Pregnant Nutrition

Benefits of Prenatal Vitamins When You’re Not Pregnant

Every woman wants to feel pregnant and will become a mother. To prepare for the presence of the baby, of course, it takes careful preparation. Especially in terms of nutrition so that the baby is not deformed and grows perfectly in the mother’s stomach.

Usually, many mothers consume the benefits of prenatal vitamins when they’re not pregnant to prepare. Of course, taking pregnant vitamins like the benefits vitamin A during pregnancy should not be arbitrary and must obtain the approval of a gynecologist.

In general, prenatal vitamins contain 3 nutrients, namely:

Some of the benefits of prenatal vitamins that you should know are as follows:

  • Prevent birth defects

Prenatal vitamins contain vitamin B9 or commonly known as folate. The function of folate is to improve brain function and be beneficial for cell growth. That way, the risk of birth defects can be prevented with this folate. moreover, during the first trimester, the fetus needs health benefits of folic acid for spinal cord growth

  • Fulfilling daily folate needs

For those of you who are planning a pregnancy, taking prenatal vitamins is highly recommended. To improve nutrition before the fetus develops.

  • In addition to iron

During pregnancy, women need more health benefits of iron intake than before pregnancy. Iron is needed for the formation of red blood cells that function as carriers of oxygen throughout the body. The fetus needs iron so that the placenta grows properly and nutrients can be absorbed to the maximum

  • Make bones strong

Calcium in prenatal vitamins is an important mineral during pregnancy. Calcium serves to maintain hormones and help muscles contract. But unfortunately, prenatal vitamins do not contain 100 percent of the calcium needed. So it requires additional calcium supplements in addition to prenatal vitamins

  • Good for the baby’s brain

60% of a baby’s brain is composed of fat. Therefore, good fat intake is needed during pregnancy. Many prenatal vitamins contain good fats. Good fat deficiency during pregnancy is associated with low IQ and premature birth

  • Reducing the risk of complications

Another benefit that you can get by consuming the benefits of prenatal vitamins when you’re not pregnant is reducing the risk of complications such as low baby weight. A study has shown that women who take prenatal vitamins have a lower risk of complications compared to those who do not consume them

  • Maintaining the health of pregnant women

The health of pregnant women needs to be maintained by taking prenatal vitamins. Because this supplement contains vitamins and minerals needed by the body. Because nutrition is usually absorbed perfectly by the baby during pregnancy.

In addition to consuming the benefits of prenatal vitamins when you’re not pregnant, you should also consume nutritious foods. For example the benefits of peanuts pregnancy.