The Health Benefits of Amla and Curry Leaves for Hair
Amla which is also known as Emblica officinalis is a fruit that has the benefit to stimulate or supports hair follicles and improves texture of hair or you can read benefits of amla for beauty treatments. The extracted oil of the fruit is important in strengthen hair, stimulate growth and also reduce hair loss.
Amla with coconut oil is a perfect match for hair growth. To keep your hair shine and strong, you can try to take amla powder. That powder can you combine with lime juice on your scalp then wash it with amla water to get the best result.
The Health Benefits of Amla and Curry Leaves for Hair you can get because they contain nutrients with the details:
Nutrients of Amla
Nutrients of Curry Leaves per 100 grams:
Curry leaves that belong to rutaceae family are also herbal plant that has been used for hair growth. The benefits we can get from the leaves are for avoid some problems like thinning and graying hair or you can read health benefits of curry leaves. You can use the leaves as hair tonic, hair mask and doing the treatments at house.
The reason of those benefits is because the leaves are rich in vitamin B that directly linked to prevent hair loss and even make your hair strong and health.
In addition to vitamin B, curry leaves also rich in antioxidants. They fight free radicals to keep you hair from the damages. Moreover, curry leaves you can also combine with coconut oil that will hydrate your scalp or you can read coconut oil benefits.
Hair oil from amla and curry leaves you can make, in order to get the Health Benefits of Amla and Curry Leaves for hair, by following these steps:
How to make:
The treatments from herbal plant for our hair also not expensive and actually it has been proven scientifically or you can read benefits of rosewater.