
14 Scientific Health Benefits of Miracle Fruit

Recently, there are many unique and new varieties of fruits coming up to Indonesia. Even though they have not been sold massively into the market just yet, but the fruit plant collectors as well as fruit lovers have been talking a lot about them. One of the new and unique varieties of fruits is miracle fruit or miracle berry. The fruits has scientific name of Synsepalum dulcucum with small ellipse shape and red color.

You must be curious why such fruit originally comes from Africa has been given name as miracle fruit? This is due to the fruit’s ability to change its taste when bitten. Firstly bite, the fruit tastes a bit sour, yet slowly after it will turn into sweet and can be last for 2 hours.  The fruit has unique composition of miraculin which stimulate tongue sense into sweet. After consuming miracle fruit and we continue eat another sour food, the food will magically taste sweet as well.

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Nutrients of Miracle Fruit

As mostly fruit, miracle fruit also has tons of health benefits which are really useful for the body. The fruit has miracullin, a protein of glycol protein which has 191 amino acid and carbo chains. When the miracullin combined with the acid, then it will stimulate sweet sense over our tongue. The fruit has much vitamins particularly vitamin C, K, B12, and K as well as mineral and source of anti-oxide.

A French man named Reynaud Des Marchais had found the fruit firstly in West Africa and now it has been gaining a lot of attention among the world scientists that they publish some scientific journals related to the fruit research.

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There is no fruit on Earth which has been given name as wonderful as miracle fruit does. The term of “miracle” is not only represents its magic to turn the tongue sense of taste in such medium term of time but also its benefits for the human health. The health benefits of miracle fruit can be found out further as follows. Check the health benefits of miracle fruit here!

  1. Good for Diabetic Patients

Miracle fruit has such natural sweet taste with a bit of bitter. Those who are suffering from diabetic and in term of recovery process are quite recommended to consume the fruits. This is caused by the fruit sugar will not stimulate the incline of blood sugar like white or palm sugar does. Therefore, the diabetic patients still can taste the sweet sense of the fruit without having to be worry with the complication effect. Consuming the fruits freshly is the one most recommended as well.

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  1. Helping Weight Loss

The small size of miracle fruits has 1 % calorie and 0% fact, of which really good for you who are in diet mode, particularly calorie diet option. The calorie inside the miracle fruits is less than any others fruit in the market. Consuming the fruit as the dessert just like you eat cake, pudding, or others will help you a lot in losing the weight gain and achieve a balanced body shape.

  1. Body Intake Nutrient Quality Improving

The miracle fruit can be mixed into your daily menu such as your early morning salad, lemon tea, or even toast. Otherwise, you can mix it into your dessert menu together with the mix of cheese or chocolate which are usually used in the dessert menu composition. This will lead to a richer body intake of mineral, vitamin, anti-oxide and protein of which make the body stronger and have better immune system to resist the virus or bacteria.

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  1. Mixed of Bitter Medicine

Have you ever notices someone who are having difficult on consuming such capsule or tablet due to the very bitter taste? Try to recommend them to mix the miracle fruit as the companion of the medicine. The fruit will help to neutralize the taste of the fruit into sweeter and not really torture particularly when the medicine should be consumed by children. Do not worry, the fruit will not affect the medicine composition instead of the natural nutrient of the fruit will help the medicine to work even better over the body.

  1. Cancer Alternative Treatment

When someone suffering from cancer and has been doing the radiation process known as chemotherapy, the side effect of the treatment will be just horrible such as bitter tongue sensation that no food tastes good as usual. If you know someone like this, offer your kindness by giving the miracle fruit as a part of miracle things for him/her.

The miracle effect of sweet taste over the fruit will work well to help the person in tasting the taste of the food way much better. Moreover, the miracle fruit has much of anti-oxide which will help to cure and press the spread of cancer cells over the body to be no longer growing.

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  1. Tongue Taste Sensitivity

Some researches done toward the miracle fruit agree that the fruit magical composition of miracullin is really something. Miracullin may increase the tongue taste sensitivity as well as stimulate the tongue to naturally back into its ability of tasting. You can also try to consume the fruit when you have sprue due to its high composition of vitamin C which will stimulate the recovery process.

  1. Good Natural Supplement

Various supplements you can find in the market are good, however, why don’t you just consume something naturally comes from the nature which surely has way much better benefits for the body? The health benefits of miracle fruit is categorized into the supplement by the mineral and vitamin composition to cure and maintain the body health. Furthermore, you will gain another benefit of decreasing calorie which is triggering to the weight gain as well.

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  1. Food Taste Addition

The miracle fruit can bring out multiple tastes of food consist of vegetables and fruit. They are like strawberry, broccoli, lemon, grapes, oranges, carrot and so on. When you cook the food for your family, try to put some slices of miracle fruit into the dish and you can see later that the taste turns into way more delicious. The sour and sweet compositions of the fruit contribute well to the richness of the food taste.

  1. Children Appetite Gaining

The miracle fruit has sweet taste which surely be favored by kids. The red color also attractively pushes their interest to try the fruit. When you kids are having no appetite and feeding time feels like nightmare, you may try to taste them the miracle fruit due to its benefits of increasing the children appetite. You can just give them freshly or mix into their food into slices. Both will give the same effect and you don’t have to be worry if they will refuse it.

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  1. Wine Sweetening

In West Africa, its origin place, the miracle fruit is used to sweeten the wine or a sweet drink made from palm trees. The sweet and natural fresh composition of the fruit is surely be a good thing to be added into the wine and it also reduces the possibility of having too much preservative addition.

  1. Corn Bread Additional Ingredients

In some places in South America, the corn bread is more popular than wheat bread because of much lower price. One of the health benefits of miracle fruit can be found in the making process of corn bread. By adding miracle fruit, then the corn bread will release a stronger taste and more delicious to be consumed by them.

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  1. Inflammation Healing

Have you got inflammation? The miracle fruit can be one of the solution of the inflammation problem over the body due to the infection or any others sicknesses. When you have such inflammation, your body will feel weak and usually with fever. Consuming 5-6 slices of miracle fruits will help to cure the inflammation naturally from the inside better.

  1. Hyper Tense Reducing

Although there is no further research on the health benefits of miracle fruit for the hyper tense patient just yet, but the fruit is widely used as the alternative method to cure hyper tense. The salt composition of the fruit is quite low and the mineral inside will not stimulate the blood pressure to be higher.

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  1. Body Immune Maintaining

In India, the miracle fruit is very widely popular of the health benefits for the recovery patients. The doctors will surely suggest the patients to consume miracle fruit and even push the patients to plant the miracle fruits in their homes so that they can also pick and eat the fruits during their recovery process.

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Those are 14 magical health benefits of the miracle fruit. Hope you can find one of them benefited for you and now you can get inspired to consume and plant them at your house as well.