Kissing is truly something. The simple act of touch between two lips can be physical, mental, emotional or all of them at the same time. Some even say that kissing can be magical. As many Disney’s fairy tales would suggest, kisses can revive poisoned princess from death, wake a beautiful princess from deep eternal slumber, and even lift the curse off the prince from its horrifying, monstrous figure. Suffice to say, kissing has been an essential part in the lives of human race and has been evolving along with the cultures and social dynamics among people.
As the awareness for healthy living arises, people have discovered that some physical acts indeed have their benefits for health. People have learned since then that the simple acts of physical contacts are actually aren’t exactly that simple. Many different hormones are secreted, many groups of muscles are contracted in the processes and as results, there are many effects happened to the bodies. Not only physical, the effects also happen on neurological and psychological level.
The point is, this intimate activity can benefit us and our loved ones in some senses. Researches has discovered that the benefits are mainly on physical level, but there are also those that suggested the link of kissing to various aspects. Therefore, in the following paragraphs we will discuss the benefits of kissing on the lips for physical and mental health.
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Kissing can keep your teeth healthy, to some extent. As the lips contacted each other, the saliva are somehow exchanged. The presence of extra saliva in the mouth can help fighting the harmful bacteria which might cause problems inside the mouth, such as teeth cavities. Not only that, as saliva naturally contains minerals, the added saliva can neutralize the acidity in the mouth and thus protect the teeth from corrosion.
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The circulation systems in our bodies are comprised of so many blood vessels with their own respective functions. Our lips, for instances, are made up of many blood vessels as well as nerves. Which is why sometimes our lips would swell or dilate when wounded or suffering from internal bleeding. When the swelling happens, the blood vessels are dilated to allow more blood flowing. Interestingly enough, the similar cases also happen during kissing.
Ryan Neinstein, M.D., a New York City based plastic surgeon, suggested that the event of kissing can indeed dilates the blood vessels inside the lips, which in turn frees up the spaces for more blood to flow. The blood is then directed toward the face area and away from the other areas of the body. Therefore, the demand for blood to the heart decreases, reducing the blood pressures in the process.
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The effects of kissing on blood vessels goes a long way, apparently. As the blood vessels dilated, the blood circulation eases up. Somewhat akin to receiving massages, kissing can relieve the tension in the muscles and nerves, as the result of the improved circulation. Headaches, as well as other forms of muscle pain, can benefit from the relieve tensions. Therefore, it can be a good idea to give the smooches to the loved ones to relieve them from their headaches.
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As our families and relatives said at some points in our lives, to be happier, we need to get somebody to love. At least being viewed in the medical point of view, they are mostly right. The closeness feelings with someone we care about, as it turned out, are beneficial for our overall happiness. Kissing, as part of the vast aspects of romantic relationships, can greatly help enhancing the benefits of the relationship altogether.
That is because kissing can activates the brain to release some chemicals which are highly influential to the emotions and moods that affects how we feel. Those chemicals including serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin which can induce some senses of security, pleasure, achievement and intimacy, and most of the times, all of them at once. Therefore, when you feel down or stressed by the weight of the world, the presences of loved ones, plus kissing can be a good help to keep the depression at bay.
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As discussed before, kissing is a great addition to the steady, healthy relationships. That is because of the oxytocin, one of the brain chemicals which is somewhat responsible for your happiness, which is produced in the process of smooching. Oxytocin is mainly associated with trust, comfort, intimacies and to put it quite simple, love. Which is why, oxytocin is often refered to as “love hormone”. Thus, that’s one of the benefits of kissing on the lips for physical and mental health.
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Thinking about burning some calories? Wouldn’t it be better if you can do it with your loved ones, while having some fun in between? Yes, as it turned out, there are some physical activities which can surprisingly help burning some calories done together. Benefits of kissing on the lips for physical and mental health is one of them.
Of course it’s not the tame, soft kind of kissing that we’re talking about, but the passionate one. It is reported that an intense, vigorous makeout session can burn up to 16 calories. While it is obviously cannot be compared to running on treadmills, the calories burned is certainly a plus especially if you need some excuses to get some kisses.
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If you want to be more successful, consider getting more kisses in the morning. Because, as reported by a German study, men who kissed their wives before leaving for work made more money. There might be some various explanations for that. The most plausible would be the rise of dopamine level as they get the kisses. Dopamine, works in inducing the rewarded feelings and pleasure, is generally high in people who are considered as risk-takers and highly motivated.
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Much to everyone’s surprises, kissing can train many groups of muscles in the faces, which in turn might help toning them and making them look younger. Therefore, couples who kiss more might look younger for longer time, which can be the momentum to stay together longer as well.
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What’s more benefits of kissing on the lips for physical and mental health? For those who are somehow into it, kissing can be useful to check if your present partner is in fact, for you. Some argue that sexual compatibility is crucial for maintaining everlasting and healthy relationship. For that reasons, some relationship advisors suggested that before deciding to go steady, the quality of kisses they have might determine how suitable they are for each others.
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10. Good for Physical Health
The presences of kisses certainly can be big helps to express the appreciations and affections towards our loved ones. Of course, keep in mind that while kissing might bring about some good things, it is mainly the intentions which determine how the whole things will turn out.
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11. Boost Energy Level
As we might have learned, the act of kissing initiates multiple secretions of different hormones, and thus generates different kinds of feelings in each of the involved parties. The most basic, if not primal kind of kissing is the one mainly considered as prelude for intercourse. Helen Fisher, PhD, a researcher of anthropology at Rutgers University suggested that this kind of kissing is dominated by testosterone, which sparks up sex drive and boosts energy level.
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12. Boost Adrenaline
And then, there is also the kiss which inspires the infatuations and afflictions, mostly happens to new lovers. The warm and funny feelings, followed by increased heart rate at times, are actually caused by the rise in dopamine and adrenaline.
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13. Enhances Focus
Dopamine can be considered as the “reward center” in our brain, which generates the satisfied feelings of achievements. While adrenaline are mostly secreted for survival reasons. It induces the “flight-or-fight” responses in reactions to dangers and life-threatening situations, which are indicated by enhanced focus, increased heart rates, and increased reaction times.
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14. Promotes Happiness Chemical
Finally, when it is oxytocin which takes the helm, kissing can induce comfort and attachment to each others. These feelings are mostly found in partners who have been together for considerable amount of time. Which is why, couples who kiss more are reported to stay together for longer.
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15. For Teeth Health
According to Sivan Finkel, a New York City-based cosmetic dentist, the ions in the saliva can also promote the repair of the tooth enamel. Therefore, not only kissing can protect the teeth from cavities, it can also helps restoring the damaged teeth back to their former glories.
16. Boosts Oxytocin
Therefore, to make the relationships work, it always help to kiss your partners regularly. What if you or your partners are somehow averse to kissing? Not to worry, as oxytocin can also be produced following other activities. Hugging, holding hands, and some other body contacts are reported to increase the oxytocin levels. The same effect can also be achieved the longer the couples stay together.
The benefits of kissing on the lips for physical and mental health:
So, those are the health benefits of kissing physically, mentally and even psychologically. Undoubtedly, physical intimacies are necessities especially when it comes to maintaining relationships.
With those things in mind, we learned that we can receive full benefits of kissing only when it’s done responsibly. We should only do it to our loved ones out of affections, and not only for its health benefits. When you seek to burn calories, there are many better alternatives, such as aerobic exercises. However, that’s the benefits of kissing on the lips for physical and mental health. We thank you for reading, hopefully you find reading this article entertaining as well as useful. Stay healthy and keep learning.
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