
22 Surprising Health Benefits of Rice and Lentils Everyday

Rice is a staple food which is the most consumed around the world, especially in Asia. Particularly in Indonesia, people said if you have not taken rice as your food it means that you have not eaten. Rice has several types such as white rice, brown rice, black rice, sticky rice, black rice, and Japanese rice. Apart from that, rice also has benefits, such as the benefits of rice for health.

Lentils are an alternative food that is highly recommended for regular consumption. They are low in calories so that they will not make you gain weight. There are various kinds of lentils that can be consumed directly or you can cook them. Many health experts recommend us to consume lentils regularly.

What is the reason behind the expert’s suggestion to consume lentils regularly? The most important reason is the nutrition contents in lentils. Nutritional content in lentils is quite complete, ranging from vitamins, minerals and other contents. All the contents in lentils can be full-obtained depend on the way you process it. The best way of processing lentils is by boiling them.

If rice and lentils are combined, they will serve as the source of benefits for body health. The nutrition of rice and lentils will give you excellent benefits. Let’s take a look at the detail information of rice and lentils.

Nutrition Information of Rice and Lentils

Nutrition Facts of 100 grams Rice

  • 130 calories
  • 0.3 g fats
  • 1 mg sodium
  • 35 mg potassium
  • 28 g carbohydrates
  • 0.4 g dietary fiber
  • 0.1 sugars
  • 2.7 g protein
  • 1 % calcium
  • 1 % iron
  • 5 % vitamin B6
  • 3 % magnesium

Meanwhile, 100 grams of Lentils contains

  • 116 calories
  • 9.02 g protein
  • 0.3 g fats
  • 20.13 g carbohydrates
  • 7.9 g fiber
  • 1.8 g sugar

Same 100 grams provides minerals and vitamin, besides that lentils are the source of panthothenic acid, magnesium, zinc, riboflavin, niacin, and selenium.

  • 45 % folate
  • 36 % iron
  • 70 % manganese
  • 28 % phosphorus
  • 58 % thiamine
  • 14 % potassium
  • 127 % vitamin B6

Health Benefits of Rice

Now, let’s check out the health benefits of rice and lentils:

  1. Source of Energy

Rice has an abundant carbohydrate that is useful as fuel for the body and helps the function of brain cells. Health benefits of carbohydrates are also very important for the body’s metabolism. Vitamins, minerals, and various organic components contained in rice can improve the function and metabolic activity of all your organ systems, which later will increase the energy level.

  1. Prevent Cholesterols

Eating rice is very beneficial for your health because the rice does not contain harmful fats, cholesterol and little amount of sodium. Low levels of fat, cholesterol, and sodium will also help reduce obesity and health conditions associated with getting overweight.

  1. Control Blood Pressure

Rice includes grain species which is low in sodium. It is claimed as the best food for people who suffering from high blood pressure and hypertension. Sodium can cause blood vessels and arteries to contract, increasing stress and strain on the cardiovascular system caused by blood pressure. It also deals with heart conditions such as atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and stroke. 

  1. Prevent Cancer

Rice, particularly brown rice, is rich in insoluble fiber that can protect against various types of cancer. Health Benefits of Fiber is used to protect against colorectal and colon cancer. Moreover, rice also has natural antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin A, phenolic and flavonoid compounds that also act as antioxidants to protect the body from free radicals. Free radicals can cause serious damage to the organ system and cause the mutation of healthy cells into cancer.

Related article: How to prevent cancer naturally

  1. Skin Care

Medical experts say that rice can be applied to cure certain skin diseases. In India, water of the rice after washed, is often used as an effective ointment to cool the inflamed skin surface. The phenolic compounds, especially in brown rice, have anti-inflammatory properties, so it is also useful for treating irritation. The antioxidant capacity present in rice also helps prevent the appearance of wrinkles and other signs of aging that can affect the skin.

  1. Prevent Alzheimer

Various species of rice have shown to stimulate nerve enzymes in the brain, which inhibit the effects of free radicals and other harmful toxins that can cause dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

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  1. Rich in Vitamins

Rice contains vitamins and minerals such as niacin, vitamin D, calcium, fiber, iron, thiamine and riboflavin. These vitamins help the body’s metabolism, the health of the immune system, and the functions of the organ system.

  1. Prevent Chronic Constipation

Insoluble fiber from rice acts like a soft sponge that can be pushed through the intestinal tract quickly and easily. Brown rice and grains are known to be rich in insoluble fiber.

Health Benefits of Lentils

Now, let’s check out the health benefits of rice and lentils:

  1. Rich in Protein

The important benefit of lentils is it is a good source of protein which is very good for your health.

  1. Rich in Calcium

Lentils are also rich in calcium properties. Calcium is good for dental health and bone. If you often experience toothache or bone loss or osteopenia it is suggested to consume lentils regularly.

  1. Rich in Potassium

Potassium is one of the important nutrients that can make your heart become healthier. A healthy heart will also make the health of the whole body. You can also read the others benefits of potassium for body health.

  1. Source of Antioxidants

Lentils contain quite lots of antioxidants. The function of antioxidants is to keep the body from the effects of getting excessive exposure from free radicals.

  1. Good for Muscle Health

Muscle health can be maintained if you consume regularly. Consuming lentils will make your muscle become more relaxes and prevent from cramps symptoms.

  1. Prevent Arthritis

It is advised for women to consume lentils because it will prevent your body from various kinds of ailments, especially arthritis.

  1. Heart Health

Lentils are also able to make your heart healthier. Consume lentils with rice and other foods such as vegetables and fruits which are rich in vitamins and minerals for your heart health.

Related article: Heart Attack Symptoms

  1. Prevent Stroke

Stroke can easily be prevented with consuming lentils. Those who have problems with stroke, or have symptoms of stroke, suggested consuming more lentils regularly because they can prevent you from stroke.

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  1. Maintain Brain Concentration

A healthy brain is a brain that can easily concentrate, especially if you do a lot of activities that require brain performance. Help to increase your brain concentration by consuming lots of lentils.

5 More Goodness of Consuming Lentils

Now, let’s check out the health benefits of rice and lentils:

  1. Rich in Vitamin B
  2. Make Digestive System Healthier
  3. Brighten Skin Tone
  4. Anti-cancer Properties
  5. Best for Skin Health

Those are the benefits of Rice and Lentils for body health. It is highly recommended to combined those two grains (consumed them altogether) to get the best result for your body. Rice and Lentils provide excellent benefits for your health, either to prevent from various diseases or as various disease treatments.

Precautions and Warnings

Although, rice serves many beneficial nutrition contents, but if it consumed in excessive amounts will have an adverse effects on your health. Those effects are:

  1. Rice turns into sugars

Many experts reveal that rice (brown rice, white or herbal rice) is chemically no different from sugar. One bowl of rice is equal to the calories of 10 teaspoons of sugar, so if consumed in excess will increase blood sugar that causes diabetes.

  1. Effect on glucose metabolism and insulin production

The recommended daily percentage for consuming carbohydrates between 45%-65% of the total daily calories thus it will affect the glucose metabolism and insulin production in the body if it is consumed in excessive amounts.