
13 Benefits of Almond for Health

Almonds fall under the category of nuts. Almonds are high in nutrients and rich in healthy fats, antioxidants, vitamins, protein, fiber, and minerals.

Almonds are the healthiest high-protein nuts. The fatty acids in almonds promote gut health and monounsaturated fats protect the heart by maintaining levels of good cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) over bad cholesterol, and low-density lipoprotein (LDL).

There are many benefits of almonds and one of them is the health benefits of almonds for the skin. Discover the many other benefits of this nut,

1. Muscle Building and Fiber for a Healthy Heart

Almonds are called one of the most popular healthy snacks. The protein and fiber in almonds can fill you up and keep you full in between meals. Protein is a body-building and muscle-growing substance, beneficial in losing or maintaining a healthy weight as macronutrients (i.e. carbohydrates and fats) help keep you full.

Fiber, on the other hand, nourishes the heart and gut. Consider also the benefits and uses of honey for a healthy heart. One ounce of almonds contains more than 6 grams of protein and 4 grams of fiber. Significantly, a high-fiber diet can reduce the risk of heart disease.

The fiber regulates blood sugar and reduces the risk of weight gain. Almonds as one of the high-fiber foods can meet fiber needs in men as much as 38 grams and women as much as 25 grams.

2. Increase Good Cholesterol Levels

It’s no secret that almonds are high in carbohydrates, fiber, and protein to improve health. In addition, almonds are known as a source of polyunsaturated fat, which is a healthy fat and is beneficial for heart health by increasing good cholesterol (HDL).

HDL levels can be increased by consuming almonds with their healthy fat content regularly. Healthy fats are necessary for the body to support cells and energy levels.

Also pay attention to the total consumption of healthy fats, if too much is consumed it can lead to weight gain because fats contain high calories. It is recommended to consume about 20-35% of total daily calories to maintain weight from healthy fats.

3. Protects the body from cell damage

Vitamin E and almonds are famous for their antioxidant content. Antioxidants just like vitamin E can fend off free radicals, which are unstable molecules that can damage cells.

Vitamin E also prevents cell damage caused by free radicals while enhancing immune function and preventing clotting and blood clots. Consume almonds regularly to increase blood levels of vitamin E, boost immunity and reduce inflammation levels in the body.

4. Lowers Bad Cholesterol (LDL) Levels

The risk of heart disease and stroke is caused by high cholesterol. Almonds, which contain monounsaturated fatty acids, are one type of nut that can lower bad cholesterol, increase good cholesterol and help you lose weight.

Almonds are best consumed as a snack or added to salads. In addition, eating avocados and fasting is also a way to lower bad cholesterol. Find out more about the health benefits of avocado fruit during fasting.

5. Reduces the Risk of Disease

The health benefits of vitamin E for the body, just like almonds as nuts, play a role in reducing oxidative stress, thereby reducing chronic inflammation. This reduces the risk of chronic health conditions such as heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, and diabetes.

  • Heart Health

Heart disease is one of the cardiovascular diseases. Consuming almonds, which is a type of food that is free of cholesterol, saturated fat and unsaturated fat, is very good for maintaining heart health. Almonds as much as 1.5 ounces can be eaten daily as part of a healthy diet to reduce the risk of heart disease.

  • Cancer Health

As we know, almonds contain vitamins and minerals that fight inflammation and oxidative stress. Almonds with their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties have a cancer-fighting role.

  • Reduce the Risk of Alzheimer’s

Consuming almonds contains vitamin E which is a powerful antioxidant to reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s is a degenerative disease that affects brain function. With almonds and vitamin E as one of its ingredients, it protects the brain from free radical damage.

  • Overcoming Diabetes

Diabetics can reduce their calorie intake by incorporating almonds into their diet. Almonds are highly associated with low fasting insulin and fasting blood sugar levels, so it is beneficial to reduce the rise in blood sugar and insulin levels after a meal. Almonds can be considered as prevention of diabetes because they can improve insulin sensitivity.

