
17 Rare Fruits in the World and Its Benefits You Never Heard

The definition of rare fruits is quite hard to define. It depends on where you are currently living. Some fruits may be rare for some countries but not in yours and the vice versa. However, speaking of rare fruits in general is probably fruits that are not commonly found in all countries.

For example, apple is not rare because it could be found in all over the world but matoa could be considered as rare because though it is native to Indonesia but only those who live in Papua island who familiar with this fruit. Below is the list of the rare fruits in the world and its benefits you should know, some of them are fruits you probably never heard before.

  1. Mulberries

Among the other berries, mulberries are probably the rarest because not only the appearance is quite unique, the health benefits of mulberry fruit are not really well known. Mulberries are easily found in Europe fruit market but quite hard to be found in Asia regions. Just like any other berries, mulberries are rich of antioxidants and contain potent anti-cancer properties. The flavor of mulberries is the combination of sweet and sour so people prefer to mix into smoothies, make it into jam or add into cake. Though some people prefer to consume it fresh.

  1. Korean Melon

Just like the name, Korean melon is another variety of melon or honeydew but the taste is the combination of honeydew and cucumber. The taste is one of the things that make this fruit unique and different from other types of honeydew variety furthermore the bright yellow with white stripe appearance is one of the reasons why people attract to this rare fruit at the first place. This fruit is native to Korea and very rich of vitamin C and great source of fiber, so it is great for digestive system and excellent fruit to be consumed during recovery after illness.

  1. Kiwano

Among the list of African fruits health benefits, kiwano which is also well known as horned melon is quite rare to be found because since it is native to Africa, this fruit is only available around the regions only and quite hard to be found outside Africa market though some countries have started to cultivate this fruit due to its medical properties. This fruit is taste like cucumber and rich of vitamin C and certain minerals. As rich of vitamin C, this fruit is excellent source of antioxidant to help people fighting with premature aging in much effective way than consuming any supplement because natural way always the best in all matters.

  1. Cherimoya

Cherimoya is also well known as custard apple due to its flavor which is very creamy similar to the taste of custard. Once you have tried this fruit, you will beg for more because the flavor is very sweet and creamy. If you read the lists of Asian fruits and its health benefits, cherimoya is among the list. That’s why this fruit is considered as rare because it is only available in Asia fruit market. Even though it is available in Western or Europe fruit market, the price could be sky high and not always available whenever you want it. This fruit is rich of fiber and highly recommended for those with stomach problems.

  1. Dragon Fruit

One of the health benefits of dragon fruit is for weight loss. It is because this fruit is rich of vitamin C and fiber. Available in two colors, purple and white dragon fruit is very tasty (the flavor is not really different between the purple and white fruit) with unique appearance typical exotic and tropical fruit which is excellent to be consumed in the hottest day. Right now, dragon fruit is very easy to be found in Asia markets but outsides those market, people cannot just get it whenever they want it. This fruit is highly recommended for those who have stomach problem and recommended fruit during summer and hot day to help keeping body from dehydration because it is so rich of water.

  1. Jabuticaba

Even pronounce the name of the fruit is not easy for those who are not familiar with the fruit. This fruit is native to Brazil and considered to be among the rarest. The unique thing about this fruit is they bear in the trunk of the tree, so for those who see it for the first time, the jabuticaba tree is not really pleasant to see but you will be surprised with the sweet flavor of the fruit. From the appearance and the size this fruit is similar to grape but it covered with hard shell unlike grape that you could consume directly. Among the locals this fruit is made into jams and has been well known as home remedy to diarrhea and asthma.

  1. Physalis

Physalis comes from the genus related to tomato but it comes in much smaller size and the unique outer skin that covered the fruit inside. This fruit is probably well known as herbs instead of fruit but actually physalis is really fruit. This fruit is native to South America with tropical climates and the similar variety but with bitter flavor also grow widely in the Asia regions. This fruit is excellent source of vitamin C and iron. As part of traditional herbs, the main health benefits of physalis are including to help stimulating immunity system and treat degenerative diseases.

  1. Ackee

Ackee is well known as one of the tricky fruit to eat. The health benefits of ackee fruit is a lot including solution to digestive system and promote healthy bones but if you consume it in the wrong way, this fruit could be really toxic. It means, you are only allowed to consume it when it is fully ripe, unripe ackee fruit is the one that really toxic. This fruit is native to Africa and in Jamaica; this fruit is used as staple fruit because when this fruit is cooked, the taste is similar to scrambled eggs. Ackee fruit is excellent source of fat, so it is perfect fruit for regions like Africa with food crisis problem.

