
Check These Health Benefits of Millet and Sorghum – Affordable Grains

In Southeast Asia, the production of grains is noticeably larger than other parts of the world. It mainly due to rice as one of the most consumed staple foods. Beside rice, there are also other variants of grains with multiple benefits. Some examples of multifunction grains are millet and sorghum. These grains are more affordable alternative to more common rice, and can grow even on a dry land or area with low irrigation.

Millet and sorghum are one of important staple foods in India and Africa, possibly due to its low cost production. Both grains has been used in making alcohol beverages. They are also beneficial for health when combined, thus resulting in higher nutritive value. This writing will provide information about health benefits of millet and sorghum. Check it out.

Nutritional Value of Millet and Sorghum

Millet and sorghum can be combined as staple foods to get more benefits. They provide more nutritions than other staple foods, such as rice, potato, etc. Here’s the combined nutritional values of millet and sorghum (per 100 g):

  • 1582 kJ (378 kcal)
  • 72.8 g carbohydrates
  • 8.5 g dietary fiber
  • 4.2 g fat
  • 0.1 g omega 3
  • 2.0 g omega 6
  • 11.0 g protein
  • 0.29 mg riboflavin (B2)
  • 4.72 mg niacin (B3)
  • 0.85 g pantothenic acid (B5)
  • 0.38 mg vitamin B6
  • 85 μg folate (B9)
  • 1.6 mg vitamin C
  • 0.9 μg vitamin K
  • 8 mg calcium
  • 3.0 mg iron
  • 114 mg magnesium
  • 1.6 mg manganese
  • 285 mg phosphorus
  • 195 mg potassium
  • 5 mg sodium
  • 1.7 mg zinc
  • 8.7 g water
  • 0.8 mg copper
  • 2.7 μg selenium

How to Use Millet and Sorghum

The whole parts of millet and sorghum are useful for health :

  • For osteoporosis, combine millet and sorghum together for consumption everyday. You can also make them as chapatti. Its high nutritive value (particularly calcium) will help cure or prevent osteoporosis.
  • For anemia, you can consume millet and sorghum as a bread (rotti). Millet and sorghum bread are common in India and Africa.

Now let’s see the health benefits of millet and sorghum :

1. These grains are gluten-free

For people who are sensitive to gluten-containing foods such as wheat and has celiac diseases, millet and sorghum can be a good alternative. Besides being gluten-free, millet and sorghum also supply body with energy, nutrients, and health benefits of breadfruit flour.

2. Millet and sorghum are affordable staple foods

Another excellent health benefits of millet and sorghum. The price of common grains, e.g. rice, wheat, etc are quite high compared to several years ago. This is possibly caused by frequent flooding in largest grains producers, such as Indonesia, Cambodia, etc. Thus, poor and rural people seek for more affordable grains, such as millet and sorghum. They are not only cheap, but also offer higher nutritive value in comparison to other major staple foods. 

3. These grains help treat and prevent osteoporosis

According to some studies, millet and sorghum are effective againts osteoporosis, due to its high mineral values. Compared to other cereals such as rice or wheat, millet and sorghum contain higher value of minerals, with the highest being phosphorus.

Sorghum contributes most of the magnesium and calcium. Combined consumption of millet and sorghum can help the absorption of calcium to protect bones. Millet also can be paired with health benefits of naseberry fruit.

4. Millet and sorghum are good for anemia

One of useful health benefits of millet and sorghum. Based on some researches, these grains help heal or prevent anemia due to its high values of iron, vitamin B and C, and dietary fiber. In health benefits of mabolo fruit, it is stated that these nutrients help formation of red blood cells.

5. Millet and sorghum are rich source of protein

According to USDA, the protein value in a 100 g millet are quite high (around 11.2 g). Since millet and sorghum come from the same family, we can assume the latter have similar amount of protein. Thus, if combined, millet and sorghum can be a excellent source of protein.

6. These grains provide amino acids

Since there is protein in millet and sorghum, it is certain that there’s also amino acids. Because, based on health benefits of canistel fruit, amino acids is a part of protein’s formation. The most prominent amino acids in millet and sorghum are glutamic acid and leucine. The former has been used in food industry as low calorie artificial sweetener, and in cosmetics. Amino acids also used as additive to animal feed.

A amino acid called tryptophan also makes millet a good diet for weight loss. This will further explained in the next point.

7. Millet and sorghum are good companies for weight loss

One of the health benefits of millet and sorghum. It is proven that millet and sorghum can assist weight loss. It’s because, according to experts, millet contain a amino acids called tryptophan. Tryptophan helps surpress appetite, and in weight management. It also makes stomach full for longer period. Thus, consumer might not overeat. This article about health benefits eating cereal breakfast also offers weight loss tips. 

8. These grains help prevent celiac disease

Celiac disease is a condition where the absorption of nutrients is slowed down due to damaged intestine. People with celiac disease are sensitive to gluten-containing foods, such as wheat, rice, etc. People who need gluten-free diet should take millet and sorghum as part of the main meal.

9. Millet and sorghum are sugar-free

According to medical experts, excess eating of rice may cause diabetes. This is due to when digested, enzym in the body converts chemical substances in rice into blood sugar. For the best solution, pick millet and sorghum as alternative staple foods. These grains are guaranteed sugar-free and inexpensive. Thus, they are beneficial for diabetic person.

10. These grains are rich in antioxidants

According to some sources, millet and sorghum are rich in phytochemical and antioxidants. Both substances are effective againts free radicals, and can help stall aging process, and prevent the growth of cancer cells.

Recommendation Intake of Millet and Sorghum

Millet and sorghum are mostly safe to consume unless consumed in intolerable amount. Consumer should watch his/her daily consumption of millet and sorghum. Also, people with thyroid is recommended not to consume millet, albeit sorghum is different case.