
15 Health Benefits of Tamarind Seeds

Nutrients like potassium, amino acids, phosphorus, and magnesium, vitamins and potassium in tamarind seeds are very high and good for Health

It is no secret that tamarind is a fruit used in Indian cuisine to add flavor. Its shiny black seeds are used for medicinal purposes. Tamarind including its seeds has tremendous health benefits, including:

1. Beneficial for Teeth

For smokers and fans of fizzy drinks in excess can encourage the accumulation of plaque and tartar. Tamarind is the solution to this condition. As many people already know that not cleaning your teeth regularly 2x a day can cause plaque and yellow teeth.

To get strong and shiny teeth, rub tamarind seed powder on the gums and teeth. The dirt deposited in the teeth will disappear over time. Make sure to always clean your teeth with tamarind seed powder, especially for those who like caffeinated drinks such as coffee and tea as well as active and passive smokers.

2. Improves Digestion

Tamarind seeds can also be juiced and are a natural solution in curing indigestion and increasing bile production. Tamarind seeds are also rich in fiber that lowers cholesterol and helps improve the digestive system such as stomatitis and relieves constipation.

3. Prevents Cough, Tonsil, Sore Throat Infections

Juiceable tamarind seeds have anti-bacterial properties in helping to protect and treat cough, tonsil, throat infections. Tamarind seed juice can be used as a gargle, and ginger and cinnamon can also be added to treat tonsillitis, pharyngitis, colds, coughs, and other throat infections.

4. Managing Diabetes

Tamarind seeds can also be useful in protecting the pancreas to increase the size of insulin-producing cells. Consuming tamarind seeds regularly can help manage sugar levels naturally in the body.

5. Managing Heart Disease

People with hypertension and cardiovascular diseases can consume tamarind seeds, which contain good unsaturated fats and potassium. Both of these nutrients play an important role in controlling cholesterol.

In addition, tamarind seeds contain linoleic acid, an essential fatty acid, which helps prevent cardiovascular diseases such as coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, and control high blood pressure.

Tamarind seeds contain antioxidants such as polyphenols and flavonoids. Both of these antioxidants are proven to lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase good cholesterol (HDL).

Always make sure to consume tamarind seeds and consult a doctor before use and treatment with any health condition in maintaining health.

6. Antibacterial Properties

Foods that contain antibacterial properties can be a solution to health, skin and hair problems. Many people out there experience skin and hair infections that lead to acne and hair loss.

Some causes that interfere with health can be caused by bacteria such as staphylococcus aureus caused by mites, lice. There are also typhoid, pneumonia. Add tamarind seed powder to your food every day in an effort to prevent diseases and maintain a healthy body.

7. Healthy Eyes

Without realizing it, for those of us who work or often use laptops, computers, cellphones can cause eye fatigue, pain and even blindness due to the rays emitted from these electronic items.

Use eye drops and take a break is one of the recommendations to protect from the dangers of these rays. Always check your eyes every 3 or 6 months to make sure your eyes are always healthy or you can also drip tamarind seed juice into your eyes to keep them moist.

This can overcome conjunctivitis. Use tamarind seed juice by extracting it and it is very easy to do. The first step is to soak the tamarind seeds overnight, followed by the second step of crushing the seeds and the last step is to separate the juice from the pulp.

8. Treat Diarrhea

Tamarind seeds have a red outer layer due to their xyloglucan content and act as a substitute for fruit pectin. This easily absorbs water and helps normalize stools and treat diarrhea.

In adults and children, diarrhea is a common problem that occurs frequently. The stomach can get sore from eating spicy food or food that has gone stale.

Meanwhile, the red outer skin of tamarind seeds is useful for effectively curing diarrhea and dysentery. Simply soak the tamarind seeds overnight and then peel them and can be consumed directly or using additional water.

9. Pain Relief

Tamarind seeds contain anti-inflammatory properties to alleviate joint pain and symptoms similar to the benefits of shilling oil. How to manage tamarind seeds to treat joint pain by taking half a spoon of roasted tamarind seed powder then mixing it into a glass of water and drinking it twice a day to increase joint lubrication so that it can relieve pain.

10. As a Natural Remedy for Diabetes

Tamarind seeds and the benefits of nutmeg for diabetes treatment help lower blood glucose levels by reducing pressure on the pancreas, which is an organ of the digestive and endocrine systems. Tamarind seeds also help to reduce weight and improve insulin resistance levels in diabetic patients.

11. Natural Protection Against Cancer

One way to reduce the risk of cancer is a diet high in antioxidants that damage the DNA of cells. DNA damage is the beginning of cancer. Phytochemicals like tamarind seeds contain antioxidants and beta-carotene.

Tamarind seed extract can provide protection against cancer in kidney cells and pancreatic cancer. Tamarind seeds that produce enzyme induction properties are very similar to antioxidant properties in kidney cells to block cancer signaling pathways.

Geraniol, which is an antioxidant and phytochemical in tamarind seeds, is a substance to help fight tumor growth.

12. Body Tissue Health

In growing and repairing body tissues, amino acids are needed as building blocks for protein. Some amino acids are essential which means the body cannot synthesize them, so other substitutes are needed such as tamarind seeds which contain many essential amino acids except tryptophan. This is in accordance with the World Health Organization standard for ideal protein for amino acids.

13. Brain Health

B vitamins are very good for health and contain 8 different vitamins that have the same function. The body cannot store them as they are all water soluble. These B vitamins are necessary for the proper functioning of the brain and nervous system, especially thiamine and folate.

B vitamins are not only good for brain health, but playing games like sudoku can improve brain health. Sudoku helps improve one’s cognitive abilities. Find out more about the benefits of playing sudoku for brain health.

14. Bone Health

People who get enough magnesium in their diet have better bone density than people who lack magnesium. Many older people over the age of 70 and teenagers do not get enough magnesium.

And tamarind seeds are one source of magnesium. In addition, tamarind seeds contain more calcium than plant foods. To get strong bones, consider eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly.

Here are the benefits of exercise for bone health. Foods that contain calcium and magnesium such as tamarind seeds are a way to prevent osteoporosis and bone fractures.

15. Boosts Libido

Tamarind seeds with their nutrients help to improve overall health and vivacity. Many nutrients are contained in tamarind seeds; vitamins and minerals such as magnesium and vitamin B6 are good for fertility and female libido.

Vitamin C found in tamarind seeds is also beneficial for improving sperm quality and life span in men. In addition, the benefits of black honey for men are to increase libido.