Cayenne pepper comes from South and Central America, which for 9000 years has been used as a seasoning food and traditional medicine. Sometimes cayenne pepper is sold as a dietary supplement intended to treat illnesses, such as cluster headaches and psoriasis, control pain, and is also available in powder or whole form as a foodstuff. Not only are the components called capsaicin which is their main components, but cayenne pepper also contains Benefits of Vitamin A and vitamin C and some phytochemicals that help improve health.
Nutritional content of Cayenne Pepper per 100 g!
Here are the nutritional contents of cayenne pepper :
Not only health benefits for the body that you can get from cayenne pepper but for those of you who are pregnant you can also get health benefits of cayenne pepper during pregnancy.
Health Benefits of cayenne pepper during pregnancy!
During pregnancy, you can use cayenne pepper topically as recommended by the American Pregnancy Association. The University of Maryland Medical Center does not recommend for you who are pregnant to take cayenne pepper supplements, but you can consume cayenne pepper while eating. You should remember that if you have problems such as heartburn related to pregnancy, however, you may not tolerate cayenne pepper or other spicy in your diet. See also about Health Benefits of Green Chili Peppers.
Because cayenne pepper contains useful capsaicin benefits during pregnancy, you can use cayenne pepper as one of the ingredients to make stews or stir-fry. Another way is to sprinkle cayenne pepper into the pasta sauce or soup to make the taste better. The medical center recommends that you make sure you use vinegar to wash your hands, not just water or soap, to get rid spicy of your hands.
Consideration of consuming cayenne pepper during pregnancy!
Although there are health benefits of cayenne pepper during pregnancy that you can get, there are some things you should consider while consuming cayenne pepper during pregnancy.
So, those are the health benefits of cayenne pepper for those of you who are pregnant that you can consume sufficiently.