read:  Benefits of full body massage ). How to make:

  • Mix coffee with cocoa butter,
  • Then massage the entire body until blended.
  • It can be useful for the skin, nourish, moisturize and prevent wrinkles.

13. Moisturize Skin


  • Mix 3 tablespoons of coffee grounds with 1 tablespoon of chocolate powder.
  • Mix evenly and then apply on your face and neck.
  • Wait up to 30 minutes for coffee leaked into the skin.
  • Clean using a wet towel that has been dipped in warm water.

14. Lifting the Dead Skin Cells


  • Mix coffee powder with white parts of egg,
  • stir until blended and then apply on the face.
  • It could accelerate the process of removal of dead skin cells and also tighten the skin.

15. Eliminate Blackheads

Blackheads occur because the face has excessive oil content. To overcome the blackheads, you can use a mask of powdered coffee regularly. You can use a mask of coffee with a mix of other materials as well as copies benefits to the skin at number 7 (face mask).

16. To Treat Acne

Coffee grounds can be used as a facial scrub, it is the problem solving to make acne pimples dry faster, so it could avoid the problem of acne inflammatory. (Read also: Benefits of Rosewater for Acne)

17. Controlling Face Oil

The next coffee benefits is when used as a face mask on a regular basis, it can control oil on the face so that the face looks cleaner, free of flash and avoid acne

18. Shrink the Pores Skin

To shrink the pores, coffee should be used as a face mask on a regular basis, but it can also make the skin free from acne and blackheads. One of the causes of acne and blackheads growth on the skin is pores that clogged by dirt and excess fat. 

Coffee Uses for Hair Treatments

(You may read: Benefits of apple for hair)

You should know that the coffee beneficial to the hair. The antioxidants can prevent the hair loss. International Journal of dermatologist showed that caffeine can stimulate the growth of men small follicles who started suffering from hair loss, as reported by Livestrong.

According to the researchers, it takes a caffeine-rich topical lotion that will be applied to the scalp to block the damaging effects of DHT. Because in general, hair loss is due to hair follicles are exposed to too much DHT. (Read also: Benefits of fish oil for hair loss)

1. Make Natural Black Hair


  • Mix 2 egg yolks, 1 tsp of rum, 2 tsp of warm water,
  • then 1 tsp of coffee powder and vegetable oil.
  • Stir until blended and apply it as the mask onto the hair.
  • Then, let it more than 5 minutes and rinse with warm water.

2. Stimulates Hair Growth

The International Journal of Dermatology states that the caffeine in coffee can stimulate hair growth in humans. Caffeine works by inhibiting the production of DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) which causes malnutrition in the hair and thinning of the hair. Previously, they had similar studies in 2007 and showed that caffeine can stimulate hair growth and make it a length of about 33-40%.

Side Effects of Coffee

As known, the caffeine content of coffee can bring many benefits for health and beauty treatments as mentioned above. But it must be noted, the use of caffeine should not too excessive or more than the right dosage. Because caffeine also has negative effects for our health such as causing insomnia. If you need further information about this, you may visit related article here: Caffeine side effects for health.


That is all about the numerous benefits of coffee for skin and hair. Make sure you select the best coffee beans. It can be recognized by checking the shape and the smell of coffee. In addition, if the coffee is used as a mask for the face with a mixture of other materials, use as needed. Don’t redundant!