
10 Benefits of Pirated Root Tea

Has anyone ever drunk tea from the roots of a pirated plant? Pirated root tea contains antioxidants in the form of tannins, saponins, flavonoids, phenolics.

The pirated wood plant comes from Central Kalimantan and has long been used by our parents as a traditional medicine to treat diseases. There are many benefits that we can get from consuming pirated root tea.

1. Preventing the Risk of Diabetes

In general, people are more familiar with type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. Diabetes 1 is experienced by sufferers since childhood and adolescence, they will always need insulin injections for life.

While diabetes 2 is experienced in adulthood caused by lack of physical activity, unhealthy diet, obesity. By adopting a healthy lifestyle, weight loss and insulin injections can be done to treat type 2 diabetes.

One of the nutrients that can help prevent diabetes is flavonoids. The nutrients contained in pirated root tea help lower blood glucose levels because flavonoids have a hypoglycemia effect.

In addition, flavonoids inhibit GLUT2, inhibit phosphodiesterase enzymes and reduce oxidative stress in patients. Pirated root tea can be a nutritious soup option for consumption.

2. Lowers the Risk of Liver Disease

As previously informed that pirated root tea contains antioxidants. Liver disease can be prevented and treated with antioxidants, because these substances can prevent, slow down, and stop the oxidation process (free radical production) in the body.

The body does not produce as many antioxidants as free radicals. This leads to a disturbance of the body’s balance and oxidative stress. This oxidative stress causes liver disease.

This is the basis for the body to get antioxidant intake from outside to fulfill the body’s lack of antioxidants to fight free radicals. Pirated root tea can be one of the antioxidant intake to consume.

3. Reduces the Risk of Cancer

Many global and Indonesian people experience prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is most commonly experienced by men, especially those over 50 years old.

Generally, prostate cancer is caused by urination disorders and abnormal cell growth in the body that causes damage to normal cells. With Implementating a healthy lifestyle can reduce the risk of cancer.

By consuming pirated root tea which has antioxidant content in it is useful for killing cancer cells. Besides we can get the benefits of avocado leaves for cancer.

4. Accelerate Wound Healing

It is well known that antioxidants contain tannins, flavonoids, phenols, saponins. Drinking pirated root tea can accelerate wound healing. Not only pirated root tea, jackfruit can consume for wound healing.

This is the benefits of jackfruit sap for health. Tannin compounds can eliminate harmful microbes such as viruses, bacteria, fungi from the body thereby accelerating the blood clotting process. 

Collagen formation for the wound healing process can be with the presence of saponin compounds. While flavonoids function to fight free radicals which are the cause of the source of the disease.

5. Increase Body Resistance

Antioxidants are compounds that inhibit the oxidation process, a chemical reaction that causes free radicals to damage healthy cells in the body. Free radicals can occur due to normal cell metabolism or external triggers such as smoking, sun exposure, aging and exposure to pollution.

Antioxidants can increase the body’s immune system. Antioxidants can be obtained from healthy intake such as consuming pirated root tea. With a strong immune system, it can ward off incoming germs.

The immune system consists of the skin as the body’s protective layer, followed by white blood cells and antibodies against germs in the form of bacteria, viruses, parasites that enter the body. The higher the immune system, the better to avoid various diseases.

6. Treat dysentery

Does anyone know dysentery? One of the infections or inflammation of the intestines and causes diarrhea. Dysentery often affects toddlers and children.

The most common symptom is diarrhea containing mucus, blood spots and followed by pain. This condition occurs because the intestines and other digestive organs begin to be infected with bacteria.

Dysentery can cause complications such as dehydration, liver disease, and can even lead to death if it is not treated thoroughly. Poor sanitation such as personal hygiene, environment, food and drinks consumed are the initial causes of dysentery.

One of the ways to prevent and treat it is nutritious intake such as pirated root tea which has antibacterial content in it can be consumed.

7. Accelerates the Burn Healing Process

For the Dayak tribe, pirated roots are believed to stop bleeding and heal wounds. Pirated root can be processed into tea to make it more efficient for consumption.

Pirated root tea contains antioxidants such as flavonoids, tannins, phenolics. These compounds are angiogenesis, which means they help form new blood vessels so that wounds can heal faster.

8. Prevents Early Aging

Premature aging is caused by free radicals. We already know that sun exposure, smoking and others are external causes of free radicals. While from internal factors, free radicals arise due to damage to skin tissue where skin cells, collagen cells, elastin fibers begin to thin out.

Free radicals can be treated with antioxidants. We can consume pirated root tea and collagen drink which has been known to contain antioxidants regularly.

Find more here for the health benefits of collagen drink. Antioxidants have many benefits for body and skin health. As already informed that in pirated root tea high antioxidants and phytochemicals.

These compounds can trigger collagen production so that well-maintained collagen levels can prevent premature skin wrinkles and are very beneficial for the skin to feel firmer, supple and smooth.

9. Prevents Obesity

For people with obesity, regular consumption of pirated root tea is effective in reducing reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels. These ROS levels have a function as molecules that signal cells to carry out normal biological processes.

If ROS levels are high, it will affect the risk of obesity. It is one of the conditions that can increase the health risk of obesity like heart disease, hypertension and diabetes.

Common symptoms are a body mass index value above 30, sweating easily and profusely, fatigue, joint pain, and fat accumulation in the body area.

Obesity is caused by long-term consumption of fast food and sugar-sweetened beverages, excessive food intake and lack of exercise. Regularly consuming pirated root tea can help in preventing obesity.

10.Prevents Arthritis

Many people right now like to do yoga. They know will get the health benefits of yoga for arthritis. One of the inflammatory diseases around the joints of the body. Arthritis can happen to anyone without exception.

Signs that someone has arthritis (arthritis) are pain and swelling in the joints, stiff joints, limited joint motion, weakened muscles around the joints, redness around the joints.

The trigger for someone to experience arthritis is usually due to age, injury or accident, female gender, family history and obesity. Regularly consuming pirated root tea can prevent and treat arthritis.

Pirated root tea contains tannin antioxidants that fight inflammation and reduce pain caused by gout and other inflammatory conditions.