Herbal Plant

12 Powerful Health Benefits of Turmeric for GERD

For most people, including you, will always certainly know with this type of spice. It is namely turmeric or usually known by the name of kunyit in some areas such as in Java. Scientifically turmeric has the name Curcuma longa or Curcuma domestica and belongs to the original Indonesian spice.

Java is also known for a land that has lot of type of spices in it. Then along with the development of the era of trade and agriculture, turmeric spread to Asia, India, to Africa and almost all Indians use this spice every day as a spice or medicine.

Not only in India alone, in Indonesia itself there are still many people who use turmeric as a spice complement their dishes. Because of its yellow color, turmeric is usually used as a natural food coloring in the manufacture of various foods such as yellow rice. Not only that, even today a lot of beverage products to the beauty products made from turmeric.

Turmeric used as the basic ingredients of beverages such as herbal medicine because in addition to the fresh and sweet taste, if it is added with honey or sugar, which also has other benefits in the field of health, it would be great. In the field of beauty itself, turmeric is widely used as the basic ingredients of scrub or mask because the nutritional content of turmeric is very good for your skin. There is also another alternatives of another ingredients that probably has similar effects and can give additional benefits for our Health such as the Health benefits of Yams, and the Benefits of Chayote for Diet. The details about the nutritional content of turmeric.

Content of Turmeric Nutrition

  • Sodium declofenac
  • Piroxicam
  • Phenyl butason
  • Antioxidants
  • Fiber
  • Carbohydrate
  • Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, and E
  • Lecithin
  • Amprotab
  • Mg- stearic
  • Nepagin

With the many nutrients in the form of active substances and vitamins in, not only good for your skin beauty alone. There are still many benefits you can get if you consume turmeric regularly and periodically. As for one of the benefits of turmeric for those of you who have a history of stomach acid disorders. And for those of you who are curious about what the benefits of turmeric are good for stomach acid, here we will provide a detailed explanation of the benefits of turmeric for stomach acid.

Health Benefits of Turmeric for GERD:

  1. Stabilize Stomach Acidity

For those of you who have problems with stomach acid conditions, you can try the traditional way to stabilize your acid levels. That is in addition to controlling your diet and your daily diet, you can also consume turmeric. To consume it can be used as an additional food or beverage. It will be easier if you make it a drink like herbal medicine. In addition to the delicious taste and fresh feels, the way of processing it is very easy and practical.  

  1. Relieves Stomach Pain

For those of you who often experience pain in the stomach, especially the stomach, you can try one of the traditional drink recipe made from turmeric. The trick is to prepare the turmeric as much as two part the size of your little finger and wash it until clean.

After really clean, cut turmeric with thin slices and to made it taste more delicious you can mix it with a few spoon of honey or sugar. These drinks can not only be drunk or consumed with hot water but you can also steam or boiled it by adding some ice cube box. Surely this is also taste fresh and delicious, and healthy if consumed regularly.

  1. Reduce Maag/Ulcer and Its sysmptoms

Many things that cause the pain in the stomach and one of them is ulcer disease. Usually in addition to excessive nausea, you will also feel the pain in your stomach. To cure this recurrence of ulcer disease, you can drink a turmeric-based drink. With a variety of nutrients present in turmeric, not only it can be used to relieve your gastritic ulcer disease, turmeric is also able to prevent the recurrence of your ulcer disease.

Ulcer disease is a very common disease that has unique and special symptom which affect your digestion system. This method is believed to be very effective to overcome your ulcer disease. You can prove it yourself at home. There is also another alternatives of another ingredients that probably has similar effects and can give additional benefits for our Health such as the Benefits of Couscous for Health, and the Health benefits of Mukene Fish for Health.

  1. Maintaining Stomach Acid Stability

Here are more health benefits of turmeric for GERD. For those of you who have an instability disorder of your stomach acid, you can try this traditional way. The trick is to provide turmeric that has been cleaned for your thumb and cut thin thin. After that brewed with boiling water and leave for about 15 minutes. With this you can always maintain the condition of your stomach acid to remain stable. You can consume as much as 1 to 2 times every 3 days.

  1. Preventing High Stomach Acid

High stomach acid can cause some kind of stomach disease such as ulcers, of course this is very dangerous because if the maag is getting more acute will be difficult to overcome and cured. To prevent high levels of your stomach acid, you can consume turmeric whether it be beverages, food to supplements. Out of that, turmeric is very delicious and has this fresh taste if it is consumed regularly.

It also has a chance to reduce another type of disease which has similar symptoms to uric disease. There is also another alternatives of another ingredients that probably has similar effects and can give additional benefits for our Health such as the Health benefits of Turmeric, and the Health benefits of Luyang Dilaw Tea for your health.

That’s the various benefits of turmeric for stomach acid that we can explain to you. Hopefully the above information in this article can add to your knowledge and benefit you in the future.