Healthy Guide

20 Health Risks of Magnetic Cooking Pots (No.3 You Must Aware)

Magnetic cooking pots is a cooking vessel that uses the magnetic induction, rather than thermal conduction from fire, or an electrical heating element. This is the most efficient cooking method and the most advance cooking methods, so that this thing will give you a lot of benefits while you’re cooking. But, apart from all of its advance and benefits, magnetic cooking pots could cause the electromagnetic radiation that can promote the electromagnetic fields, which will give you the potential health risk. What kind of health risks that you would likely to get from the overexposure of electromagnetic fields from magnetic cooking pots? Here are the various health risks of magnetic cooking pots.

  1. Asthma

The electromagnetic fields from the magnetic cooking post would cause asthma disease. This is because the electromagnetic fields could affect and cause an inflammation in your lungs and thus, it will make you feel difficult to breath, and also you will be more likely to suffer from coughing, wheezing, tightness in the chest, and short of breathness. Since asthma could also stimulate by other contaminants like air pollution, burning wood, there is no doubt that electromagnetic fields from magnetic cooking pots would do the same. while there is no actual cure of asthma, but lifestyle changes such as limiting the use of magnetic cooking pots would be beneficial to prevent you from asthma.

  1. Cancer

This is the serious disease that you would likely to get whenever you’re overexposed by the electromagnetic radiation that released by the magnetic cooking pots. Although many studies shown that there are mix results regarding whether the electromagnetic radiations’ exposure in a child will cause a cancer or not, but people who often have the exposure of electromagnetic radiations, including from magnetic cooking pots, would have the greater chance of developing the leukemia and brain tumors. Leukemia is the cancer of the white blood cells, which will divide too quickly and eventually crowd out normal cells. So, you need to limit the use of magnetic cooking pots.

  1. Alzheimer’s

There is no doubt that the electromagnetic fields would have the have a bad effect on your brain. Aside from brain tumors, this kind of electromagnetic would cause the decline of cognitive function and thus, it will lead you to Alzheimer’s. So, Alzheimer’s is the disease that commonly described as a memory loss and loss of other intellectual abilities. Although the main cause of this disease is mainly caused by the aging process, but overexposure of electromagnetic fields would speed up the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.  If your beloved ones have the sign of Alzheimer’s, you need to remind them to exercise in a regular basis because that activity would be an important thing to maintain the health of your brain.

  1. Parkinson’s

As already mentioned above, the electromagnetic fields would be harmful for your brain. This could lead you to the other disease that related to the improper function of the brain called Parkinson’s. So, the electromagnetic fields could potentially affect the function of neurotransmitter in the brain, which cause the neurotransmitter become unable to produce the dopamine. Dopamine is a substance that would be responsible to control the movement in many parts of your body. The main symptoms that you have the Parkinson’s are:

  • Tremor
  • Muscle rigidity
  • Slow movement
  • Poor body balance

In case you have Parkinson’s, you need to make sure that you have the regular exercise to build up the strength, balance, and endurance. Cognitive exercise like playing crosswords puzzles, solving math problems, would be very beneficial too.

  1. Fibromyalgia

Another potential health risk that you would likely to get from the overused of magnetic cooking pots is fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is a chronic disorder that commonly characterized with the unexplained pain of muscle and joints. As already mentioned above, this disorder could occur because the electromagnetic fields from magnetic cooking pots would affect the health of your brain, which could make your brain and nerves misinterpreting or overreacting the normal pain signals. But, you need to remember that this disorder is different from arthritis. Pain medication and muscle relaxers could ease the discomfort caused by fibromyalgia.

  1. Persistent Headache

Aside from the health risk that already mentioned above, the magnetic cooking pots would also potentially cause you the persistent headache. So, the electromagnetic fields from the magnetic cooking pots would increase the risk of developing the persistent headache. The electromagnetic fields could stress your body, which then without a doubt would cause the persistent headache that has the intense pain. In case you already have the persistent headache, try to limit the use of magnetic cooking pots and any other thing that can release the electromagnetic fields. In addition to that, taking over-the-counter medication such as ibuprofen and aspirin would be beneficial.

  1. Chronic Fatigue

Although fatigue is commonly classified as the common condition, but whenever you have the excessive and chronic fatigue without any apparent reason, that would be the sign that you have the medical condition, including the overexposure of electromagnetic fields. Since the electromagnetic fields that released from magnetic cooking pots can stress your body, there is no doubt that you will experience the chronic fatigue. In case you have the fatigue that won’t go away although you have adequate amount of rest, try to limit the intake of caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine. In addition to that, create a sleep routine, which you need to go to bed at the same time every night. Don’t forget to take time to relax everyday.

  1. Brain Fog

As already mentioned above, the electromagnetic field that released by magnetic cooking pots would affect the function of your brain. This electromagnetic fields could make the decline in the cognitive function in the brain. So, there is no doubt that if you use the magnetic cooking pots too much in your life, the possibility of you having the brain fog would be increased.

