
20 Best Health Benefits of Turmeric for Dogs (#1 Top Dogs Healthy Herbs and Food)

Do you know that a simple little spice called turmeric would make a huge difference on your dog’s health and even their lifespan? Yes, it is true that turmeric, whenever you’re applying it to your dog, would bring a lot of benefits to them.

So, Turmeric, also known as Curcuma longa L is an herbal source which belongs to the ginger family, Zingiberacea. It is originally coming from Southern Asia and this herbal source need the temperature around 20-30 C and moderate amount of rainfall in order to thrive properly. It has a bitter taste, but turmeric is widely known for its ability to cure various diseases. So, there is no surprise that this herbal plant has been widely used as a traditional medicine. If you want to know the benefits of turmeric for dogs, in the article below you will find a lot of health benefits of turmeric for dogs:

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1. Prevents Dementia

Turmeric is a kind of herbal source that would protect your dog from dementia. Dementia is one of the diseases associated with memory and will cause forgetfulness. We know that it is very difficult to suspect whether your dog has dementia or not. But, if you feel that your dog show some signs of forgetfulness, such as he/she forget about who you are or they don’t reply your order as they used to be, then you need to be aware that your dogs have dementia. Giving them turmeric on a regular basis would provide a cognitive support for your dog and prevent them from having dementia in the future.

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2. Contains Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Anti-inflammatory properties from turmeric would be very beneficial for the health of your dogs. Whenever you’re giving your dog turmeric on a regular basis, then they will be prevented from many chronic diseases caused by inflammation, such as joint disease, kidney disease, allergies, cancer, and many more. Many research studies have already shown that the curcumin found in turmeric worked as powerful as anti-inflammatory drugs. In addition to that, curcumin is even more powerful than aspirin or ibuprofen. Thus, there is no doubt that curcumin is considered as one of the most powerful herbal source in terms of fighting against inflammation.

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3. Prevents Blood Clots

Blood clots would cause a fatal damage for the health of your dogs. It is true that the blood clots in dogs wouldn’t have the same effects as in humans, but the blood clots that occur in dogs, in fact, would cause much more fatal result. This is because the blood clots would cause a lot of problems, for example a heart issue to your dogs. In this case, giving them turmeric would be a very good choice. The curcumin found in turmeric would act as a blood thinner, which of course would prevent the formation of the blood clots. Thus, your dogs will have a healthy heart and you wouldn’t worry about your dog’s health.

4. Shrinks the Tumor

There is no surprise that the development of cancerous cells would promote the tumor, which then will lead to a severe health issue, such as cancer. Not only humans, your dogs will also have a probability of having a cancer that caused by many things. In order to prevent that, giving them turmeric would be a good solution. This is because this herbal spice has an amazing ability to shut down the blood vessels that feed the tumor. Because of that, the tumor inside of your dog wouldn’t have a chance to grow. As the result, your dog will be less likely to have a severe health condition like cancers.

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5. Prevents Cancer

This benefit of turmeric for dogs is related to the benefit mentioned above. As you already know, turmeric has the ability to inhibit the growth of cancerous cells and reduce the size of the tumor. Because of that, turmeric is a very good herbal spice to prevent cancer for your dog. Another reason, the curcumin found in turmeric is a perfect antioxidant and thus, it could stop the precancerous cells becoming cancerous. This herbal spice would be very important since we know the fact that nowadays, almost half of adult dogs have a high probability of developing various kinds of cancer.

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6. Protects Bone Cells

Another benefit that your dog will get from consuming turmeric is that their bone cells would be prevented from many issues. This is because turmeric would inhibit the growth and the activity of enzymes called matrix metalloproteinases or commonly abbreviated as MMP. For your information, MMP are the enzymes that responsible to support the inflammation, as well as the degradation of cartilage. Whenever your dog is consuming turmeric on a regular basis, then there is no chance that they will have health issues associated with their cartilage.

7. Influences Bone Development

Aside from its benefit to avoid your dog from having health issues associated with the bone cells, turmeric will also influence the bone development of your dog. As you already know, turmeric contains a powerful substance called curcumin. The curcumin would play a big role in order to develop the bone formation. This is because curcumin will protect the chondrocytes from any kind of inflammation and damage. For your information, chondrocytes are very important to stimulate the bone formation.

Another reason, according to many research studies, curcumin would also support the development of osteoblasts. Osteoblasts are very essential thing to induce the new bone formation. In addition to that, the curcumin would also maintain the function of osteoblasts too, which of course will ensure that the bone of your dogs are developed properly.

