Processed Food

Health Benefits of Peanut Butter for Toddlers

Peanut butter is undoubtedly one of the favorite types of jam to be eaten with bread. Everyone, from young children to senior citizens love it really well! Imagine the chunky nut pieces that slips in between the sweet and nutty flavor of the light brown spread, chances are one will immediately crave for some afterwards!

What is even better is that other than having good taste, health benefits of roasted peanuts butter in some ways are also good for the health, thanks to the nutrients inside the nuts as well as the healthy oils that compose it. No wonder children often pack peanut butter sandwiches to school, sometimes accompanied with jam as well. And now, these are the health benefits of peanut butter for toddlers.

Nutrition Facts of Peanut Butter

  • Serving Size – 100 g
  • Calories – 588 kcal
  • Total Fat – 50 g (76% of DV)
    • Saturated Fat – 10 g (50% of DV)
    • Polyunsaturated Fat – 14 g
    • Monounsaturated Fat – 24 g
    • Trans Fat – 0 g (0% of DV)
  • Cholesterol – 0 g (0% of DV)
  • Sodium – 17 mg (0% of DV)
  • Potassium – 649 mg (18% of DV)
  • Total Carbohydrates – 20 g (6% of DV)
    • Dietary Fibre – 6 g (24% of DV)
    • Sugar – 9 g
  • Protein – 25 g (50% of DV)
  • Vitamins and Minerals
    • Vitamin A – 0%
    • Vitamin B6 – 25%
    • Vitamin B12 – 0%
    • Vitamin C – 0%
    • Vitamin D – 0%
    • Vitamin K – 0%
    • Calcium – 4%
    • Cobalamin – 0%
    • Iron – 10%
    • Magnesium – 38%

All the information above are in relation to a 2,000-calorie diet. The percentage of daily value (% of DV) may differ depending on personal calorie needs.

What are the Health Benefits of Peanut Butter for Toddlers?

1. Peanut Butters are Rich Sources of Protein

Imagine, just 25 grams of peanut butter already contains 50% of daily protein values, which value wise is of course more than enough when used as a condiment! Alternatively, peanut butters can also be used to introduce kids to nut-based protein sources.

2. Peanut Butters Have One of the Lowest Cholesterol Levels

A 2016 research published in the Journal of Food and Technology also revealed that health benefits of salted peanuts possess excellent compounds such as phenolic acids, resveratrol, flavonoids and phytosterols for guarding against the absorption of cholesterols. Also, the healthy fat content found in peanut butter is almost equal to that found inside olive oil.

3. Peanut Butters Prevent Long Term Effects of Type II Diabetes

Consuming peanut butters regularly since young age is also proven to reduce the risk of type II diabetes because peanuts have unsaturated fats. It is the unsaturated fat that stabilizes insulin levels.

4. Peanut Butters are a Good Source of Vitamins

Peanut butters have excellent sources of vitamins that support the growth of toddlers, such as vitamin A benefits for eyesight, which builds better eyesight for children and also vitamin C for immunity so that kids don’t fall sick easily. Also, peanut butters contain vitamin E for better management of fatty cells.

5. Peanut Butters Have Antioxidant Properties

There are various antioxidants present inside peanut butter, such as pantothenic acid, folate, niacin, riboflavin, resveratrol and niacin to name a few. These antioxidants synchronize to prevent serious and chronic illnesses.

6. Peanut Butters Protects Us from Cancer

Peanut butters have B-sitosterol, which is a form of phytosterol that is especially great in combating cancer, particularly colon, prostate as well as breast cancer, which should be anticipated from a young age.

7. Peanut Butters Regulate Blood Sugar Levels

The magnesium reserve inside peanut butters, which account for 42% of the daily recommended value of magnesium helps to regulate blood pressure and blood sugar levels, immunity, bone and muscle development.

8. Peanut Butters are High in Benefits of Potassium

In addition to magnesium, peanut butters also contain potassium at 70 mg per 100 g of serving, which works as an electrolyte that doesn’t pressure the blood or cardiovascular system unlike sodium.

9. Peanut Butters Reduce Gallstone Risks

Gallstones, or gallbladder stones are becoming a serious issue in today’s modern world. A study published by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition proved that women who have consumed peanut butter or similar nut products since young age have their risks of gallstones improved.

10. Peanut Butters Contain Dietary Fibre

The dietary fibre levels of peanut butters are at a level of 20 g at every 125 g. Dietary fibres are needed not only by adults, but also by children and toddlers as well to ensure that their digestion is in the best condition.

How Safe is Peanut Butter for Toddlers?

Peanut butter is one universal food for almost every child and could go well with breads, fruits, cookies, etc. Indeed, peanut butters are also loved by picky eaters that the American Academy of Pediatrics list is as one food for fussy eaters. Peanut butters are a good choice for children, provided that it is eaten in moderation.

They are an excellent source of healthy fats, protein, vitamin B, iron, fibre, as well as folic acid. Just two tablespoons of peanut butter on its own already contains 28% protein for children under 10 years old! The peanut oil, which floats on top of the jam is a source of monounsaturated fat, which is the healthy fat that is good for the heart.

Peanut butter is also safe for toddlers under 4 or infants as a way to introduce them to nut-sourced proteins because whole nuts when fed to this group age may cause choking hazard.

However on top of all that, the most important consideration is whether or not the child has allergies to nuts. Peanuts are among the eight food types that compose 90% of all food allergies. Peanut allergies also develop during childhood and may last for life. In this case, proper diagnosis by a medical expert is needed.

And then, for the wellbeing of the child make sure that the peanut butter consumed isn’t made using hydrogenated oil because it contains trans-fats.