Healthy Guide

20 Health Risks of Mobile Phones (No.4 Surprising)

There is no doubt that everyone of you has at least one mobile phone. In this era, a mobile phone is one of the most crucial gadgets in our life, especially if we are considered as the busy people and have a lot of works to do. In the matter of fact, mobile phone will offer us a lot of solutions, from stay connected with people who are far far away from us to helping us to do our job because it could connect with the internet. But, do you know that the mobile phone can release the radiofrequency fields that will lead you to a lot of health risks. Aside from that, there are some factors from mobile phone that also could potentially treat your health. Here are the various health risks that could happen to you because of mobile phones.

  1. Cancer

Health Risks of Mobile Phones could be very danger for this type of diseases. This is the disease that will be more likely to occur to you whenever you use your mobile phone over-frequently. So, mobile phone can release the radiofrequency fields (RF), which is the main factor why you could get cancer. In the matter of fact, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), mobile phone could release the radiofrequency fields 1000 times greater than the RF that released from the base station. So, why the radiofrequency fields could make you suffer from cancer? Because there are many studies that have already evidenced that the radiofrequency fields are classified as carcinogen., which then will increase the risk of you having cancer and brain tumor that developed at least for 25 years.

  1. Sleep Disorder

This health problem is undeniable whenever you have the excessive exposure of the blue light from your mobile phone. Most of the people must already experience whenever they’re laying in the bed wanted to sleep, and then they check their mobile phones for several minutes, and they end up struggle to sleep. In addition to that, the mobile rings and the vibration in the middle of the night from your mobile phone will disturb the pattern of your sleep. So, if you want to avoid this health problem, shut down your phone just in time you want to go to bed to sleep. Make sure that your sleep is not interrupted by your mobile phone.

  1. Increased Accident Risk

There is no doubt that the use of mobile phone would increase the accident risk, especially whenever you’re on the road driving your vehicle. There is no matter what kind of your mobile phone, but the mobile phone has the ability to distract you while you’re concentrating on driving your vehicle and thus, this thing will increase the possibility of you having the accident on the road. In addition to that, the World Health Organization have already evidenced that mobile phone can increase the risk of traffic accidents 3 to 4 times greater than usual. So, stay away from your mobile phones while you’re driving.

  1. Infertility

Do you know that the excessive use of mobile phone could also lead you to serious condition such as infertility? Well, this is the fact that your mobile phones could make you become infertile. The radiofrequency fields that released from your mobile phones could decrease the sperm count. Although that theory still only applied to rats, but a study conducted by Wdowiak A and colleagues have already evidenced that the group of men who used mobile phone had the decrease amount of sperm in their semen, which of course will lead you to infertility. So, you need to aware about the use of your mobile phone. Try to keep you mobile phone in your bag rather than in your pocket.

  1. Hearing Impairment

There is no doubt that your mobile phone could also lead you to hearing impairment. So, hear impairment is the disorder whenever you’re unable to partially or completely hear the sound in one or in both of your ears. One of the main reason why you could suffer from hearing impairment is due to the overuse of earphones that plugged in your mobile phone.

But, the other cause of hearing impairment is not just that. The radiofrequency fields that released from your mobile phones could reduce the hearing function. In the matter of fact, there was a study that has already evidenced that people who attended phone calls at least 2 hours per day in a regular basis were at the higher risk of impaired hearing compared with people with moderate users.

  1. Heart Problem

Another health risk that would be more likely to occur to you whenever you overuse your mobile phones is the heart problem. As you already know, the radiofrequency fields that released from your cell phones would cause the chronic disease like the heart problem. In the matter of fact, there was a study that published in European Journal of Oncology which evidenced that the radiofrequency fields from mobile phones has a contribution to abnormalities in the heart functions and the reduction amount of red blood cells in your body, which will lead you to heart complications.

  1. Eye Problems

There is also no doubt that the excessive use of mobile phone will lead you to the decrease level of the health of your eyes. Do you ever feel that soon after you do the web surfing, or read an e-book from your mobile phone, your eyes feel so tired? Whenever you do it constantly, the light that comes from your mobile phone will make the strains among your eyes, especially when you’re reading in the dark room. In addition to that, mobile phone has the smaller screen compared with your laptop, which will force your eyes to wide open and blink lesser number in times. That kind of things, of course, will lead you to the dry eyes that can cause irritation.

  1. Infections

Turns out that the mobile phone could make some infections in your body, especially when you’re the type of people who have usually carried your mobile phones in the restroom. So, your mobile phones contain a lot of infectious organisms and those organisms might be harm to your body. In the matter of fact, a study has already evidenced that the mobile devices, including your mobile phone, are highly contaminated with organisms from fecal origin, which are the niche of the germs and bacteria such as E.coli and Staphylococcus aureus. Those bacteria will cause a lot of damages in your body, such as skin infections, vomiting, and diarrhea.