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8. Inhibits COX and LOX Enzymes

Do you know what COX and LOX enzymes are? COX enzymes, or commonly called as cyclooxygenase enzymes are the enzymes that responsible to spread many diseases and induce any kind of inflammation. LOX enzymes, or commonly called lipooxygenase enzymes play a similar role with COX. So, many research studies have shown that the curcumin found in turmeric would regulate the activity of those enzymes. In fact, the ability of curcumin to suppress the activity of those enzymes is much powerful than many painkillers. As the result, your dog will be prevented from many diseases caused by inflammation.

9. Prevents Arthritis

As already mentioned above, turmeric has a powerful substance called curcumin, which has a powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Because of that, there is no doubt that turmeric would alleviate all of the diseases associated with inflammation, including rheumatoid arthritis. Another reason, many research studies have shown that turmeric extract also has a high percentage of curcuminoids. Curcuminoids are substances that would be very beneficial to control arthritis. Also in the matter of fact, the curcumin found in turmeric is already proven to be better than most of the painkillers that you could buy in medical stores.

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10. Could Replace Streroids

Another health benefit that your dog will get from turmeric is the fact that this spice could replace the function of steroids. As your information, many dogs are given by their owners with steroids to alleviate the allergies, as well as joint pain. But, there is no doubt that steroids would cause a bad effect on your dogs in a long run. Thus, giving your dogs a turmeric would be beneficial because this spice is considered as an herbal source which is considered lacks of side effects and safe to consume. Another reason, a study published by the Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology already shown that combining turmeric with steroids would prevent the bad effects caused by steroids.

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 11. Boost Immune System

Do you want to improve the immune system of your dog? Well, there are many ways to improve your dog’s immune system. One of many ways to achieve that is giving them turmeric. Aside from its benefit as immunosuppressant, turmeric also has immunomodulatory action, which is beneficial to improve your dog’s immune system. Another reason, curcumin found in turmeric would also support the immune system and improve the production of antibodies. Thus, there is no surprise that your dog will be healthy all season long and rarely to have various health issues in the future.

12. Anti-Microbial Activities

Aside from having anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric also has anti-microbial properties. In the matter of fact, turmeric is an herbal spice that possess anti-microbial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral properties. This is because turmeric has a powerful extract called aqueous extracts, which is already proven to be very beneficial to kill various dangerous bacteria, such as S.typhi or S.aureus. As your information, S.aureus are bacteria which responsible for most kinds of inflammation, and aqueous extracts from turmeric would inhibit the growth and kill these bacteria straight away.

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13. Prevents Gastrointestinal Problems

As already mentioned above, turmeric contains a powerful anti-inflammatory properties. That thing will enable this herbal spice to ease many health conditions associated with gastrointestinal, such as gastric ulcers or inflammatory bowel disease. In the matter of fact, according to study conducted by the Hamamatsu South Hospital in Japan, the anti-inflammatory properties of curcumin would bring a bright impact to completely cure inflammatory bowel disease. Another reason, the substance called demetoxycurcumin obtained from turmeric would suppress the oxidative damage in your dog’s stomach.

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14. Perfect Combination with Glucosamine

In many cases, glucosamine would be a remedy whenever the dog has an issue with arthritis or joint pain. This is not a surprise since glucosamine will act as chondroprotective, which will protect the bone cells and also will stimulate the development of specific bone cells called chondrocytes. According to many research studies, combining turmeric with glucosamine would significantly boost the effect of glucosamine. Thus, there is no surprise that the disease associated with arthritis and joint pain in your dog would significantly reduced in a short amount of time.

15. Protects Skin Condition

Another benefit that your dog will get from turmeric is that this herbal spice would help to protect the skin condition. As you already know, one of the common reasons why your dog’s skin health is reduced is because of either allergies or bacteria. Naturally, you will handle it by giving them a shampoo or make a change of their diet. But, one of the best solution to revive your dog’s skin condition is by giving them turmeric because this herbal spice contains anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties. Also, turmeric contains an antioxidant, which will be beneficial to protect the health of the skin of your dog.

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16. Perfect Remedies for Gingivitis

Gingivitis or gum inflammation is also one of the most common diseases that could occur to your dog. Normally, many people will solve this problem by giving their dog a medicine called Chlorhedixine. Unfortunately, Chlorhedixine is considered as a toxin, which make it unsafe to consume for your dog due to its side effects. The good news is, turmeric would be a perfect solution to cure gingivitis since it has a powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Plus, turmeric is considered as an herbal spice, which of course has far less side effects than Chlorhedixine.

