
29 Proven Ways How to Prevent Acne and Pimples Naturally in 1 Days

How to Prevent Acne and Pimples Naturally is one of the most frequent question for you who have acne. Having free-pimple skin might be a dream of everyone, women especially. However, it is so hard to avoid pimples as they can come suddenly without alarms and they can be hard to remove once them popping out. That is why the best way to have such clear and flawless skin is to prevent them coming. Here are some tips and habits you can do in your daily life for keeping the pimples away.

  1. Don’t Touch Your Skin

This is a very simple thing to do, but very hard to realize. People love to touch their faces and they tend to do that unconsciously. Hands are full of bacteria, so when you touch your face you transfer the bacteria to your skin. Hold on to not touch your faces if you want your skin clear of blemishes. When you feel like you want to rest your chin on your hands, remember the bacteria living on them. Touch your face only after you wash your hands to keep them clean.

  1. Get Some Exercises

Feeling stressful and tired can cause a hormone imbalance that leads to pimples. So get yourself some exercises 30 minutes daily are a great idea. It doesn’t have to be going to the gym because you can simply walk around your neighborhood, jogging or cycling. Some daily routines like cleaning the floors or windows can act as exercises too. Simple activities to make you sweaty are enough. The sweat produced by your body releases toxin and it influences the clearness of your skin as well. Also, as you sweat and sweat, you will drink more and more. These two activities can help your skin clearer and better. Remember to not exercising too much. You need to get rest and sleep when you are tired.

  1. Clean Your Face Regularly

Keeping your face clean is a key for preventing acne. You don’t have to do the cleaning many times, but just twice a day will help you keep the blemishes away. Even when you have flawless and clear skin, cleansing is necessary to remove all the oil and dirt. Choose a mild cleanser that will not irritate your skin and is safe enough to use daily.

  1. Do a Good Skincare Routine

To keep the blemishes away, just cleansing your face daily is not enough. You need a full package skincare routine include toning and moisturizing. You don’t have to use expensive and high quality products because they key for healthy and clear skin is a proper skincare regime. Choose some simple products like cleanser, moisturizer and toner is enough to keep your skin clean and moisturized. Using a wide range of products is not always the best option as it might make you cost a lot of money. Also, some products are not working well for different people due to the ingredients.

To reduce the risk of getting break out after using your skincare products, it is better to choose products with herbal or natural ingredients. The best products are the one that are suitable to your skin type. If you have oily skin, then go with the oil-free moisturizer, toner and cleanser. Remove the dead skin cells by exfoliating your skin twice a week with a natural scrub. Make your own homemade scrub and find the recipes from the internet as there are numerous options to choose from. The dead skin cells can clog your pores and cause acne, so removing them will be helpful as prevention. Remember to always wash your skin when you wake up and after going to bed.

  1. Keep Your Hair Away Off Your Face

The best ways How to Prevent Acne and Pimples Naturally is related to your hair. Every time your hair falls on your face it transfers oil and dirt that might cause some pimples popping out. Keep it away and wash it frequently might help. You can tie your hair to the back from keeping it fall on the face and use hair care products with easy ingredients that are safe for your pores. It is better if you let your hair without pomade or gel as they usually contain fragrances. If your shampoo also smells too sharp you might need to consider replacing it.

  1. Do a Proper Shampooing

The way you wash your hair with your favorite shampoo product affects the pimples on your face. Some ingredients contained in the shampoo you are using can get in touch with your face and cause acne. Ensure that you always rinse your hair properly and completely so that no residue left. Do this before showering your face to prevent any residue touching your skin. To help you choose a good shampoo, go with the organic one without too much fragrances and chemicals.

  1. Sleep properly

Sleep is very important for your skin as it can help remove the stress that influences your skin a lot. So make sure you get enough sleep daily to get rid of your tiredness and wake up in the morning with fresh body, mind and skin.