  1. Miracle Fruit

Just like the name, miracle fruit is full of miracle for those who consume it. The cherry-like appearance of miracle fruit with its bright red color is so mouthwatering but the flavor is much more magical that make you want more once you have tasted it. If you bit it for the first time, the taste will be a bit sour but the miraculin content found in miracle fruit will stimulate your tongue and the fruit will turn into sweet flavor. Aside from that the health benefits of miracle fruit is quite impressive because it could be a sweet snack for diabetic patients and at the same time helping weight loss and prevent type 2 diabetes.

  1. Longan

Longan is native to China and this fruit is well known as ‘dragon eye’ due to its appearance of the fruit which is similar to eyeball. However, though longan is quite common to be found in Asian market (though not all year around since it is seasonal fruit) longan is very difficult to be found outside Asian market. The taste and appearance is similar to lychee but with brown skin. Similar to lychee, the health benefits of longan is including treating insomnia and anxiety while the polyphenol could act as anti-cancer properties. Furthermore, the vitamin C contained in longan is quite high so it is great for skin and excellent source of antioxidant as well.

  1. Cupuacu

As one of the fruits native to Amazon, you must be surprise how rich the flavor of cupuacu is. For those who are lucky enough to taste this fruit will give different comments about the flavor. The flavor is like the combination of chocolaty and pineapple while the juice is like the mix of banana and pear. In other words, this fruit is not easy to describe and unfortunately is not easy to be found either. This fruit is source of antioxidants so it is great for immunity system and cardiovascular health.

  1. Pepino

Have you ever tasted a fruit which flavor is the combination of cucumber and melon but comes from the genus of nightshades which is close to eggplant and tomato? If you never taste that kind of fruit, you are not the only one. Pepino is one of the rarest fruit that not all people ever heard of. This fruit is native to South America and right now commercially cultivated there.As one of the fruit among nightshades genus, this fruit is rich of vitamin C and vitamin A. The beta-carotene is great for vision and fighting degenerative conditions.

  1. Hala Tree Fruit

The unique appearance of hala tree fruit will attract anyone’s attention. This fruit is native to Hawaii. If you cannot live without dental floss, the fruit could be used as natural dental floss. Among the locals, hala tree fruits have been well known as fruit with a lot of medical properties. From the appearance hala fruit tree is probably among the most unique fruit and also the rarest. most people never heard about this fruit and even those who have been to Hawaii are not always lucky to be able to taste this fruit. So, if somehow you are lucky to find this fruit don’t hesitate to taste it no matter how strange its look is.

  1. Rambutan

Rambutan is native to Indonesia and Malaysia, the name rambutan is derived from the Malay word ‘rambut’ which means hairy. The taste is similar to longan and lychee but with unique appearance from the outside. Most of rambutan variety is very sweet but there are also some varieties that are very sour. The health benefits of rambutan is related to its nutritional value which is rich of vitamin C and fiber, so it is delicious and healthy snack for those with cholesterol problem and hypertension because rambutan contains Vitamin B complex to help you managing the cholesterol level and blood pressure.

  1. Mangoesteen

This fruit is very rare in Western fruit market but considered as common fruit in Asia regions, especially Indonesia, since this fruit is native to this country. Besides Indonesia, mangoesteen which has local name manggis is also commonly found in Malaysia. The taste of mangoesteen is very sweet with the trace of sour flavor but those who have tasted this fruit will ask for more. Among locals, the health benefits of mangoesteen are to treat urinary track problem and great for digestion due to its fiber content. Not only the flesh of the fruit but some studies have been showed that the skin of this fruit could improve the blood circulation as well.

  1. Matoa

Matoa is probably one of the rarest because though it is native to Indonesia but only the locals of Papua who are familiar with this fruit. This fruit comes from the family of Sapindaceae so it is related to lychee and maple. The taste is very sweet similar to rambutan and longan. When talking about the health benefits of matoa, this fruit is rich of vitamin C and vitamin E which is great for immunity system and skin. It could be said that matoa fruit is one of the gem of Papua that you should taste when you visit this super rich island.

  1. Durian

For the fruit which earns title as ‘The King of Fruit’ durian is quite rare to be found especially in the western fruit market. This fruit is native to Asia especially Indonesia and Malaysia. The unique thing about durian is not only the appearance but also its strong fragrance. This fruit is even banned from public place in some countries due to its strong fragrance but durian is considered as one of the favorite fruit for most Asian people. The main benefits of durian is its content of Vitamin B complex especially vitamin B6 which could act as powerful serotonin to help dealing with the symptoms of depression.

The word rare is closely related to exotic; it means most of rare fruits found in regions with tropical climates. It is because countries with tropical climates could bear exotic fruits all year around. Some fruits are not even cultivated but grow wildly in the forest as part of nature surrounding. Most of those fruits only well known among the locals and surprisingly those fruits are taste really good and make you wonder why they are not available in your nearby grocery whenever you want them. Indeed, let’s try those rare fruits in the world and its benefits you.