The 8 Benefits of Aloe Leaf Tea for Health

Lucky for those of us who have aloe leaf plants. Aloe leaf is not only intended for beauty alone also has many benefits for health.

Aloe leaf can be extracted to be tea. Believe it or not that Aloe leaf tea is very trusted to overcome cancer or we can say as anti-cancer. 95% of the content of aloe leaf is water.

Other contents are active ingredients such as amino acids, enzymes, vitamins, essential oils, minerals, and glycoproteins. This aloe leaf tea can be efficient to consume to maintain a healthy body. Here are the other benefits of aloe leaf tea.

1.     Preventing Cancer

We know that cancer is one of the deadliest diseases in the world after stroke and heart attack. This cancer has no symptoms at the beginning of its development phase.

The most common types of cancer suffered by men are prostate, lung, stomach, liver and colorectal. While the most common types of cancer suffered by women are cervical, thyroid, lung and breast cancer.

At the beginning of its development, symptoms that arise are usually pain in one part of the body, chronic cough, lumps in the armpit area, drastic weight loss, spontaneous bleeding and bruising, constant fever, changes in the skin, pallor, and rapid fatigue.

Usually, the cause of cancer is generally suffered by adults over the age of 65, unhealthy diet, smoking, lack of physical activity and excessive alcohol consumption. Bio body feel the symptoms that arise, try to regularly consume aloe leaf tea. It is contains polyphenols that act as antioxidants.

As we know that antioxidants are substances that are able to fight the effects of free radicals. These free radicals are one of the causes of chronic diseases.

Other treatments that we can do in addition to the intake of food and drinks with balanced nutrition such as using aloe leaf tea, conduct screening and examination to the doctor so that it is resolved more quickly before entering the final stage of development.

2.     Improve Liver Function

The liver, one of the organs of the body that has a role in the process of food digestion. The role of the liver is detoxification and it is responsible for breaking down chemicals and toxins that enter the body through taking ammonia in the form of toxins and converting it into urea and then filtered by and out in the form of urine.

The benefits of the liver for the body are numerous such as regulating immunity, storing energy reserves, cleaning the blood, producing bile, processing chemicals in the food and drinks we consume, re-modelling hemoglobin (red blood cells) that are old and cannot function properly, storing vitamins and minerals to regulate the mechanism in the blood.

When this liver function is damaged and not functioning properly, the digestive system in our body will also become a problem and cause other chronic disease complications. For this reason, it is highly recommended to consume aloe leaf tea with high phytonutrient content to maintain liver health.

3.     Overcoming Inflammation

It is common knowledge that antioxidants are very well-known and effective in fighting the effects of free radicals as the cause of chronic diseases.

The antioxidant content in aloe leaf tea has a role in fighting inflammation due to oxidative stress and the effects of free radicals of course. It can be concluded that inflammation is the body’s protective response to injury, infection, bacteria, viruses.

This inflammation can occur when blood vessels dilate and a lot of blood enters the body tissue that has suffered injury or infection caused by bacteria, viruses and the like.

If minor inflammation occurs, it will heal on its own. When acute inflammation occurs, it is usually characterized by 5 symptoms, namely swelling, pain, heat, redness, and difficulty moving body parts.

By consuming antioxidants found in many foods and drinks, one of which is aloe leaf tea can help overcome inflammation.

4.     Reduces Dental Plaque

If you like eat tamarind, will getting the health benefits of tamarind seed for healthy teeth. Many people underestimate dental plaque even though it is the beginning of the formation of tartar and if the teeth have now formed tartar will damage the teeth and supporting tissues of the teeth. Cavities, gum inflammation, bad breath are among the dangers of dental plaque.

Dental caterpillars can cause anxiety depression and decreased self-confidence in a person. That’s why dental plaque must be overcome by brushing your teeth properly at least twice a day and using mouthwash with aloe leaf tea content. Aloe leaf tea can be consumed as a mouthwash to treat dental plaque

5.     Relieves Acid Reflux Disease (GERD)

One of the diseases of indigestion. Do you know turmeric? Here is the health benefits of turmeric for GERD. Normally, the intake of food and drinks that enter our body will be digested in the stomach.