  1. Skin Allergies

Aside from skin infections, the mobile phone could also possibly lead you to skin allergies. So, the question is why the mobile phone could cause the skin infections? This is due to the common materials that used in the mobile phone. The materials of mobile phone such as nickel, chromium, and cobalt will lead you to the mobile phone dermatitis, which is the skin irritation.In the matter of fact, the study that conducted by Marcella Aquino and colleague tested many cell phones for the presence of the nickel and cobalt. As the result, they found out that 90, 5 % of flip mobile phones contains nickel, while 52% of flip mobile phones contain cobalt.

  1. Increases the Stress Level

Another health risk that you would likely to get whenever you have the mobile phones is the increased level of stress. So, the constant ringing of the mobile phones, vibrating alerts, and reminders that constantly appear on your mobile phone, especially if you’re a busy people, sometimes could stimulate the feeling of stress. In the matter of fact, there is a study that conducted at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden which evidenced that high level of mobile phone use would significantly increase the level of depression and sleep disturbance among both of men and women. The overall result of many studies also shown that there is a connection between the high use of mobile phones and the increased level of stress and depression.

  1. Emotional Changes

Aside from the fact that your mobile phone could increase the level of stress and depression, mobile phones would also affect your emotional behaviour, but sadly, in negative way. The most simple example from this thing is that whenever people have the face-to-face conversation, sometimes and in most cases, the presence of mobile phones would promote the negative feeling toward the person who has his or her device visible. In the matter of fact, many studies that conducted in the United Kingdom shows that the use of mobile phones could interfere with human relationship. So, you need to avoid to use your mobile phones at any cost whenever you have the conversation or a chit-chat with other people to avoid the negative effects in their emotional behaviour.

  1. Increases Risk of Chronic Pain

There is no doubt that the overuse of mobile phone could increase your chance of getting the chronic pain. So, the question is, what is the connection between the overuse of mobile phone and the chronic pain? As you already know, mobile phone need the constant use of your hands, especially whenever you’re texting a message or e-mail. The rapid speed of texting the message with your hand will lead you to the inflammation in your joint. in addition to that, long periods of the use of mobile phone could cause the arch in your neck and can make your body posture become strange, which will lead you to the back pain.

  1. Increases Risk of Illness

Aside from the fact that mobile phone could cause the chronic pain, it turns out that the mobile phone could also lead you to the illness that associated with your immune system. so, the constant and frequent touching the mobile phone with your hand will form the greasy and residue in your phone, which, of course, contain a lot of germs and bacteria, which will lead you to various illnesses, such as flu and many more. In the matter of fact, a study that conducted at the London School of Hygiene &Tropical Medicine and Queen Mary, researchers measure the existence of bacteria in mobile phone and human hands. The result is that about 92 percent of mobile phone sample had bacteria, while 82 percent of hands had bacteria.

  1. Migraine

Turns out the mobile phone could lead you to migraine. So, migraine is just not an average headache because this kind of headache could make you feel some stabbing feeling in one or even both sides of your head. Whenever you’re frequently checking your phone and tilting down to look at your phone, which could lead you to neck pain and migraine.This health risk will be more likely to occur in the children, especially whenever they take a long period of time to look down at the mobile phone to play the games in their mobile phone. So, in case you already have migraine, you need to take over-the-counter medication, such as ibuprofen and aspirin.

  1. Brain Tumors

Another serious health risk whenever you overuse your mobile phone is that the chance of you developing the brain tumor would be higher than usual. So, according to many health experts, the radiofrequency fileld that released from the mobile phone could penetrate inside your brain up to 6 cm. That accident of course will lead you to many diseases related to your brain, and one of the most likely that you will get is the development of brain tumors in your brain. These tumors could be benign and also could develop into cancerous cells. In the matter of fact, there is a study which evidenced that the tumors development in the brain and neck would be higher in those who use the mobile phone for more than 10 years.

  1. Birth Defect

The excessive use of mobile phones is also not recommended for pregnant women because the excessive use of mobile phone will increase the risk of the baby having the birth defect whenever the labor occur. So, according to many health experts, the possibility of the baby have the behaviour problems and hyperactivity would be greater whenever pregnant women use mobile phone in a lot of times. Hyperactivity is the state of being abnormally active. The hyperactivity then would lead your baby to other problems, such as the inability to concentrate and focus on one thing. So, if you’re pregnant, you better limit the use of mobile phone before it’s too late.