17. Good For Your Dog’s Heart

If you want to have a dog with a healthy heart, then start giving them turmeric would be a good start. Turmeric is one of the greatest herbal spices that could prevent the inflammation in your dog’s heart. According to many researchers, curcumin found in turmeric will protect the cardiac muscle. For your information, the cardiac muscle is considered as the most hard-working muscle to protect the heart from any kind of inflammation. Also, the cardiac muscle is beneficial to protect the heart from myocardial infraction. So, there is no doubt that turmeric would be very good to keep the health of your dog’s heart.

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18. Prevents Diabetes

Diabetes is not only dangerous for humans, but for animals as well. Well, it turns out that turmeric would also become very essential in order to protect your dog from diabetes. So, diabetes is commonly occurs because of the high blood sugar level in the body. Because of that, getting rid of the kibble would be very essential to keep the blood sugar level and thus, your dog will be protected from diabetes in the future. So, if your dog has an abnormal blood sugar level or has a diabetes genetic, then start to give them turmeric on a regular basis would be a perfect choice.

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19. Protects From Radiation Damage

Sometimes, living near the area with high radiation would be very dangerous for humans and animals. This is because the radiation would cause a fatal damage in their health conditions. Whenever humans or animals get exposed with excessive radiation, then the DNA would break up, which of course will cause the cells to damage. That thing, would eventually become a start of various cancers. According to many researchers, turmeric contains phytochemicals which can protect the DNA cells against the damage caused by excessive exposure of radiation.

20. Prevents Leukemia

It turns out that dogs are also prone of developing leukemia too and veterinarians are approved this fact. The most common treatment for dogs who are having leukemia is chemotherapy. However, dogs who have gone through a lot of sickness-treatments such as chemotherapy, often will suffer from drop in quality of their lives. They will feel stress and show some symptoms of depression, which is not good. Because of that, one solution to prevent your dog from having leukemia is by giving them turmeric. As already mentioned above, turmeric has the ability to kill the cancerous cells and many of research studies have already proved that.

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How to Give Your Dog Turmeric

So, after reading all of the benefits of turmeric for your dogs, we bet that you’re interested to give your dog a turmeric. But, you need to consider that the turmeric itself would be harder to absorb by your dog. Thus, you need to combine turmeric with a healthy oil in order to make it easier for your dog to absorb it. So, how to give your dog turmeric? In the information below, you will find the simple recipe to make turmeric for your dog:

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  • Half cup of turmeric powder
  • A cup of water
  • A quarter cup of coconut oil

How to Make it:

  • First, pour the turmeric powder in a pan, and then mix it with a cup of water.
  • Then, stir the mixture between turmeric powder and water in a moderate heat about 10 minutes. After about 10 minutes, the mixture should form a paste.
  • If you see that the paste is too watery, just add a little bit turmeric and let it heat for a few more minutes.
  • After the mixture turn into a paste, then you could add a quarter cup of coconut oil and then stir the mixture again.
  • Then, you need to let the mixture to cool down. After that, placed it in a closed bottle or a jar and then keep it in the refrigerator. Use the turmeric paste up to two weeks after you cook it.


  • Small dogs:  ¼ teaspoon of turmeric paste per day.
  • Medium dogs: ½ teaspoon of turmeric per day.
  • Big dogs: ¾ teaspoon of turmeric paste per day.
  • Giant dogs: 1 teaspoon of turmeric paste per day.

Some Precautions of Turmeric for Dogs

Although turmeric is considered as an herbal spice, but there is no doubt that there are few things that you should consider before you give your dog with this spice. It turns out that not all of the dogs should consume turmeric because of specific reasons. Here are few precautions about turmeric:

  • Dogs with Kidney Stones Shouldn’t Consume Turmeric. This is very important since turmeric would increase the urinary oxalate levels. For your information, the increased levels of urinary oxalate would trigger the kidney stones in the future.
  • Turmeric Could Lead to Constipation. You need to aware that turmeric will cause a negative effect, which will cause a constipation. This is because turmeric is a binding agent and it will make it harder for your dog to have bowel movements. In order to anticipate that, giving your dogs plenty of water alongside with turmeric would be a very good option.
  • Dogs on Drugs Medication Shouldn’t Consume Turmeric. This is because turmeric could interfere with some medications, such as diabetes or anti-inflammatory drugs. So, you’re strongly advised to ask for permission with the vet before giving your dog turmeric, if only they are just taking the drug medications.

So, now you already know all of the health benefits of turmeric for dogs, as well as how to give it to them and the precautions about turmeric. Well, it turns out that turmeric would give a lot of greatness for the health of your dog. If you want to keep and maintain the health of your dog, then of course giving them turmeric would be a perfect choice. Indeed, animals are also part of life that we need to take care of them by feeding them good food, good life as they also deserve to live like human.

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