If food and beverage intake cannot be digested in the stomach and even rises to the esophagus, it will result in stomach acid disease. If this condition continues, it will experience inflammation and irritation.

Common symptoms of acid reflux disease that often occur are sour mouth and pain in the solar plexus. Often pain in the solar plexus is equated with heart attack disease, the reality is very different. Pain caused by a heart attack usually occurs after physical activity and radiates to the hands and neck.

Those caused by acid reflux disease usually do not flare up to the hands and neck and are not aggravated by physical activity. With the content of vitamins and other probiotics in aloe leaf tea can help overcome stomach acid disease. So, it is highly recommended to consume aloe leaf tea.

6.     Overcoming Diabetes

High blood sugar levels can cause disruption of insulin production and lead to diabetes. The most common is type 2 diabetes. Excessive sugar consumption can lead to type 2 diabetes mellitus.

This condition causes the pancreas to work harder to produce insulin. Natural ingredients such as aloe leaf tea can help lower blood sugar levels. In aloe leaf tea, there is a high glucoman content that can help reduce sugar levels significantly, there is also an anthraquinone content that protects body cells from damage, rejuvenates damaged body cells and has a hypoglycemic effect.

Aloe leaf tea also contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatories that can protect the body from wounds, damage to blood vessels and reduce the risk of complications to the heart, brain and kidneys.

It is because of this that consuming aloe leaf tea regularly is very beneficial and helps overcome diabetes. Another way is consuming kind of tea to get the benefits of pirated root tea.

7.     Lowers Blood Pressure (Hypertension)

Adult blood pressure is generally 120/80. As we age, blood pressure can reach 160/90. Hypertension occurs when the blood pressure is in the equivalent range or more between 120/80 to 140/90.

Hypertension if not watched out for will cause heart and kidney disease. Aloe leaf tea It contains vitamin C which can be used as collagen to increase blood flow and dilate and strengthen blood vessels.

In addition to vitamin C aloe leaf tea also contains polysaccharides and glucoproteins that can help lower blood sugar. There is nothing wrong with consuming aloe leaf tea regularly and getting the health benefits of cinnamon for high blood pressure being low.

8.     Skin Health

Do you like kombucha? We can the benefits of kombucha tea for skin health. It is common that aloe leaf tea is used as an ingredient in body and skin care products.

By using treatments made from aloe leaf tea and food intake as well as drinks with raw materials from aloe leaf tea make our skin clean, healthy, moist, and well hydrated.

  • Moisturizes the skin, the gel in aloe leaf tea can be used as the basis of pharmaceutical products and can be consumed to moisturize and hydrate the skin.
  • Prevents aging, skin that loses moisture and elasticity will result in wrinkles and fine lines. By consuming aloe leaf tea, it can moisturize the skin and remove dead skin cells.
  • Reduces stretch marks, elasticity becomes reduced during pregnancy and weight gain is so drastic that the skin becomes loose and stretch marks begin to appear on the skin. This condition can be overcome by consuming aloe leaf tea and using aloe leaf based soap.
  • Healing wounds, the anti-microbial effect of aloe leaf extracted to be tea is very effective and efficient in cleaning and reducing wound infections.
  • Skin hydration, dry skin is prone to irritation and rashes. By consuming aloe leaf tea and using aloe leaf based products, the skin stays hydrated and clean.
  • Reduce dandruff, caused by infection on the head accumulated dead cells of oily skin. With consuming aloe leaf tea, which has antimicrobial properties, it can help fight infection, protect and soothe the scalp.

Aloe vera leaf tea is an herbal medicine that can be made into tea drinks with delicious flavors that are very effective for treating diseases and beautifying the skin. How to make aloe vera leaf tea is very easy.

  • Prepare green aloe vera skin,
  • Wash the aloe vera skin thoroughly
  • Drain the cleaned aloe vera skin
  • Aloe vera skin with flesh
  • Cut into small dice or shapes as desired
  • Drying aloe vera skin in the sun to dry or oven
  • Boil with boiling water for a few minutes
  • Aloe vera leaf tea is ready to enjoy