So, brain fog is the term used to describe the problem related to the improper function in your brain, such as forgetfulness, concentration problems, and confusion. This disease could be accompanied with chronic fatigue and body stress. have a change in your lifestyle, sleep patterns, and keep exercising everyday would help to ease the symptom of brain fog.

  1. Weak Immune System

Do you know that the overexposed of electromagnetic fields that released by the magnetic cooking pots could also make your immune system become weaker than before? In the matter of fact, a study has already evidenced that there is a connection between electromagnetic fields and the immune system.

According to Johansson O from the Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, the exposure of electromagnetic fields could make some disturbances in the immune system, which then could increase the various diseases, including cancer. So, in case to maintain your immune system, you need to limit the use of magnetic cooking pots and other devices that can release the electromagnetic fields.

  1. Brain Cancer

As already mentioned above, the electromagnetic fields that released from the magnetic cooking pot could make some disturbances in your immune system. This will make your immune system become weak, which will allow a lot of diseases affect your body. Because the radiation can affect the function of your brain, there is no doubt that the brain cancer could occur whenever you’re overexposed by the electromagnetic radiation. So, brain cancer is the overgrowth of cells in the brain that forms masses called tumors. These tumors could be benign and could growth become cancerous and this is a rare disease, as well as life-threatening. In case you already diagnosed with this disease, there is no other way than take the chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

  1. Insomnia

There is no doubt that the electromagnetic fields that released by magnetic cooking pots would lead you to insomnia. Do you ever feel that you’re struggling to sleep after you play with your cell phones in your bed? Well, you would feel struggle to sleep because of the electromagnetic fields that released from your electronic device. The same thing would happen whenever you overused your magnetic cooking pot. According to Harvard Medical School, the electromagnetic fields could interfere your sleep because it will interfere the production of sleep hormones, which will make you become restless in the night and you feel that you’re really tired in the morning.

  1. Heart Palpitations

Another health problem that you would likely to get whenever you have the overexposure of electromagnetic fields that released by magnetic cooking pots is heart palpitations. So, the electromagnetic fields from magnetic cooking pots would cause a stress in your body. As you all know, when your body feel the extreme stress, the heartbeat would be increased dramatically, which of course lead you to heart palpitations. Heart palpitation is the condition when you feel that your heart is racing, pounding or fluttering. Since the treatment of this condition is based on the underlying cause, you need to limit and use your magnetic cooking pots wisely.

  1. High Blood Pressure

There is also a connection between the electromagnetic fields that released from your magnetic cooking pots and the high blood pressure. So, overexposure of electromagnetic fields from the magnetic cooking pots would cause your body become stress. The stress in our body of course will increase the blood pressure in our body. So, whenever you’re already diagnosed of having the high blood pressure, you need to change your lifestyle as soon as possible. Consume food that contains high amount of potassium such as banana, apples, broccoli, oranges, and carrots. In addition to that, always exercise yourself and take some time to do your hobby to make yourself relax.

  1. Miscarriage

This is one of the serious health risks for every pregnant woman. Whenever you’re pregnant, you need to make sure that you’re limiting the use of magnetic cooking pots because overexposure of electromagnetic fields from magnetic cooking pots would increase your chance of having a miscarriage. As you already know, magnetic cooking pots can release the electromagnetic fields. Basically, every cell in every living organism is surrounded by the electromagnetic field and various parts of our body have their own electromagnetic field. Many researchers are believed that the electromagnetic fields affect the rapid cell differentiation going on in a fetus.

In the matter of fact, many studies already shown that the overexposure of electromagnetic fields would increase the risk of having a miscarriage. Astudy conducted in San Fransisco that published in the journal of Epidemiology shown that the pregnant women with higher exposure of electromagnetic radiation had an 80 percent increase in risk of miscarriage.

  1. Rheumatoid Arthritis

The other health risk that possibly would occur whenever you have the overexposure of electromagnetic radiation that released from your magnetic cooking pots is rheumatoid arthritis. As already mentioned above, the electromagnetic fields could affect your immune system and make your immune system become weak, as well as affecting your brain. Those conditions could potentially lead you to rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is the autoimmune disorder, which the immune system mistakes the body’s own cells for invaders. This disorder is really rare and this is considered as the life-threatening, so the early diagnose would be beneficial to have the positive outlook regarding this disorder.

  1. Depression

There is no doubt that you will be likely to get the depression whenever you have the overexposure to the electromagnetic fields that released from magnetic cooking pots. Since the electromagnetic fields could make your body become stressed, there is no doubt that you will feel the depression afterwards. Depression is the disorder that affect the mood and general outlook. In addition to that, since the electromagnetic fields could affect the brain, the changes in brain chemistry will make you feel depressed. In case you have a depression, do not hesitate to seek the medical advice since the doctor would give you the prescription of medication and also, psycotherapy.

  1. Migraine

Since the electromagnetic fields could potentially cause a depression, you would also potentially have the migraine. In the matter of fact, the Migraine Trust evidenced that the symptom of depression is three times more likely to occur in migraine sufferers compared with people who don’t have migraines. Migraine is more than an average headache because migraine are strong amd pounding headache in one of both sides of your head. So, if you already have a migraine, taking over-the-counter medication such as ibuprofen and aspirin. If you have the persistent migraine, do not hesitate to seek the medical treatment as soon as possible.

