Food & Bevarages

6 Amazing Health Benefits of Quail Eggs for Toddler

When your little one starts to eat meals, of course, all mothers want to give their kids nutritional intakes such as eggs, because they are rich in benefits and vitamins, as fully explained in the health benefits of brown eggs. But compared to chicken eggs, quail eggs are more recommended for babies and toddlers.

Compared to chicken eggs, these eggs have six times more vitamin B1. The amount of Vitamin B2 in quail eggs is also 15 times more than chicken eggs. In quail eggs, you can also find high protein, calcium, magnesium, potassium and other goodness that helps boost immunity.

Quail eggs are considered a miracle food for the growth and development of your little one. Unlike chicken eggs, quail eggs have a lower risk of allergies. Aside from having the health benefits of eggs in pregnancy, you can also start to introduce quail eggs to your kids.

Here are some of the benefits of quail eggs that worth mentioning :

Health Benefits of Quail Eggs for Toddler

  • Increases Immunity

As you might know already, protein is an element that supports the immune system of your kids. The immunity of babies under 1 year old tends not to be too strong, so you need to provide adequate protein intake, one of which can be from quail eggs.

Quail eggs help to increase the hemoglobin level in the blood. In addition, regularly consuming quail eggs can take care of the kidneys, liver and gallbladder.

Not only a healthy body but also increased brain memory with quail eggs. It is believed, children who regularly eat quail eggs have a sharper memory than those who don’t. So, giving your kids quail eggs from now it’s a great idea to gain the health benefits of hard boiled eggs for breakfast.

  • Contains Large Amount of Good Cholesterol

As much as 60% of the fat in quail eggs is HDL fat (good cholesterol). This high HDL can fight LDL (bad cholesterol) in the body.

Your little one will also be better protected from various deadly diseases such as heart disease, cancer, or arthritis. High levels of vitamin C and vitamin A make quail eggs neutralize free radicals and protect overall health.

  • Increase the Formation of Red Blood Cells

Quail eggs are high in iron content. This nutrient content has an important role in producing red blood cells and composing hemoglobin which plays a role in increasing oxygen levels in the body. 

By maintaining adequate iron intake, your kids can be avoided from the risk of anemia due to iron deficiency. Keep in mind, iron deficiency can affect the development of intelligence, behavior, and motor skills of babies. That’s why giving them a sufficient iron intake through quail eggs or benefits of turkey berry is definitely important.

  • Supports Brain Development

Quail eggs are one type of food that contains high choline. This one element can help optimize children’s brain development, improve memory, thinking power, concentration, and focus.

By giving your toddlers quail eggs, you can provide a great nutrient for brain development. Along with regular studying, of course, your beloved ones can be smarter.

  • Useful to Protect the Eyes

The color of egg yolk is not only a refreshing color for the eyes, but also indicates that eggs contain lutein and zeaxanthin compounds, both of which are pigments that give yellow color.

Although there is no definitive study, it is most likely because egg yolks contain a lot of fat, so that lutein is more easily dissolved and absorbed by the body.

Lutein and zeaxanthin do not have vitamin A activity, although both are very good for the eyes. Naturally, lutein and zeaxanthin are found in the retina of the eye. In the retina, lutein and zeaxanthin can help protect the eye from damage by filtering blue light, especially in infants and children. 

According to various studies, it stated that lutein and zeaxanthin have the potential to absorb up to 20-90 percent of blue light. Children have the potential to be exposed to blue light from sunlight, television screens, or computers. 

Blue light is actually light that has a wavelength between 400-500 nm in the spectrum of light that is still acceptable to the eye.

However, at an early age, the eye lens in children is relatively clear, so it has not maximally blocked the incoming blue light. If it continues for a long time, the rays can cause damage and cause injury to the retina of the child’s eye.

In short, quail eggs are highly recommended for children who are in the growth stage or mothers during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Parents are also advised to consume quail eggs, as long as they do not have high cholesterol levels or are obese.

You can further improve the benefits by also having the health benefits of turmeric, which is also known to be good for the eyes.

  • Contains Anticancer Substances

The body cannot synthesize the lutein and zeaxanthin that the body needs. Therefore, the role of foods rich in lutein and zeaxanthin is absolutely necessary, which can be easily found in the quail eggs.

Lutein and zeaxanthin are needed not only by children at an early age, but also for adults.

A study shows that consuming at least 30 mg of lutein every day can slow down the aging process by up to 40 percent. The body also looks youthful, especially those related to eye health.

Recommended Amount

Quail eggs do contain complete nutrients that are beneficial for the development of your little one. This type of egg is also useful for increasing your baby’s weight because it is high in fat. On the other hand, the cholesterol content in quail eggs is also quite high, so please note that the cholesterol content in one quail egg reaches about 48.15 mg.

So it is highly recommended that moms don’t overdo it in giving quail eggs as your baby’s solid food menu. Babies under 1 year of age should only consume no more than 2 to 3 quail eggs a day.