A part of goose which was often used by people is its egg. Goose egg weight is bigger than chicken egg and duck egg. Its skin or its eggshell is clean white. Its height is 113 mm and its diameter is around 74 mm. One of goose egg weight is around 340 gram.
Contains of Goose Egg
Goose egg contains calories 266.4 kkal, 20 g protein, fat 19.1 g, cholesterol 1226.9 mg, sodium 198.7 mg, potassium 302.4 mg, and carbohydrate 1.9 g. For more detail, here they are
Goose egg is less popular in Indonesia. But, there are some health benefits of eating goose egg. Here they are
Goose egg is bigger than another egg. Its eggshell is often used by artists and handicraft manufacturers as main material of handicraft processing. There are many handicrafts and variations from goose egg. It is depend on creativity from its maker.
Goose egg has high folic acid and it is very useful for our body. Folic acid in boiled goose egg is very good for fertile womb. There are many folic acid in:
Do you want to have smart baby? You have to take care nutrition of fetus. So the baby doesn’t get symptom of brain growth. One health benefits of eating goose egg is helping brain growth, especially when he was in womb and first three years.
Another health benefits of eating goose egg is speeding up the pregnancy process. When someone wants to be pregnant, goose egg can help to stimulate and speed up fertilization process. We can also meet this benefits into :
Boiled goose egg is same as another eggs. It contains good vitamins and minerals for our body. One health benefits from vitamins and minerals in boiled goose egg is taking care immune system. If you took care your body system, you will
This goose egg can useful as acne remover medicines. The way is use albumin goose egg as face mask. This albumin can take care skin health. So it can reduce risk of acne. These are steps for using albumin as face mask :
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Goose egg has high protein, too. Its protein is around 13.9 % from total weight of goose egg. Of course, this protein is very useful for our health and strength body. Commonly, protein in goose egg is useful for
Goose egg contains high iron and potassium. Of course, they are very useful for our body health. This two substances have important role for
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Yes, one health benefits of eating goose egg is it can take care your bone and teeth health. Because calcium and phosphor in goose egg are so high. Beside that, calcium and phosphor in goose egg are useful to
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Goose egg contains vitamin B2, too. Vitamin B2 in goose egg is useful for our body, such as
Now, People is often raising goose. They just take care goose as pet. Because of that, we are difficult to find products from goose in the market. If you want to take care or raise goose, it is not difficult such as duck and chicken. There are many feed goose in the market.
Although there are many health benefits of eating goose egg for our body, but goose has disadvantages, too. It has high fat and cholesterol. So we must be careful with it. Especially if you have cholesterol disease, please don’t consume this goose egg too often.
Those are some health benefits of eating goose egg. Hope this article can be useful for all of you.