Staple Food

17 Surprising Health Benefits of Black Beans and Brown Rice

Black beans and brown rice or waakye may be prized as African Dietary Heritage. However, this kind of food is actually been a favorite staple food in some countries such South American countries and in Asia, specifically India and Korea. It proves that black beans and brown rice fits with many kinds of dishes. And the most important thing is that it is healthy.

Yes, this one of a kind staple food including shiny black beans and precious long-grained brown rice cannot come into this special combination without its impressive health benefits. People may have already known the health benefits of black beans and brown rice in losing weight. But it seems that black beans and brown rice have more benefits than merely lose weight. What are the others? You just need to stay and read up!

Nutritional Information of Black Beans and Brown Rice

Just take a glance on the ingredients and we have already known that it can be a high nutritious staple food. As we know, both black beans and brown rice itself are considered to be high valued ingredients. And have them combined? What can we expect other than an ample of nutrition with unique sensation, as this rice is not awfully plain like the common rice? In every single serving of waakye we can get:

  • Carbohydrate
  • Dietary fiber
  • Protein
  • Fat
  • Magnesium
  • Manganese
  • Iron
  • Selenium
  • Calcium
  • Phosphorus
  • Potassium
  • Folate
  • Vitamin B1
  • Vitamin B2
  • Vitamin B3
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin K

The Health Benefits of Black Beans and Brown Rice

This special dish of rice will give you the amazing health benefits of black beans and brown rice you might never know before. The health benefits by consuming recommended amount of black beans and brown rice are:

  1. Lose weight

Black beans and brown rice may be your best choice for your weight loss diet. The combo allows you to have staple food which is slowly digested. This way, you will feel fuller a little longer and able to avoid too much snacking.

  1. Prevent constipation

The consumption of black beans and brown rice are very good to relieve your digestive problems such constipation. Black beans and brown rice contain high level of dietary fiber which is very good for digestion. It makes sure we can absorb the nutrients perfectly and the waste excreted properly. Soluble fiber also enables the stool to absorb more water which effectively avoids constipation.

  1. Regulate blood sugar

In regulating blood sugar, black beans and brown rice have their powerful weapon. They contain protein, fiber, and B vitamins which are effective to control the blood sugar level. They make sure the blood sugar level won’t spike during the digestion process as they are able to keep the digestion process at steady rate.

  1. Reduce the risk of cancer

Both black beans and brown rice are enriched with flavonoids. Flavonoids are antioxidants which actively fight free radicals, the main factor of cancer. Consuming black beans along with brown rice may be a good combination to prevent some types of cancer such as colon cancer and breast cancer. So, make sure to include them into your diet.

  1. Lower cholesterol

Black beans and brown rice contain good amount of soluble fiber. Soluble fiber help lower cholesterol effectively as soluble fiber attack water and turn into gel in the digestion and helps foods along with the bad cholesterol pass through the system faster.

  1. Prevent cardiovascular diseases

The ability of black beans and brown rice to lower cholesterol prevents the thickening artery wall which may danger the heart health. In addition, this special staple food is also able to lower blood pressure and ease the blood flow as contributed by omega-3 fatty acids in black beans. This way, the consumption of black beans and brown rice or also known as waakye in Africa will be able keeping you away from cardiovascular diseases such heart attack, stroke, and coronary heart. 

  1. Treat sexual dysfunction problems

Certain research proved that black beans are high with molybdenum. The regular intake of molybdenum has been shown effective in reducing impotence and erectile dysfunction especially in older men. Therefore, regular consumption of black beans and brown rice is able to increase energy and sexual interest. Well, it might be one of the unexpected yet amazing health benefits of black beans and brown rice.

  1. Improve nerve function

The nervous system will always need nutrition from our food. One of the foods which are able to prove nutrition for thee nervous system is black beans and brown rice. It is high in folate or vitamin B9. The vitamin keep our nerve functioning and even prevent some nervous diseases such Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

  1. Good for pregnancy

One of the health benefits of black beans and brown rice is the ability to aid pregnancy. The benefit is contributed by the folate which is powerful in protecting infants in the womb. So, make sure the mother keep sufficient intake of folate from any foods including black beans and brown rice. Folate is also proven to be able in improving baby’s vital health and intelligence.

Therefore nutritionist always recommend beans for pregnant mother as it give ample health benefits, such the Health Benefits of Green Beans during Pregnancy. The brown rice itself is able to perform Health Benefits of Brown Rice for Pregnancy.

  1. Good for lactating women

Lactating women should make sure to consume high nutrition to keep their breast milk quality. Women should also maintain their health condition, as the health condition including stress give significant impact to the milk production.

In this case, consuming black beans and brown rice may help mother balance the mood so that she will avoid stress more often. Besides, In addition, the black beans and brown rice combo will also enhance immune system of nursing women.

  1. Boost immune system

The vitamins, minerals, and essential phenolic components in black beans and brown rice help boost immunity toward diseases. It also accelerate the healing process while actively fight infection within the body. The same health benefit can be presented by Health Benefits of Black Beans itself.

  1. Improve muscle mass

Either black beans or brown rice are beneficial ingredients for body building. Therefore, have them combined will give us such a multiple health benefits for body building. It is possible since the combo is able to improve muscle mass.

However, you might need to avoid salt and carefully use oil if you consume black beans and brown rice to gain muscle mass. To support this health benefits, you can also take benefit from Benefits of Dark Chocolate for Body Building

The other health benefits of black beans and brown rice are:

  1. Anti-inflammatory property
  2. Treat insomnia
  3. Prevent Alzheimer’s
  4. Prevent Parkinson’s
  5. Maintain healthy bones

Recommendation in Consuming Black Beans and Brown Rice

Although we can have many health benefits of black beans and brown rice, we may not eat them alone without side dishes. We still have to fulfill the nutrition we need from vegetable, fish, meat, and the other dairy product. Therefore, the black beans with brown rice are perfect for stir-fries or salad.

In Korea, black beans and brown rice is called as japgokbap and consumed with kimchi and stir-fried meat or stew. In India and Africa, people love to eat them with salad. And in Latin America, the folks like to combine the beans and rice with onion, tomato, and jalapeno then wrap it with tortilla.

Otherwise, you can also have the Health Benefits of Black Bean Burgers as one of the black beans variation for your take out. You can have the recipe as inspiration to prepare your balanced diet.

Aside from the health benefits of black beans and brown rice, the combination only take few minutes in preparation. Therefore, it is very suitable for busy mother to not missing prepare healthy food for her family.

For the easiest way, you can take some frozen brown rice, boil the black beans, drain the beans, and stir the drained beans and brown rice together on the pan with some olive oil. Cook it for about five minutes, and it is ready to serve. It is so simple to grab the surprising health benefits of black beans and brown rice.