
10 Proven Health Benefits of Cashew Nuts (No.1 Is Best)

Cashews come from Brazil, scattered in the tropics and found at an altitude between 1-1200 m above sea level. Cashew will bear fruit better in dry climates with rainfall less than 500 mm per year. This plant can grow in all kinds of soil, provided it’s not in the dense clay soil and stagnant water.

Cashew nuts have a composition every 100 grams of chemical constituents such as vitamin A 2689 SI, vitamin C about 65 gram, calories about 73 gram, protein about 4.6 grams, fat about 0.5 grams, carbohydrate about 16.3 g, calcium about 33 milligrams, phosphorus about 64 milligrams, iron about 8.9 grams, and water about 78 grams.

The cashew nut is a popular dish at the holiday time. This snack contains fat, protein, carbohydrates, and various minerals. Despite the high fat, 82 percent are classified as unsaturated fats. So do not be afraid to eat it. The delicious taste makes eating cashews very exciting. When you do not want to go overboard in eating, determine the first portion to be eaten, and eat slowly. Do not forget to set a fairly long pause in between mouthfuls. There are 10 health benefits of Cashew Nuts for human body which have proven evidence.

1. Treating Diabetes Insipidus

Diabetes insipidus is a fairly rare condition with symptoms always feel thirsty and at the same time much urinate. If severe, the sufferer may diuretic as much as 20 liters a day. Diabetes insipidus is different with diabetes mellitus. Diabetes mellitus is a disease characterized by long-term blood sugar levels above normal. Diabetes insipidus, on the other hand is not associated with blood sugar levels.

The occurrence of diabetes insipidus due to interference in antidiuretic hormone (antidiuretic hormone/ADH), which regulates the amount of fluid in the body. This hormone produced by the hypothalamus, which is specialized in brain tissue. This hormone is stored by the pituitary gland after produced by the hypothalamus.

That causes diabetes insipidus is the antidiuretic hormone is reduced or when the kidneys are no longer responding as usual to antidiuretic hormone. As a result, the kidneys to excrete too much fluid and could not produce a concentrated urine. People who have this condition will always feel thirsty and drink more because of trying to match the amount of losing fluid.

Something that can be treated and prevented with cashew nuts are the type of cranial diabetes insipidus. Cashew nut containing desmopressin. Desmopressin is a drug that works to mimic the role of antidiuretic hormone. Treatment may not be necessary in mild cases. To compensate for the amount of liquid waste, you need to consume more water.

More fact about diabetes

2. Treating Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes is a disease which is it occurs when the body can not produce an insulin (a hormone regulating blood sugar) or produced the insulin is not working properly. Therefore, it will cause blood sugar to rise when examined.

Type 2 diabetes occurs because produce the insulin in the body not enought or because insulin cannot be used properly (insulin resistance). This type is the most suffered at this time (90% more), often occur in those aged over 40 years, obese and have a family history of diabetes.

The extract of cashew nuts as anti-diabetic effectively, especially it could improve the body’s response to its own insulin. The extract of Cashew nuts pushes blood sugar absorption by muscle cells significantly.

3. Relief Constipation

Constipation is a common problem. Some people even consider this issue is not a big problem. Besides, difficult defecation is more often a sign that your diet needs more fiber and magnesium deficiency. You know why magnesium? because magnesium can increase the water content in the digestive system and helps peristalsis and soften the dirt.

Not only magnesium reduces muscle tension, but digestion colon muscles can function better. In addition to overcoming constipation, magnesium is needed to the muscles, heart rate, blood pressure, immune system, and keep your blood sugar in good condition.

Total calcium intake recommended for adults is 310 mg to 420 mg per day, while for fiber average adult needs 25 to 30 grams per day. The amount is very small, which means it is very easy to be filled every day. Consuming fiber and drinking enough water intake will keep your digestive system working smoothly and well.

100 grams of cashew nuts contained 74 mg of magnesium and about 3-5 grams of fiber. This amount is sufficient to maintain and digestive problems.

4. Eliminating Thrush

Thrush or aphthous stomatitis is a disorder that occurs in the mucous membranes in the mouth in the form of yellowish-white patches with slightly concave surface.

The cause of thrush usually there is genetic factors and plus other triggers such as stress and trauma, fatigue, hormonal, anemia, allergies, immune disorders, nutritional deficiencies and digestive disorders.

Special for nutritional deficiencies, Thrush occurs because deficiency vitamin B1, B6, B12, and Folate. You can consume cashew, because in dalam100 grams of cashew nuts contained 0.4 milligrams of Vitamin B1, Vitamin B6 0.4 mg, and 25.0 mcg folate

5. Preventing cardiovascular disease

Total fat content in 100 grams of cashew nuts, baked and fried, respectively mas 47, 5, and 56 grams. High levels of fat in the cashew nut very important role in increasing energy levels and taste. That is what causes the cashew nut is very tasty and delicious taste. At first glance, the fat looks very scary because fat is often blamed as the cause of obesity and the onset of degenerative diseases. However, when we look at the composition of the constituent fatty we do not need to worry too much about fat nuts.

