
The 10 Benefits of Salted Fish for Health

Salted fish has the function to help live longer and prevent disease. It is made of 80 to 85% of protein. Otherwise, it contains nutrients such as vitamin D, selenium, and omega 3.

Salted fish contains 20% of salt and continues to soak. Salt is important for the body and has various types. It has the health benefits of sea salt flakes. In the soaking process occur the level of salt was reduced to 2 to 3% for fish to be eaten.

There are 2 kinds of fish which are freshwater and sea. It is a process that started to be soaked and then dried in a few days under the sun. Salted fish have benefits for health as follows below,

1.     Healthy Bones and Teeth

Salted fish has a higher of calcium and phosphorus. Several facts examine that 100 grams of dried salted fish have 300 mg of phosphorus and 200 mg of calcium. This is the health benefits of calcium for bones.

There is research examining that calcium needs phosphorus to maximize its bone strengthen benefits, and consuming many supplements of calcium without enough phosphorus only wastes time.

Researchers say it’s the first time both elements depending each other for healthy bones. More than half of bones are made from phosphorus and small amounts are used in the body for maintaining fluid and system.

Women trying to prevent osteoporosis usually consume 1000 to 1500 mg of calcium per day in the form of supplements. The research found that the amount of calcium can bind to 500 mg of phosphorus making it unbelievable for the body. 

According to study author Robert P. Heaney, MD from University Creighton say that some women over 60 years have a diet containing less than recommended by the National Academy of Sciences is a daily allowance of 700 mg phosphorus.

Heaney said that for some of these women, usual calcium, calcium carbonate can block mostly absorbing pf phosphorus. If this happens, calcium won’t be useful because its bone material consists of calcium and phosphorus.

The researchers show calcium and phosphorus are needed to support every increase in bone mass and calcium supplements containing phosphorus will be better than those providing only calcium.

2.     Wound Healing

Salted fish has 3 mg per 100 grams nutrient of iron. It has a role in wound healing. Faster healing for wounds can be found in the health benefits of astragalus root.

Iron has a key role in the production of collagen. However, lack an iron is linked to conditions associated with skin such as pallor, pruritus, brittle hair and fingernails, and higher infection of bacteria and fungi to the skin.

Lacking iron can be an occurrence in certain populations including individuals in heavy bleeding as menstruation and they have a habit of eating unallowed food-based animals.

Lacking iron is harmful but too over iron stored in the skin causes changes in extremity skin under chronic such as the coloring of hemosiderin and lipodermatosclerosis.

Otherwise, it changes the skin, over an iron affects responses of macrophages and causes activity uncontrolled proinflammatory. Chronic wound exudate contains iron levels higher than acute wounds and it shows a correlation with continues inflammation and delay healing.

Iron naturally occurs in animal protein such as meat, seafood, poultry, fortified cereals, bread, white or kidney beans, and lentils). If fulfilled with oral iron, considering that calcium can interfere with the absorbing iron, direct to patient consuming supplement of calcium and iron at different times per day.

3.     Prevent Anemia

As we know that iron in salted fish has a function to help the body produce blood cells for wound healing and can prevent anemia. Anemia occurs of lacking iron when a condition lacks a red blood cell, which functions to carry oxygen called hemoglobin to body tissue.

Without enough iron, the body can’t get enough red blood cells to bring oxygen. As a result, make self easy to get tired and out of short breath. Besides lacking iron, anemia might be caused by the below,

  • Low diet in iron, iron obtained from food with 1 mg iron absorbed for every 10 to 20 mg ingested. People who can’t get balance iron probably suffer from iron deficiency anemia
  • Body changes, needed increasing iron required and produce red blood cells such as the speedy growth to children and teenagers, or during pregnancy and lactation.
  • Gastrointestinal tract abnormalities and malabsorption of iron commonly occur after gastrointestinal operation. Mostly absorbed iron through food in the upper intestines. Every abnormality in the gastrointestinal (GI) can changes absorbing iron and cause iron deficiency anemia. Operating or treating to stop the production of stomach acid will decrease the absorbing iron.
  • Blood loss, can cause decreased iron and occurring iron deficiency anemia. A source of blood loss includes GI bleeding, menstruation bleeding, or injury.

The symptoms of iron deficiency anemia depend on blood conditions or medical problems such as irritability, lacking energy, increase heart rate, abnormal paleness or lack of color of the skin, swollen tongue, and spleen enlargement, find more symptoms of anemia here.

And a desire to weirdly eat like dirt or ice. Iron deficiency anemia can be treated in 3 ways,

  • Iron-rich diet, eating a diet rich in iron such as meats, poultry, salted fish, various fish, leafy green cabbage families, legumes, wheat bread, pasta, cereals, and rice.
  • Iron supplements, can be consumed for some months to upgrade iron levels inside the blood. It causes irritation to the stomach and color changes in bowel movements. It should be drunk when conditioned on an empty stomach, or with orange juice to increase absorption. They are more effective than dietary interventions. In the malabsorption case, IV iron may be needed.
  • Evaluation of source blood loss, probably upper endoscopy or colonoscopy.

4.     Maintain Body Endurance

In fact, salty fish can maintain and increase body endurance. It causes by a compound of protein in the salty fish. Protein is needed for athletes or people who like to exercise for long periods.

The role of protein in long periods during exercise. After 90 minutes of activity, the muscle glycogen stored becomes depleted. Muscle tissue becomes a target process called gluconeogenesis, which is the synthesis of glucose from fat and amino acids of muscle without fat.