  1. Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia

Since the electromagnetic fields from magnetic cooking pots could be hazardous among the children and can increase the risk of cancer, there would be no doubt that the acute lymphocytic leukemia would occur. So, lymphocytic leukemia is commonly occurring among the children. This is the type of the cancer in the blood and bone marrows whenever there are abnormal growth of the cells in your body. In the matter of fact, the radiation exposure is the main cause of this disease, so that you need to limit the use of magnetic cooking pots in order to avoid the overexposure of electromagnetic radiation. In case you already have this disease, chemotherapy is  the best way to cure it.

  1. Lupus

As already mentioned above, the excessive exposure of electromagnetic fields would be harmful for your immune system because it can weaken your immune system, as well as stimulate the autoimmune disease such as rheumatoid arthritis. Aside from that, the electromagnetic fields would also cause lupus disease, which is another autoimmune disease. So lupus is the disease that occurs whenever the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy tissue. As the result, you will experience an inflammation in your body that can cause pain and damage. Sadly, the cure of lupus is still unknown at the moment. However, there are many types of treatment that would be beneficial for you, depending how lupus affects your body. Seek the medical treatment whnever you’re diagnosed to have lupus disease.

  1. Chest Pain

As already mentioned above, the excessive exposure of electromagnetic field would make your body become stressed and thus, your heartbeat would be faster than before, which lead you to heart palpitations. Whenever your body become stressed, there is no doubt that the chest pain would occur. It may feel sharp, stabbing pain in your chest, which will cause some discomforts. Seek the medical treatment as soon as possible whenever you feel the pain in the chest. The doctor then would prescribe you with medications, noninvasive procedures, surgery, or combinations of these methods, depending on the severity of your chest pain.

Benefits of Magnetic Cooking Pots

After you already know all of the health risk of magnetic cooking pots, you might consider not using it again or you’re not willing to buy it. But, one thing that you should remember that the magnetic cooking pots is safe for your health whenever you use it wisely. Here are the benefits of using the magnetic cooking pots as the device to cook your meal:

  • Instant Heat. There is an evidenced that using the magnetic cooking pots could make the instant heat, which means that if you boil the water, it will be boiled much faster rather than using the stove that use the gas.
  • Heat Will Stay Longer. Another benefit that you could get from magnetic cooking pots is that the heat will stay longer than any other conventional electric or gas. The magnetic cooking pots will only heat the cookware and it will give about 70% higher efficiency rather than conventional electric and gas.
  • Relatively Safe Among Children. Safety is an important factor whenever you’re cooking with children around. Whenever you’re using the magnetic cooking pots, once you release the pan off, the unit of magnetic cooking pots would automatically switch off, which then, of course, wouldn’t make somebody’s finger get burnt whenever they touch the cooktop, especially children who are often to be very curious about many things.
  • Cool Design. There is no doubt that magnetic cooking pots would make your house interior become more sophisticated because in terms of design, magnetic cooking pots is the best rather than the conventional electric and gas. It is very comfortable to cook in a nice environment, with the cool stuff, rather than cooking in a dirty and uninteresting environment and not practical at all.

Supplement to Protect You From Electromagnetic Fields

So, in case to protect you from the health risk of magnetic cooking pots, make sure you have the adequate amount of the supplements that mentioned as follows, because these supplements would be beneficial to protect you from the potential harm of electromagnetic fields. Here are the supplements that would protect you from electromagnetic fields:

  • Iodine. This is the most important supplement to consume to protect you from electromagnetic fields. This supplement would be beneficial because it will support the thyroid which gives electromagnetic fields protection. Iodine will help to remove the heavy metal and also has the protective effect on a brain tissue.
  • Curcumin. Curcumin is also would be beneficial to protect you fro electromagnetic fields. This supplement will neutralize free radicals which will protect against cell damage. Also, it will reduce the inflammation that caused by radiation, as well as prevent the form of plaques in the brain that commonly associated with Alzheimer’s.
  • Vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 would be beneficial too to protect you from the potential harm of electromagnetic fields. So, Vitamin B6 would be very beneficial to helps rebuild the neurotransmitter in the brain which have been damaged by radiation. With an adequate amount of Vitamin B6, you will be less likely to develop the brain cancer, Alzheimer’s, brain fog, and other brain disease that already mentioned above.
  • Noni. Noni is a plant that would be very beneficial to consume in order to prevent the potential harm of electromagnetic fields. So, noni will enhance the ability of your body to adapt to stress that caused by the electromagnetic radiation by correcting the imbalance before the body systems are affected. This plant will also improve the immune system and also can maintain the health of your heart and protect the DNA damage.

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Now you already know all of the health risk of magnetic cooking pots. While the health risk of magnetic cooking pots seems scary, but you don’t need to worry as long as you’re not over-used it and you can use it wisely. In the matter of fact, magnetic cooking pots has a lot of advantages for you compared with conventional electricity and gas. So, stay healthy!