
15 Scientifically Proven Health Benefits of Khorasan Wheat

Have you ever heard of Khorasan wheat? The shape is small and rather long like rice. Behind the texture is soft, it turns out one of the health benefits of Khorasan wheat is to have lots of protein. Khorasan is one of the more ancient types of wheat that are more nutritious than other grains or wheat. Khorasan wheat is known to have been consumed since ancient Egypt more precisely on the East of Iran. Although originating from the Middle East country, Khorasan wheat was brought to America by soldiers, then the crop was developed by local farmers for several years. Unfortunately, this plant is not utilized optimally, it is more often used for animal feed.

Khorasan is widely sold in Europe, Australia, and Asia. Usually, khorasan found in processed form such as bread, pasta or biscuits. Even so, Khorasan, this conventional ancient wheat is declared close to extinction. Fortunately, many people now understand the benefits and delicacy of Khorasan wheat so it is possible if Khorasan wheat will be cultivated again.

Khorasan is an excellent organic farm wheat because it produces high-quality wheat without the need for artificial fertilizers or pesticides. This is possible because the wheat has a high tolerance to various organic conditions, and similar to other cereals, the results are good.

The nutritional content of Khorasan Wheat!

In 100 g of Khorasan wheat, there are nutrients, such as:

  • Calories (kcal) 146
  • Fat 0.9 g
  • Cholesterol 0 mg
  • Sodium 6 mg
  • Potassium 202 mg
  • Carbohydrate 30 g
  • Fiber food 3.9 g
  • Protein 6 g
  • Vitamin A 4 IU
  • Vitamin B6 0.1 mg
  • Vitamin B12 0 μg
  • Calcium 10 mg
  • Iron 2 mg
  • Magnesium 56 mg

This brownish-yellow wheat, small, round and rather long resembles rice. Khorasan wheat has a texture that is so chewy and tastes good and spicy, making Khorasan wheat generally used as a mixture of a typical Turkish salad or tabbouleh salad. Khorasan contains more protein about 30%  than other wheat, also contains more fatty acids. It is also known that Khorasan contains many minerals including selenium, zinc, and magnesium. This wheat also contains high energy formed in complex carbohydrates. Khorasan wheat has more protein, lipids, vitamins, minerals and amino acids than ordinary wheat. Therefore, it serves as a substitute for other wheat that has more nutrients. Because of its many nutritional contents, Khorasan wheat has many health benefits for the body.

Health benefits of Khorasan Wheat!

  1. Contains fiber and protein

Khorasan offers you the essential macronutrients, fiber, carbohydrates, and proteins. As you know, protein has a central role in maintaining a strong tissue, and also helps the oxygen transport and immune function, while one of the Health Benefits of Fiber is to lower your cholesterol, fight type 2 diabetes and maintain digestive health.

Each 1 cup cooked food of Khorasan contains 10 grams of protein, fulfilling about 17 percent of individual protein requirements for an average 150 pounds, according to the intake guidelines published by the Iowa State University Extension. A cup of cooked Khorasan also gives you 7.4 grams of dietary fiber, it meets about 28 percent of the recommended daily fiber intake for women and 19 percent is recommended for men, as explained by the Institute of Medicine.

  1. Benefits of selenium and manganese

Khorasan wheat is one of the important sources of minerals such as selenium and manganese. Khorasan contains 55 micrograms of selenium per serving to meet your daily selenium needs. Both of these minerals work as antioxidants, which provide protection to your body from genetic mutations and cell membrane damage caused by free radicals. They also support to balance your body’s hormone where manganese has a role in helping you synthesize sex hormones, while Health Benefits of Selenium is to takes a role in supporting the production of thyroid hormones.

  1. The benefits of magnesium and zinc

Khorasan is wheat that offers health to your body by providing magnesium and zinc in large quantities. Each serving of Khorasan contains 83 milligrams of magnesium, indicating that Khorasan meets about 20 percent of the recommended daily intake of magnesium for men and 26 percent for women, as determined by the Institute of Medicine. In addition, Khorasan also provides daily zinc intake of about 40% for men and 29% for women. A zinc-rich diet benefits your immune system and improves healthy thyroid function, while one of the Benefits of Magnesium For Health is to strengthen bone tissue and activate the enzymes your cell needs.

  1. Healthy Bones

Khorasan has one of the benefits of manganese that is to make bones strong and healthy. The trick is to help reduce bone loss, especially in older women and more susceptible to bone and weak fractures. Manganese also has a role in helping the regularity of hormones and enzymes, so these important minerals are also involved in bone metabolism.

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, one study found that by taking a combination of Benefits of Calcium, zinc, copper, and manganese, this will help bones by reduce bone loss like the spine in a group of post-menopausal women. If mineral deficiency, half of all women and a quarter of men aged over 50 will experience osteoporosis-related fractures. Small holes or weak areas that form in the bone, can cause fractures and pain.

