Herbal Plant

List of Aromatic Herbs in India and Health Benefits

The unique thing about India is they are using herbs not only for cooking but also for fragrances used in religious and traditional medicine practices. The list of aromatic herbs in India and health benefits below will tell you more about how rich India culture is and not only in art or cuisine but also traditional medicine practice well known as Ayurvedic which has been part of this country’s culture since ancient time.

  1. Tulsi

Tulis is the local name for holy basic, one of the aromatic herbs well known worldwide. As part of Ayurvedic medicine, tulsi has been used traditionally by the Indian to treat some health conditions or home remedy to several health issues such as cold, sore throat, sinusitis up to reducing the symptoms of asthma and bronchitis.

  1. Cinnamon

Generally there are two types of cinnamon. The one that is commonly found in India is Ceylon cinnamon because it is native to Sri Lanka, a country which located nearby India. Health benefits of Ceylon cinnamon are reducing the risk of heart disease and excellent treatment for diabetic patients.

  1. Coriander

Coriander is one of the herbs used in India cuisines as well as Ayurvedic practice. Both of the seeds and leaves of coriander contain beneficial medicinal properties to treat indigestion from bloating up to constipation. Benefits of coriander leaves are also good to improve appetite and purify the blood.

  1. Cardamom

The spicy aroma of cardamom is the reasons why this herb is probably the Indian’s favourites. Similar to the benefits of ginger, cardamom is also great to combat nausea and some digestive problems from gas, bloating, heartburn up to loss of appetite.

  1. Cumin

Compared to other similar herbs and spices, cumin is well known for its amazing iron content. Health benefits of iron are essential for human metabolism because it has responsible to product red blood cells.

  1. Lemongrass

Just like the health benefits of cardamom, lemongrass is also a common home remedy to treat fever and cold in Ayurvedic practice. Since ancient time, the healing properties of lemongrass have been well known due to its vitamin c benefits and rich of antioxidants content.

  1. Bellflower

The anti-allargenic properties found in bellflower is the reasons why the root of this flower is excellent to treat respiratory problems especially to reduce the symptoms of asthma. The anti-inflammatory properties found in flower are also good for cardiovascular health.

  1. Sage

Sage is one of the herbs you will commonly find in Indian culinary recipe. However, the aromatic aroma of sage makes this herb is also excellent herbal tea which traditionally used to help improving appetite.

  1. Chamomile

The aromatic aroma of chamomile is giving the calming effect. That is why traditionally this herb is used in Ayurvedic practice to treat colic in baby, treat diarrhea and solution to flatulence.

  1. Clove

Benefits of chewing cloves for teeth health and fight bad breath has been part of Indian’s lifestyle. Instead of gum, you will find most Indians prefer to chew cloves. Aside from that benefits of clove are good digestion and immunity system.

  1. Allspice

Though allspice is commonly found in the list of Arabic herbs but it is also easy to find in India. Allspice is good for patients diagnosed with certain types of diabetes due to its low glycemic index which is good for blood sugar management.

  1. Bay Leaf

In Ayurvedic practice, bay leaf is used do to its warm aroma. Traditionally bay leaf is used to treat several respiratory and digestion problems.

  1. Dill

Health benefits of fresh dill in Ayurvedic practice is not only good for digestive systems such as cure indigestion, improve slow bowel movement, relieve constipation and cure diarrhea but also used as insomnia remedy.

  1. Star Anise

Traditionally star anise is used to treat sore throat, fever and cough due to some active compounds such as terpinol, thymol and anethole which are found in this traditional Indian spice.

  1. Oregano

Oregano contains potent anti-bacterial agents which are good to reduce viral infection. As rich of antioxidants oregano is also well known as anti-cancer. Not only that, oregano is also highly recommended for those who are currently in weight loss diet program.

  1. Ginger

When it comes to benefits of ginger the list could be endless. The aromatic and warm aroma of ginger is perfect during recovery process because it could accelerate the healing process. As herbal remedy ginger is rich of antioxidants and containing anti-septic effects which are good for skin health.

  1. Lavender

Lavender are excellent in any form, from lavender plant which is good for natural insect repellent, fresh lavender for natural air fragrance, dried lavender for herbal tea up to lavender oil which is good for skin. In other words, you could use lavender in all aspects of your life from health aspects up to beauty aspects.

  1. Rosemary

Not only the pleasant aroma that makes rosemary famous in herbs world but also its tasty flavour. Rosemary has a lot of benefits for skin health to keep youthful skin, prevent acne, solution to eczema and rosemary is also commonly used as natural skin treatment to treat oily skin.

  1. Tarragon

Both fresh and dried tarragon leaves are containing amazing health benefits. Health benefits of tarragon leaves are good to fight cancer and prevent the side effects of free radicals due to its potent antioxidant contents. The anti-inflammatory properties of tarragon are also good to maintain the cardiovascular health.

  1. Parsley

Some studies have found out that parsley contains high flavonoid content which is well known as one of the potent antioxidants. Parsley is also able to act as natural diuretic to help maintaining the health of liver and kidney.

Ayurvedic practice is including the power of scent and how scent could empower a human life and affect their health. Aromatherapy is also one of the things commonly found in Ayurvedic practice which is believed to have the power to balance the human lives. The list of aromatic herbs in India and health benefits mentioned above is only the start or small part of Ayurvedic practice you should know.