  1. Eat Well

Healthy foods lead to healthy skin as they have nutrients that your skin needs. Make vegetables and fruits your friends by eating them daily to boost the health both your skin and body. Limit your intake of oily foods to keep your face free of pimples. Junk foods must be avoided as they are unhealthy and are not good for your digestive system. When your digestive system is unwell, your skin is in the same condition. Replace them with fish is much better to nourish your skin with omega 3. If you are worried, then just go with organic foods or products that don’t have a long list of ingredients.

  1. Wash Your Pillow Case

Pillow case is commonly dirty. The oil and dirt from your hair transfered to the fabric daily and they are all accumulated day by day. So if you don’t wash them regularly, your skin is at risk of acne. Keep your bedding clean to get the acne away.

  1. Use Organic Skincare

Some skincare products contain chemical ingredients that might clog your pores. Read the label of your makeup or skincare carefully before buying to check the ingredients. Natural products are better as they tend to have safe ingredients. It doesn’t have to be expensive, sometimes using homemade cleanser or moisturizer is also helpful.

  1. Drink Plenty of Water

Keep your skin hydrated by drinking water is very important as it avoid dryness and dullness. Water is also good for your health as it flushes the toxin inside the body. Limit sugary beverages and increase your water intake to boost both your health and beauty.

  1. Watch Out Your Sugar

Sweet treats are delicious, but your skin doesn’t really cooperate with them. Stop eating sugar is very hard especially if you are used to it. So you just need to try limiting your intake to prevent the acne stimulated. If you want something sweet, go with the natural ones from fruits as they are containing various vitamins for your skin.

  1. Moisturize Daily

Keep your skin moisturized is necessary to prevent pimples popping out because moisturizer can help reducing the sebum and oil production of your skin. When the sebum is eliminated, acne can be prevented. Acne-prone skin needs the right moisturizer that is light and oil-free such as gel moisturizer. This type of moisturizer is very appropriate for your skin since it doesn’t clog the pores and prevent your skin from looking greasy when wearing.

  1. Wear Sun Protector

Tanning your skin doesn’t help preventing acne, but it can even make your skin damaged and oily. It is recommended to wear sun protector when you are out so that your skin is properly protected. People have different level of sensitivity to the sun depending on some factors; one of them is taking medications. If you are under certain medications containing antibiotics, your skin might be more sensitive to the sun. Choose a light sunscreen that is easy on your face. This kind of sunscreen doesn’t clog your pores while still protecting the skin from the sun. Add a moisturizer after using your sunscreen to hydrate your skin while you are out.

  1. Get Your Vitamins

Your skin needs vitamins to maintain it’s healthy and they are vitamin D and A. they can be found from various types of vegetables such as red peppers, carrots, broccoli, spinach and pumpkin. Some fruits like apricots and mango are also filled with those vitamins. Vary your meals by adding salmon, tuna and cheese can boost your required vitamin D and A intake.

  1. Don’t Use Chemicals

Some people have skin that is so prone to acne so they experience breakout frequently. Sometimes it might be caused not only by your lifestyle and how you treat your skin, but it is also caused by what kind of products you are using. Consider using homemade cleansers if you are tired of the frequent breakout happen. Change your makeup by going with the lighter ones. Avoid using makeup containing fragrance as it might make your skin irritated. Allow your pores to still breathe even when you are wearing makeup by choosing the one with safe ingredients. Your makeup ingredients might clog your pores so that you can’t stop experiencing pimple breakout. These days, safe makeup products are labeled as non-comedogenic or oil-free so that you can easily pick what you have to buy. Don’t wear makeup too often. Sometimes you can just let your bare face shine so that your pores are not covered all the time.

  1. Stay Away from Dairy

Dairy products are hard to avoid, but avoiding them temporarily can help preventing acne. Actually dairy products are not completely good for health so reducing your intake can be good for your overall health. Surely you don’t have to avoid dairy as there are also good nutrients you can reap the benefits.