  1. Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma

Many health experts have already suggested that there is a connection between the frequent use of mobile phone and the development of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, although the direct mechanism between these things still remains unknown. But, since the radiofrequency field from mobile phone could cause the cancer, there is no doubt that you will be more likely to have this disease whenever you’re overusing your mobile phone So, non-Hodgkin lymphoma is the type of cancer in the lymphatic system, which will occur whenever your body produce too many abnormal lymphocytes, which is the type of white blood cells. Like any other cancer, the chemotherapy would be beneficial as the cure of this disease.

  1. Acne

Health Risks of Mobile Phones also be source of acne. There is no doubt that you will be more likely to have the skin problems, especially acne, whenever you frequently have a call through your mobile phones. As already mentioned above, whenever you touch the screen of your phone using your hand, your mobile phone will contain a lot of germs and bacteria that transferred from your hand. The result is that the screen from your mobile phone will be more greasy than before.

Whenever you make a phone call with your mobile phone and you stick your mobile phone in your ear, without a doubt the bacteria and germs in the screen of your mobile phone would be transferred to your skin and it will make the inflammation because the interaction between the bacteria and sebum, which of course will lead you to the acne on your skin.

  1. The Decline of Cognitive Function

Another health risk that would be more likely to occur whenever you use your mobile phone over-frequently is the decline of the cognitive function. In the matter of fact, there was a study that conducted in 2009 which confirmed that the radiofrequency fields from the mobile phone that already put next to the head of participants can slow the response times to a spatial working memory task in humans. So, since the radiofrequency fields could affect the overall health of your brain, you need to watch out the possible damage of overusing the mobile phone.

  1. Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity

There is no doubt that the radiofrequency fields that released from the mobile phone could cause the body become stress. This body stress, in most cases, would cause the symptom of electromagnetic hypersensitivity, such as burning and tingling sensation in your skin, and then dizziness, fatigue, sleep disturbances, headache, heart palpitations, and digestive disorders. So, you need to limit the use of your mobile phone from right now because the frequent use of mobile phone will lead you to various diseases.

How To Reduce The Health Risk of Using Mobile Phones

Now, after you already know all of the health risk related to the use of mobile phone, you might feel worried about your own health because of your mobile phone. But, you don’t need to worry to suffer from the health risks that already mentioned above as long as you use your mobile phone properly and wisely. Here are some tips for you to use your mobile phone properly so that you can use your mobile phone without any worry at all about the health risks that already mentioned above.

  • Keep the Distance Between You and Your Mobile Phones. This is very important to protect you from the radiofrequency fields that released from your mobile phone. with this kind of way, you will be prevented from skin problems like acne. So, in case you have the phone calls with your mobile phone, it is better to use the speaker-phone mode.
  • Avoid Using the Mobile Phone in the Area When the Signal is Weak. This is also very important. So, whenever you’re in the area that the signal from your mobile phone is weak, you need to avoid to use your mobile phone. This is because in that kind of area, your mobile phone will release the maximum radiofrequency fields because the mobile phone repeatedly attempt to connect to nearest network antenna.
  • Avoid Carrying the Mobile Phone Near Your Body. Whenever you want to bring your mobile phone along with you, is is better to keep your mobile phone not in your pocket, because it will release the radiofrequency fields all the time which will bring you a lot of bad effects in the future. So, it is better to keep your mobile phone in your bag, or if you want to keep them in your pocket, you need to make sure to turn them off.
  • Avoid Using the Mobile Phone in Metal Contained Spaces. Whenever you’re in the metal contained spaces such as in the car, lift, buses, or train, you better to avoid to use the mobile phones. This is because metal could reflect the waves of radiofrequency fields that released from the mobile phone. This will not only harm you, but the other people surround you. So, if you want to protect the health of you and your beloved ones, avoid using mobile phones in metal contained spaces.
  • Turn Your Mobile Phone Off While You’re Sleeping. This is also very important for you to improve the quality of your sleep. Many researchers suggest that the radiation of your mobile phone would reduce the quality of your sleep. So, you need to turn them off while you’re sleeping. Alternatively, you can switch off the network or just switch the mobile phone on airplane mode in case you need your mobile phones as the alarm. With those kind of ways, the mobile phone won’t release any radiofrequency fields anymore.
  • If Possible, Avoid the Use of Mobile Phones Among the Children. As you already know, the mobile phone can release the radiofrequency fields. This is without a doubt would cause a llot of harms to your body, especially among children. Since the bone density among the children is still weak and their brains is still developing, the radiofrequency fields from the mobile phones could penetrate deeper inside their brain compared with adults, which will increase the risk of developing the brain cancer among children.

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So, now you already know all of the health risks of mobile phone and the tips on how to reduce the possibility of developing the health risks of mobile phone. basically, you don’t need to worry about the use of mobile phone as long as you use it properly and wisely. So, stay healthy!