
8 Health Benefits of Eating Puffed Rice Just Revealed

Puffed rice is a variety of puffed grain that comes from Indian and made from rice. It is widely consumed in India. But it is also popular to consume in other Asia countries too. The rice is easily to produce. Furthermore, there are also some health benefits of eating puffed rice. Puffed rice bring less calories and little fat per serving. It is made from white rice. Therefore, it is not a whole grain and contains small fiber.

Mostly in western countries, puffed rice is served with milk as a breakfast cereal. It is widely known in the market with various trade mark. Furthermore, it is also known as low-calorie snacks. Hence, puffed rice is getting famous. Therefore, to balance the demand, the productivity is increasing too. Currently, asia is still the top supplier countries for puffed rice.

Nutritional Value of Eating Puffed Rice

Below is the nutritional value of 1 cup of puffed rice (100gr):

  • Calories 402cal
  • Total Fat 0.5gr
  • Saturated Fat 0.1gr
  • Cholesterol 0mg
  • Natrium 3mg
  • Kalium 113mg
  • Carbohydrates 90gr
  • Dietary Fibers 1.7gr
  • Protein 6gr
  • Calcium 6mg
  • Magnesium 25mg
  • Iron 31.7mg
  • Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) 0.1mg

*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.

Below are 10 health benefits of eating puffed rice:

1. Adding Energy

Puff rice contains high amounts of carbohydrates that can improve your energy immediately. It can act as a fuel to keep you energetic and support your daily activities. It is the same health benefits sago rice.

2. Help the digestive

Puff rice contain dietary fiber to support the digestive system. Therefore, it helps to optimize the bowel movement and help to improve the body metabolism.

3. Prevent Constipation

Puff rice promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria for a better bowel movement. Therefore, it can prevent constipation and hemorrhage.

4. Strength Bone

Puff rice is a rich source of vitamin D, riboflavin, and thiamine. Furthermore, puff rice also contains calcium, iron, and fiber. So consuming puff rice ensures you have strong bones and teeth. This is the same health benefits of green beans that can maintain a strength bone. Therefore, it can help to avoid osteoporosis.

5. Maintain blood pressure

Puff rice help to possesses low sodium content. It helps regulate the blood pressure levels. Therefore, consuming an appropriate amount of puff rice can avoid high blood disease. It can also prevent related diseases such as heart attack.

6. Promotes Brain Development

Puff rice contains neurotransmitter nutrients. Therefore, the health benefits of eating puffed rice is including to stimulate the brain nerve. Consuming puff rice will help to improves brain developments and cognitive function.

7. Boost Immune System

Puff rice contains antioxidants that are beneficial to boost immunity and prevent the risk of infections. This is the same health benefits of almond tea that can act as an anti-oxidant to prevent the free radical effect to the body such as early aging signs.

6. Diet

Another health benefits of eating puffed rice is help to feel more satisfied. Furthermore, it bring fullness feeling to the stomach. Therefore, puff rice snacks is a favorite choice of a healthy diet snack. Try to put some cereals with puff rice. It will beneficial your health and avoid your body to gain more weight. Hence, it is a good method for diet.

7. Rich in Vitamin and Mineral

Puff rice is rich in vitamins and minerals. The rice as the main ingredients of puff rice is have a big content of vitamin B and iron. Furthermore, it is also rich in other minerals and vitamins. Therefore, one cup of puffed rice provides 25 percent of the daily value for iron and 24 percent for thiamin.

This is according to the 2,000-calorie diet. Hence, it helps to optimize the body metabolism. Furthermore, it can avoid mall nutrition and bring a fresh healthy body.

8. Skin Care

Puff rice can turns into a powder. This powder is good for skin. The same benefit as benefits of castor oil for skin. Therefore, the puff rice powder can use as an effective medicine for skin diseases such as eczema or acne.

It helps to create a smooth and silky skin. Some people even use the powder as a soap. It will moisture the skin. Furthermore, it can soothe skin irritation.  Hence, it can relieve a number of skin conditions.

Recommended Intake of Puffed Rice

Below is recommended ways to consume and prepare a puffed rice.

  • Take 1 cup of rice and wash until the water is clear.
  • After that drain the rice and place it into a saucepan or kettle.
  • Bring some water into the pan.
  • Next step is to boil the water.
  • Then cook the rice on low heat for 25 minutes.
  • Spread the rice into a pan.
  • Make some layers approximately 1/4 inch thick.
  • Set the oven to 135 degrees Celsius.
  • Next is to bake the rice at the pan for an hour.
  • Remove the rice from the oven and let it cool down.
  • Cut the rice layer into a bite size.
  • Put some cooking oil into a saucepan.
  • Heat the cooking oil to for some minutes until the oil is boil.
  • Place the rice pieces carefully into the oil.
  • After that, fry the rice for about a minute until they are puffy.
  • 16. Next, remove the rice from the oil and drain in a paper towels.
  • The puff rice is now ready to consume.

Side Effects of Eating Puffed Rice

There are no reports on puffed rice side effects. However, even though there are some health benefits of eating puffed rice, some caution below shall be aware:

  1. Consuming too much puffed rice may lead to diabetic. Since the rice is contain high glycemic index. Therefore, it can increase the glucose level in the blood. Hence, it is better to consume as necessary. Furthermore, diabetic person suggested to avoid consuming the rice. It is suggested that diabetic patient try to consume bitter gourd, since the benefits of bitter gourd for diabetes is to control the blood sugar level.
  2. Puff rice also rich in carbohydrates. Therefore, too much consuming this food may lead to obesity. Since it can result to weight gaining. Moreover, to prevent this, do more exercise when consuming puff rice as daily dishes. Hence, the obesity can be avoid.