One solution to Prevent Osteoporosis Naturally is to consume Khorasan that contains high manganese because Khorasan has provided than 100 percent of the recommended daily value in one cup. Khorasan has an important role in maintaining strong bones and serves as a natural treatment for osteoporosis and symptoms of bone damage.

  1. Smooth digestion

Khorasan is one food that has a high fiber content, so Khorasan can help the regularity and function of the digestive system. Fibrous carbohydrates in Khorasan help to cleanse, replenish and help the body fight bacteria and toxins because it increases the absorption of nutrients. In addition to fiber, the zinc content in Khorasan also helps in regulating digestion. If the body has zinc deficiency it can cause chronic digestive problems and diarrheal diseases. Zinc supplementation has been proven to be effective in prophylaxis and helps treat diarrhea.

  1. Detox for the body

You may need to detoxify your liver, if you often experience headaches, bloating, gas, fatigue, muscle aches, skin problems and bad breath. Khorasan is a great source of phosphorus, which is an essential mineral that is involved in hundreds of cellular activities every day. Foods that have high phosphorus content are important to help kidney function and help detoxify the body by eliminating toxins and defecating through urine. The kidneys and other digestive organs depend on electrolytes such as phosphorus, Benefits of Potassium, and magnesium to balance levels of uric acid, sodium, water and fat in the body. Read also about Effects of High Sodium Level.

  1. Treating cold

Khorasan has substances that prevent the common cold and other disease symptoms. A study showed the results that zinc can interfere with molecular processes that cause mucus and bacteria to form inside the nasal. Based on its electrical charge, ionic zinc has the ability to use antiviral effects by attaching receptors in nose epithelial cells and blocking viral infections.

The fact that zinc intake is associated with a significant reduction in the duration of the common cold has been demonstrated by a study in 2013 that published in Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. As seen in the list of nutrients, Khorasan has a high enough zinc content to help overcome the cold.

  1. Supports brain health

Another benefit of manganese contained in Khorasan is to support cognitive health, and this makes Khorasan become one of the foods that support brain health. It is possible that lack of manganese can make people more susceptible to mental illness, mood changes, learning disabilities and even epilepsy.

Manganese “is essential for normal cell function and metabolism” is a fact discovered by a study in 2013 that published in the International Review of Neurobiology. Other facts also suggest that manganese deficiency may increase susceptibility to epilepsy function and seem to affect manganese homeostasis in the brain, which may be followed by changes in nerve activity have been shown by another study published in 2003. Consume Khorasan to get manganese intake to support brain health.

  1. Lowers cholesterol

Khorasan is one of the foods that are beneficial to Lower Cholesterol Level because it has a high fiber content. As described above, fiber helps the digestive system and helps the body get rid of unwanted toxins and wastes so that it is associated with cholesterol reduction. A study in 2013 that published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows results that Khorasan products can be effective in reducing metabolic risk factors, markers of oxidative stress and inflammatory status. This benefit make khorasan can avoid Health Risks of Cholesterol.

  1. Niacin content

The body needs niacin to produce a number of endocrine hormones and to support the health of the nervous system. Niacin also is known as vitamin B3 is very important in helping the metabolism of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. 1 cup of cooked food of Khorasan contains 4.7 milligrams of niacin, meet the niacin intake of about 29 percent for men and about 34 percent for women. Eating foods that have high niacin content such as Khorasan on a regular basis can help lower the risk of heart disease, diabetes, osteoarthritis, atherosclerosis and high blood cholesterol.

  1. Heart health

According to a study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition in February 2013, Khorasan can help reduce your risk of heart disease. Consuming Khorasan is associated with a decrease in low-density lipoprotein, or LDL, bad cholesterol and a significant increase in potassium and magnesium minerals that help lower your blood pressure. The Khorasan diet also produces lower levels of pro-inflammatory immune signaling molecules, which when elevated, can increase arterial plaque formation and lower blood sugar levels.

Other health benefits of Khorasan wheat:

  • Khorasan increases body energy because it contains protein, minerals, and fatty acids.
  • It has a high fatty acid content such as polyunsaturated fatty acids, one of which is Omega 3 Fatty Acids Health Benefits and monounsaturated fatty acids.
  • Has a low oxidation rate, which means Khorasan able to store its best nutritional value even after passing milling and processing normally.
  • According to a research Khorasan useful in Prevent Cancer Naturally such as stomach cancer, digestive tract cancers, colon cancer and breast cancer because it has a high antioxidant content.

Side effects of Khorasan Wheat!

You need to know that Khorasan contains gluten. Although the content of gluten in Khorasan is less than whole grain products and more easily digested, if you have a severe gluten intolerance, such as celiac disease, it would be better if you do not consume Khorasan. If you experience nausea or have a headache and skin irritation, while consuming Khorasan even in small amounts, it indicates that you may be allergic to Khorasan.

That is the health benefits offered by Khorasan wheat. Don’t forget to try this wheat in your next breakfast menu!