Adding protein to energy provides amino acids and thus reduces muscle cannibalization. Around 2 hours to 15% of the total burn calories come from protein.

If the amount of protein can’t be input during activities, the body will steal amino acids from muscle tissue for energy. It will give pain after exercise and hardly for the next session.

Protein is a key compound for health and wellness. Find the right protein and nutrients for muscle at the right time. There are 3 best proteins for body endurance,

  • Whey protein, is the most famous protein. It is a by-product of the process of making cheese. It is easy to digest and fast absorb. Types of whey protein are concentrated, isolated, and hydrolysate. Whey protein contains a high amount of branch chain amino acid (BCAA) leucine. BCAA is responsible for the stimulation synthesis of protein. The synthesis of protein is essential to repair and improve muscle to increase recovery of performance. Synthesis proteins have to exceed damaged muscle during exercise.
  • Milk protein, helps to reduce changes in the body composition by increasing muscle without fat and reducing body fat. BCAA in milk protein help to increase muscle protein synthesis.
  • Calcium caseinate, IGF-1 (Insulin-like Growth Factor) is a natural hormone in the body to support the growth of muscle. Calcium caseinate help to increase IGF-1 and can help to support muscle without fat.

5.     Muscle Growth

Salted fish has 42-gram protein per 100 grams. It can help prevent damage and build muscles. High-quality protein contains all essential amino acids and is rich in branched-chain amino acids (BCAA).

Leucine, one of BCAA has a key role to drive the growth and recovery of muscle after resistance and endurance exercise.

Protein powder supplements, protein whey, and plant-based proteins such as soy and pea have been proven effective to increase the growth and recovery of muscles.

According to Dana Ryan, Ph.D., MA, MBA, Director, Sports Performance, Nutrition, and Education examine the Timing of protein intake is essential for athletes or anyone who tries to build muscles.

Exercise give pressure on muscles. Consume 20 to 40-gram protein a half hour after exercise to repair and rebuild muscles.

6.     Energy for the Body

There is 193 kcal of energy in 100 grams of salted fish. The human body converts food consumed such as the health benefits of Indian masala to get energy keep functioning and stay alive. The energy supply gives the body to do vital things for survival like,

  • Maintaining the body’s essential functions, an individual can’t do physical activity anything but still need 1,200 calories per day to maintain the body’s essential functions including the heartbeat, metabolism of food, respiration, and regulating of water and temperature.
  • Enable physical activity and movement, it includes all the forms of movements so the majority of individuals will do physical activity every day. The more active individuals, the more energy their need.
  • Allowing growth and repair tissue, every individual will need some level of repair tissue but more energy is needed during its growth where new tissue is formed. It is infancy life step, childhood, and teenagers due to the increase in their body size. During pregnancy specifically in the second and third trimesters, fetal growth more occurs so more energy is needed. After birth, there is high energy demand on the body during lactation because the production of breast milk is energy intensive.

7.     Prevent Heart Disease

Omega-3 is a fatty acid type of polyunsaturated fat. It makes up 5% to 10% of total calories. The benefit of omega-3 in salty fish has its function to reduce the risk of heart disease in developing an irregular heart.

It creates forming plaque slowly. This plaque contains cholesterol, minerals, harsh calcium, and blocking arteries. It helps to reduce blood pressure.

According to American Heart Association (AHA) recommendation to eat salted fish of at least 3,5 ounces around 100 grams in a week. Omega-3 affects to heart in several ways are reduce the level of triglyceride and increasing the density of high-level lipoprotein.

It can lower platelet aggregation to prevent the coronary arteries from occluding (occlusion prevents the bloodstream to the heart).

Omega-3 probably the heart has rhyme abnormally and can arterial compliance, reduce atherosclerosis through effects on metabolism, and decrease inflammation markers in the body.

8.     Maintain Healthy Skin

Eating fish skin or salted fish improves healthy skin. Fish skin is a source well nutrients such as collagen, iron, omega-3, and vitamin E properly, both contributing to healthy human skin. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommended eating fish 4 ounces (113 grams) and serving 2 – 3 times per week.

There is research that found that collagen can improve skin hydration, elasticity, and trademarks of aging like wrinkles. Collagen is a type of protein in the whole part and types of fish.

9.     Maintain Eye Health

Maintaining a well-balanced and healthy is key to keeping eyes healthy and reducing the risk of developing eye conditions. Fish and salted fish can be great food to consume for eyes healthy.

Fish have omega-3 fatty acids. These are healthy fats. Omega-3 fatty acids can contribute to visual development and the health of the retina in the back of the eyes. It helps to prevent dry eyes.

10.Reduce the Impact of Cancer

There is research on the human show that eating fish and omega-3 fatty acids may protect against cancer. The cancer council recommended eating fish better 2 times per week.

There is strong consuming salted fish to increase the risk of nasopharyngeal cancer. There is strong evidence consuming salted fish increases the risk of stomach cancer.

Many countries consuming salted fish, including Indonesia, are Singapore, Thailand, and Malaysia. According to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, salted fish has nutrients below.

NutrientsUnit of Measure
Energy193 kcal
Protein42 grams
Carbohydrate0 grams
Fat1,5 grams
Calcium200 milligrams
Phosphorus300 milligrams
Iron3 milligrams
Vitamin A0 IU
Vitamin B10,01 milligrams
Vitamin C0 milligrams
Source from DKPP Province Jabar