6. Lowers Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is a marker of heart health. High blood pressure is called hypertension and is known as the silent killer as it goes unseen and unfelt but can cause serious health problems.

The way to lower high blood pressure is through lifestyle changes, taking medication regularly, and a healthy diet. The benefits of green coffee for health, it can lower blood pressure. Almonds are a source of magnesium, helping to lower blood pressure.

Magnesium deficiency can cause high blood pressure. Almonds also have a beneficial effect on diastolic blood pressure, the second or lower number that measures the pressure on artery walls when the heart rests between heartbeats.

7. Maintain Gut Health

Almonds can be consumed raw and roasted. Almonds are already well-known as prebiotics, which can be said to be food for gut-healthy bacteria. A healthy gut is strongly linked to endurance, anti-inflammation, mental health, weight maintenance, blood sugar control, and cholesterol regulation.

8. Aid Weight Regulation

It has been proven that almonds can reduce body mass index to maintain ideal weight. Almonds are packed with healthy fats, fiber, and plant-based protein to increase satiety and delay hunger.

What’s even more remarkable about almonds is that they contain as little as 20% of calories so some of the calories are not absorbed by the digestive tract into the bloodstream. Almonds are a great snack choice, especially for women concerned about their ideal weight.

9. Strengthens Bones

In general, women and men over the age of 50 are more likely to experience bone loss and other bone diseases. To prevent this, it is necessary to consume 1200 mg of calcium as a daily requirement.

It is common knowledge that low calcium is closely related to low bone mass, high fracture rate, and bone loss. Almonds are one of the foods that contain calcium.

In addition to strengthening bones and preventing bone loss, almonds can function as an inhibitor of osteoclast formation. Osteoclasts are the breakers and absorbers of damaged bones that affect bone quality.

10. Maintain Eye Health

Many people know that micronutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin E, carotenoids, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids maintain eye health. Vitamin C is useful in slowing down the process of cataracts and retinal damage called macular degeneration.

Vitamin E is useful for maintaining eye cell health because eye disorders are often caused by an imbalance of antioxidants and free radicals in the body.

Zinc functions in the eyes very much including balancing hormones, preventing autoimmune reactions, maintaining healthy circulation, rejuvenating cells, and certainly protecting the eyes. Lutein and zeaxanthin which include carotenoids function to increase pigment density in the eye.

Omega-3 fatty acids, especially DHA, are good for protecting the eyes from inflammation. Almonds are rich in micronutrients to protect eye health from blindness, macular degeneration, and other disorders.

11. Improve Brain Health

Folate, mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids, tocopherols, and polyphenols are nutrients to prevent age-related cognitive impairment and amnesia. All these nutrients are found in almonds.

Including almonds in your diet will make your body and brain healthy and improve overall brain performance. The human brain needs fat and energy, all of which can be found in almonds. 8 to 10 almonds can be used as an afternoon snack to maintain stable energy and improve memory.

12. Skin Health

It’s no secret that almonds are rich in oil and vitamin E. Almonds can function as a skin conditioner due to the presence of unsaturated fats and polyphenols.

As a skin conditioner, almonds improve skin tone and treat dry skin. Apart from being a conditioner, almonds with tocopherol content can prevent skin damage from exposure to UV rays and sunlight.

Consuming almonds, which have been proven to be anti-inflammatory, can treat dry skin, facial wrinkles, pigmentation, and scars on the skin, and protect the skin from exposure to light.

13. Hair Growth

No woman or man likes hair loss. There are so many factors that cause hair loss, ranging from lifestyle and diet, pollution and smoking, hormone imbalance, malnutrition, overnutrition, and biotin deficiency.

In addition to hair loss, biotin deficiency in hair causes nail breakage, exoskeleton, and rashes. Applying massage accompanied by almond oil products with vitamin E content in them can overcome hair loss and stimulate hair growth to become healthier and stronger.