Staple Food

18 Incredible Health Benefits of Yellow Corn Grits

What menu do you usually eat at breakfast? Fruit, rice, oatmeal, cereals, salads, there are many menu choices for breakfast. Have you ever consumed yellow corn grits for breakfast? Unbeknownst to you, in fact, yellow corn grits is a famous breakfast menu in many cultures. No wonder, if yellow grits serve as the breakfast menu, this is because there are so many health benefits of yellow corn grits that you can get.

Compared to white grits, yellow grits have a more chewy taste and have more benefits. In addition, yellow corn grits will also give you a sense of satiety faster.

Some people add butter as they eat yellow corn grits, but some do not because they do not want any fats that come from the butter that can have an impact on weight gain. If you really want to use butter while eating yellow corn grits, use natural butter much healthier.

Nutrition content of yellow corn grits!

Yellow corn grits contain the main nutrients such as Vitamin B, Vitamin E, Fiber, Folate, and Protein.

In 100 g, corn grits contain nutrients such as:

  • Calories (kcal) 59
  • Total Fat 0.2 g
  • Saturated fat 0 g
  • Polyunsaturated fats 0.1 g
  • Monounsaturated fats 0 g
  • Cholesterol 0 mg
  • Sodium 223 mg
  • Potassium 21 mg
  • Total Carbohydrate 13 g
  • Fiber food 0.3 g
  • Sugar 0.1 g
  • Protein 1.4 g
  • Vitamin A 31 IU
  • Vitamin C 0 mg
  • Calcium 3 mg
  • Iron 0.2 mg
  • Vitamin D 0%
  • Vitamin B12 0 μg
  • Magnesium 5 mg

Health Benefits of yellow corn grits!

One of the yellow corn grits is Polenta. This yellow corn grits comes from Italy. Polenta textures vary depending on the length of cooking time and how long before serving. If served immediately after cooking, polenta is still hot and soft-textured. If it’s been long, the polenta will be thick, dense, and can be served in sliced form.

Some of the health benefits of this yellow corn grits are:

  1. Rich in complex carbohydrates

Complex carbohydrates are carbohydrates that contain fiber and starch. Complex carbohydrates also make full longer, maintain a healthy digestive system, and contain vitamins and minerals that the body needs. Read also about Health Benefits of Carbohydrates.

  1. Gluten-free

Polenta is safe for consumption by people with Celiac disease or has a sensitivity to gluten. As a reminder, if you buy an instant polenta product, it’s really important to see the ingredients in the product wrap just to check if there are certain additives or not that can be harmful to you.

Celiac disease is a condition of chronic intestinal inflammation triggered by the presence of gluten intake into the intestine. Gluten is a type of protein found in wheat derivative products.

When people with Celiac disease consume products containing gluten, it will make intestinal inflammation and the condition will interfere with the absorption of nutrients from other foods.

  1. Vitamin A

Polenta contains vitamin A which has an important function in the immune system. Vitamin A preserves the epithelium, the body tissues that line the lungs, gastrointestinal tract, lining the blood vessels, and keep skin healthy.

Vitamin A is needed in maintaining visual acuity, especially required by the retina of the eye to converting visual light into nerve signals to the brain. You need to know more information about Vitamin A Benefits Apart For Eyes Vision.

  1. Source of carotenoids

Carotenoids are pigments found in plant foods that can be converted into vitamin A. Yellow corn grits that contain carotenoids have important benefits to the body because carotenoids work as antioxidants that have a protective role in cells, tissues, and organs in the body. In addition, the well-known antioxidant benefits are to counter the effects of free radicals that can lead to the development of cancer, heart disease, and eye diseases.

Some carotenoids are converted into vitamin A which is beneficial to maintain the immune system, eye health, and support the body’s growth and development process.

  1. Low fat

Basically, polenta is a low-fat food and is safe for low-fat diets. This can be obtained only if you do not use additional saturated fat in cooking like using butter. Adding saturated fats will make the benefits of polenta less.

  1. Contains essential minerals

Polenta contains essential minerals of calcium, iron, Benefits of Magnesium For Health, phosphorus, sodium, and zinc. Vitamins are found in small amounts of polenta ie vitamins B and E. One of the benefits of minerals is to maintain bone density and balance the levels of fluid in the body.

  1. Protein

The main component in polenta is carbohydrates, but polenta still contains protein. This protein functions in many metabolic processes and the formation of the body structure in the body. Proteins also function in the formation of enzymes, hormones, and neurotransmitters. The fluid balance in the body is also regulated by proteins.

  1. Folate

Yellow corn grits contain useful folate to boost the immune system and help prevent and overcoming anemia and even cancer. In addition, another important benefit of folate is to help repair DNA.

  1. Pregnancy

Pregnant women will benefit from yellow corn grits, as folate in these corn grits will help prevent nerve damage and help develop myelin sheath (fetal nerve layer) in the fetus.

  1. Healthy muscles

Yellow corn grits contain leucine which is an amino acid that has a role in protein synthesis so it can increase muscle growth.

Some of the main health benefits of yellow corn grits are:

  1. Yellow corn grits provide a feeling of satiety faster and longer, so you who consume yellow corn grits can lose weight. Yellow corn grits is a very suitable menu for those of you who are in the diet program.
  2. Helps smooth bowel performance.
  3. Yellow corn grits contain antioxidants that are very beneficial to the body.
  4. Increase body immunity.
  5. Yellow corn grits also have important benefits such as helping the brain stay healthy.
  6. Yellow corn grits also contain Health Benefits of Iron and selenium that work together to support the performance of proteins in the body.
  7. Eating yellow corn grits will help prevent rheumatoid arthritis and vision problems, such as macular degeneration because it contains Benefits of Vitamin B6.
  8. Yellow corn grits are very beneficial for athletes because they help keep them energized while doing their activities.

There are so many benefits of yellow corn grits. Start your day with a yellow corn grits breakfast!