Fat in cashew nuts comprises 18 percent from saturated fatty acids and 82 percent from unsaturated fatty acids. Saturated fatty acids that are feared because it has been blamed for a variety of diseases, it turns out very low levels in the cashews.

Saturated fatty acids in cashew nut dominated by palmitic and stearic. In contrast, unsaturated fatty acids which merit good for health, it is very dominant in cashews. Levels of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) is much more than the polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). MUFA levels in 100 grams of raw cashew nuts, baked and fried, respectively 25, 32 and 28 grams. (benefits of saturated fat)

MUFA most dominant type in the cashews are omega-9 fatty acids, namely cleats. Some research suggests that MUFA has important role in raising levels of HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) and lower LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol), so it is good to suppress the occurrence of heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular diseases.

PUFA levels in 100 grams of raw cashew nuts, baked and fried, respectively 8, 8, and 10 grams. PUFA types are predominantly omega-6 fatty acid, linoleic acid. Omega 6 fatty acids also have an important role in maintaining blood cholesterol profile to remain normal.

6. Increases energy

The energy content per 100 grams of raw cashew nuts is 566 kcal. Its energy content will increase with the process of roasting and fry respectively to 640 and 680 kcal. Absorption of oil in the frying process will of course raise energy content. For the purpose of a low-calorie diet,  select cashews  that cooked by  oven, or microwave.

As with any nuts in general, cashew nuts are also a good source of protein. The protein content in 100 grams of raw cashew nuts, baked and fried, respectively 18, 16 and 20 grams. Therefore, the addition of cashews into various products, such as ice cream, candy bars, and cakes, will affect very good for improving the protein content of the product.

Amino acids are potential cashews are leucine, valine, arginine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, and serine. Glutamic acid and aspartic acid is very important to contribute to the occurrence of savory flavors. That among other causes why cashews taste delicious, though not given any seasoning.

Other Cashew Nuts Benefits

  1. Preventing cancer

Cashews contain proanthocyanidins, one of its kinds is the substance of flavanols that really can stop tumor growth and stop the proliferation of cancer cells. Studies also show that cashews may reduce the risk of colon cancer. These nuts have a very high copper content, other than that they also can eliminate free radicals, and they are also a source of phytochemicals and antioxidants that protect us from heart disease and cancer.

  1. Maintain bone health

Not only useable calcium to strengthen bones, but magnesium is also required which is given to the benefits of cashews. Copper is found in the cashew nuts are very important for the function of enzymes involved in combining collagen and elastin, which gives substance and flexibility in bones and joints.

  1. Prevent gallstones

Cashew nuts have been studied for decades of years associated with its ability to cope with gallstones. Studies conducted by the Nurses’ Health Study of 80,000 women showed that women who consumed at least 1 ounce of cashews, peanuts or peanut butter each week have a 25% lower risk of exposed gallstones. 1 Ons there were approximately 28.6 pine nuts or about 2 tablespoons. Cashew nut consumption is very important for the prevention of gallstones for a long term.

  1. Nourish the Heart

If than other nut, Cashew nuts have a lower fat and mostly in the form of oleic acid and monounsaturated fats are healthy for the heart, which is also found in olive oil benefits. Oleic acid can improve heart health by helping to reduce triglycerides that associated with an increased the risk of heart disease. It is high antioxidant that helps reduce the risk of coronary heart and cardiovascular disease. Magnesium from cashew nuts helps lower blood pressure and help prevent heart attacks.

Side Effects: May Cause Hypertension and Headache

Significant levels of minerals in the cashew nuts, like as calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper, manganese and selenium is good for body. But most important thing to be observed in the consumption of cashews is sodium. Sodium levels in 100 grams of raw cashew nuts, baked and fried, respectively 12, 20 and 340 milligrams.

It seems clear that the process of adding salt (NaCl) on cashews fried very significant effect on levels of sodium (Na), ie from 12 to 340 mg / 100 g. High sodium intake is not recommended due to a positive contribution to the occurrence of high blood pressure (hypertension). Therefore, the use of salt should be limited to cashews.

Beside that, Cashew nuts should be avoided to conssume when suffering from headaches and migraines. These beans contain tyramine and phenylethylamine amino acid that maintains normal blood pressure levels and health. But for those who are sensitive to amino acids, the content can also lead to headaches.

So, measure how much cashews because you can consume to excess consumption is also not good for your health. To consume it you can choose it by the way it cooked: fry the cashew nuts by adding butter and salt, or added in pastry, chocolate and ice cream. and you also can process in a variety of ways to cook and creations but still must be processed until done.