  1. Stop Popping Your Pimples

Finding that the pus of your pimple popping out is fun and interesting. You might feel relieved that you have one less pimple on your face, but the truth is you are putting the other skin areas into risk of getting a new pimple. The pus inside pimples contains P. acnes bacteria, which means that when you pop it out, it can transfer the bacteria to the other clear skin areas. So if you think that one pimple is out, now you should be ready for the other new ones.

  1. Wash Your Face Properly

Washing your face properly is important if you have acne-prone or acne skin. Just use your fingertips instead of using a washcloth. Gently massage your skin before rinsing to ensure you have removed the dirt without making it irritated.

  1. Calm Down

Don’t feel stressed or under pressure when something happens in your life. Chill and be happy. Feeling stressed is connected with acne as this feeling might influence your skin condition. You surely don’t want to wake up with some pimples on your face while you still have many problems in your mind. Moreover, if you already had acne, this can spread fast if you are feeling stressed.

  1. Choose a Good Laundry Detergent

Many laundry detergents are containing chemicals that can danger your skin without you knowingly. If you often experience breakouts even after washing your pillowcase regularly, then the detergent might be the culprit. This condition could be worse if you usually dry your face with a towel after washing. The bad news is that washing your clothes with a full cycle can’t help. The residue from the detergent is still left on the fabric and you transfer it all around your skin when you put the clothes on. The best solution is by changing your detergents with the ones containing natural and safe ingredients.

  1. Have a Healthy Lifestyle

Aside from eating healthy by avoiding junk foods and oily foods, you need to have a healthy lifestyle by not smoking or drinking. Both of them are not only bad for you skin, but also your health. You will surely get so many bonuses by avoiding these two. Not only can you have glowing skin, but also a healthy body.

What to and Not To Eat to Prevent Acne

How to Prevent Acne and Pimples Naturally could be done by consider about what to and not to eat. It has been said above that foods are related with acne. So having a proper diet can help you maintain your skin from the inside. Here are some foods to eat and not to eat daily to help you know what should be included and excluded in your daily meals for clear skin.

What to Eat

  1. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

You can find this nutrient easily from fatty fish or flaxseeds to boost your skin with its required nutrient. Omega-3 fatty acids work properly in preventing inflammation of acne so that you can keep your skin clean and clear.

  1. Fruits and Vegetables

Whether you eat them whole, cook them or turn them into juice, they are nutritious and healthy. Some of them are anti-inflammatory with their beta-carotenes and some others are containing phytonutrients. You can mix some fruits and vegetables to put in your daily meals so that you won’t feel bored of eating them.

  1. Green Tea

It has been proved by some studies that green tea is excellent for preventing and curing acne as it eliminates the oil production. You can drink it or put a cooled green tea bag on your skin for some minutes. Drinking it can be a good option as it also has influences to your health.

What Not to Eat

  1. Sugar

If you can’t live without sugar, you need to at least limit your intake for having healthier and more glowing skin. Make yourself get used to a new lifestyle with less sugar by reducing the amount of cookies or sugary beverages daily. It will be easier once you get used to it.

  1. Junk Foods

They are easy to find and truly delicious, but they can influence the health of your skin by triggering the hormonal fluctuations. Also, they are bad for your health, so avoiding them will give you more benefits aside from keeping your face pimple-free.

  1. Milk

Milk is healthy (read : health benefits of milk), but it can stimulate sebum production of your skin leading to acne. To be more specific, it is cow’s milk that you should eliminate. If you love drinking milk, you can try goat’s milk, soy milk or almond milk as the alternatives. Surely you can still get many benefits from cow’s milk as well, but you just need to watch your intake.

There should be a switch of lifestyle to have healthier skin without pimples. It is not only about how many times you wash your face and what products you are using, but it is also about what foods you eat and what things you usually do in your life that influence the condition of your skin. You can do the changes bit by bit since changing them completely will be hard. By changing your lifestyle, not only your skin but also your body will get the benefits.