Salt in one of sodium main sources that always we found in our food. Well, Our body needs sodium, but it will be the hypertension causes if we consume it excessively. Sodium is one of the important mineral for the body. We need sodium about 2 percent of the total mineral in our body. Healthy adult body contains 256 grams of the compound sodium chloride (NaCl) sam with 100 grams of the sodium element. The normal serum sodium levels is about 310-340 mg/dL.
Normal sodium intake
You know, that our body needs sodium has been studied by scientists working in the field of nutrition and health. We require a minimum of 200-500 milligrams of sodium each day to maintain salt levels in the blood remain normal, ie 0.9 percent of the blood volume in the body.
Lack of sodium effects
Lack of sodium consumption can cause blood volume decreases which makes decreased blood pressure, increased heart rate, dizziness, sometimes accompanied by muscle cramps, weakness, fatigue, loss of appetite, decreased memory, resistance to infection decreases, unhealthy hair and split ends, disorder eyesight, wounds difficult to heal, and the formation of white patches on the nail.
Although sodium has an important role for the body health, over consumption should be avoided because it can cause the negative effects. To the case of sodium deficiency is very rare, because the amount of sodium in natural resources. Contrastly, the case of over consumption which is often a problem. Therefore, we need to consider diet in order to avoid the negative effects of high sodium level. The negative effects of high sodium level based on Empirical facts.
Empirical facts
In some countries, the level of sodium consumption tends to be very high, first effects of high sodium level is hypertension. The level of sodium consumption in the United States reached 4,000-5,000 mg / day. The high sodium consumption due to the high fast food consumption, that is why hypertension is the most lethal killers in As.
In Japan, consumption of salt is extraordinary, which is about 25-35 grams / day. In fact, according to nutritionists, adults must eating about 6 grams of salt a day ideally, and children about 3 grams of salt per day. Food derived from marine animal causes the high salt intake in Japan, which cause 84 percent of adult men in Japan suffer from hypertension certainly.
Why it could be happen?
Sodium in salt (NaCl) is actually beneficial to maintain volume and blood pressure regulation, maintain muscle contraction and transmission of nerve cells, as well as help balance water, acids and bases in the body. However, based on the 2003 General Guidelines for Balanced Nutrition, salt intake should not be more than 6 grams (1 teaspoon) in 1 day or equal to 2300 mg of sodium.
Salt very close with hypertension. based on research, Half a teaspoon of salt alone can raise systolic pressure increased by 5 points and diastolic pressure rose 3 points, according to a study. The high salt content in the body can affect the kidneys. Salt should be removed from the body by the kidneys, but for sodium binding much water, the higher the salt makes blood volume increases.
The volume of blood increases while the width of blood vessels, then the flow is so heavy, which means the blood pressure is rising. It also can increase the risk of hypertension. though, the risk factors of hypertension are also influenced by several things, namely age, family history of hypertension, overweight, less active lifestyles, smoking, stress and alcohol. but by reducing salt consumption, people have been able to reduce the risk of hypertension.
Empirical facts
Try to eat the main source of sodium, salt. eat more, you will immediately starch thirsty and wanted to drink.
How could?
In our body there is an autonomous who we said the regulating system to the balancing sodium levels in our blood. If sodium levels are too high, the brain sends a signal to our body as a thirst sensation and encourage us to drink. Besides if the sensors in our blood vessels and kidneys aware of any increase in blood pressure . if it happend, the sensor in the heart finds an increase in blood volume, the kidneys are stimulated to secrete more sodium and urine, thus reducing our blood volume.
Altought if sodium levels are too low, the sensors in blood vessels and kidneys will know when the spur a chain reaction and blood volume decreases that seeks to increase the fluid volume in the blood. The adrenal glands will secrete the hormone aldosterone, so the kidney can retain sodium and the kidneys retain water in our body.
Sodium and water detention, lead to reduced expenditure on urine, that in turn will increase volume and blood pressure returned to normal. But, sensitivity the body to sodium levels in the blood vary. Generally, increasing a person’s age, increasing the level of sensitivity.
Empirical facts
High sodium levels in the blood can reduce the calcium levels in our body, bone mass and strength, that is said Pao Hwa Lin, Ph.D from Duke University Medical Center. And he added, The more you restrict sodium, calcium release diminishing.
Too much sodium vulnerable to the loss of bone density and weakened bone structure, due to fluctuations in their hormones. The risk of osteoporosis is very high in women when compared with men. High salt diet causes loss of calcium. High salt is directly proportional to the high sodium, and this means that causes brittle bones. And when a lot of calcium excreted, colon will absorb more calcium and take it from your bones.
Empirical facts
Reports from Japan say that men with high salt intake, the risk of stomach cancer has doubled. Salt is the main source of sodium.
How Could?
Excessive salt intake makes the stomach experiencing high osmotic pressure, this causes direct damage at karsegenik cells. in a long time, the cancer cells grow in the stomach.
Empirical facts and Why it could be happen?
Researchers from the Institute National Heart Lung and in the United States found that when they increase the levels of salt in the body’s cells in mice, the DNA fibers begin to break down and disintegrate cellular repair mechanisms. When the salt concentration is returned to normal, the cells in mice kidneys began repairing DNA damage others. Although trials conducted on mice, the condition is very likely to occur in humans.
Level Natrium Needed
Needs National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences recommended sodium intake about 1100-3300 mg per day or equivalent with ½ to 1 ½ teaspoon of salt per day. For people who suffer from hypertension, is recommended no more than 2,300 mg per day or equal to 6 grams (1 teaspoon) of salt.
American Heart Association (AHA) recommended consumption of NaCl for adults no more than 2,400 mg/day or equivalent to 1 teaspoon of salt. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the average sodium pregnant women need about 2,400 mg a day or one teaspoon.
Well, we know that mineral function of sodium (Na) is the major cation found in the extracellular fluid, whereas potassium (K) is the major cation in intracellular fluid. Thus, mineral Na and K are an important role in regulating body. If both minerals are not balanced, the water will flow into or out to the cell to maintain concentrations of Na and K to remain impartial. Sodium is very important for the absorption of glucose in the kidney and colon, and for across the other nutrients to the cell membrane.
Sodium with chloride (Cl) and bicarbonate, involved in the regulation of acid-base balance, so that the body fluids that are in the neutral pH range to support the body’s metabolism. Only slightly sodium is absorbed by the stomach and most by the small intestine. Sodium delivered by the blood to the liver, then to the kidney to be filtered and returned to the blood in an amount corresponding to the needs of the body by the intestine. Metabolic regulation of sodium by the kidneys is controlled by aldosterone, a hormone secreted by the adrenal gland. If the low sodium intake or increased body needs, aldosterone will increase and the kidneys reabsorb more (reabsorption) of sodium. The opposite happens if we take sodium consumption excessively.
Sodium is most essential to maintain osmotic equilibrium or balance the fluids flow in the body. Beside the sodium has an important role to stimulating the nerves and helps the cells to the metabolism. With potassium, sodium also has a role to maintain the function and cardiac muscle work, and prevent dangerous diseases such as neurological disorders.
So what do you want to eat??.