Food & Bevarages

4 Unexpected Health Benefits of Chia Seeds for Toddlers

When toddlers have difficulty in eating and the parents want their baby to have a proper weight, they need to remember that the intake is always in accordance with the nutritional needs of the child.

The origin of gaining weight with unhealthy foods such as fast food is also not justified because it can add new problems.  Children who need the help of a doctor to gain weight generally need a special healthy diet that is regulated in such a way.

Usually, the child will be given vitamins and medications that interfere with the appetite of the child. But in general, there are some foods that can act as weight enhancers for toddlers, including the benefits of vegetables suji upma and Chia seeds.

You must be familiar with chia seeds if you’re an organic food lover. Small, but said to have excellent benefits for the body, especially for those of you who want to lose weight. 

The flavor of chia seed itself tends to be bland. In order to eat it properly, you can’t swallow it just like that. Pour some water in, and soak it for minutes in order to soften the texture. It can also be by mixing it into foods or drinks, such as soups, salads, oat porridge, juices, smoothies, and yogurts. 

The nutritional content of chia seed includes carbohydrates, proteins, water, fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, omega-6 fatty acids, and a number of vitamins and minerals such as vitamins A and B, and other useful substances like calcium, phosphorus, manganese, and many others.

Another usefulness of chia seeds is that they contain powerful antioxidants as well that play a significant role for helping the body against chronic diseases including heart attack and cancer. 

Similar to benefits of yakult, chia seed is also believed to have several health benefits, and one of them is to help lose weight. This small shape will expand after a while soaked in water, and will expand even more once the chia seed is in the stomach. Coupled with its insoluble fiber content, chia seed can make people who consume it can feel full for longer.

For those of you who love organic foods, go on a raw food diet, or want to introduce a healthier option for your kids, you may have heard of some of the benefits of chia seed, although in fact more research is needed on the benefits of chia seed itself.

For those of you who are curious about the variety of benefits of chia seed especially for toddlers, the following are the various benefits that are expected to be obtained from them:

Health Benefits of Chia Seeds for Toddlers

1. Good for Teeth and Bone Growth

The age of the children becomes the beginning of the formation of their bones and teeth. At that age, children’s bones and teeth are also still vulnerable, so it is necessary to have the right intake of nutrients in order to grow strong. One of the nutrients they need is growth milk rich in vitamin D, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium.

Milk has long been a source of child companion intake that must be consumed regularly every day, especially for the good of bones and teeth. The parents can further support the benefits by adding chia seeds to their kids’s diet.

One of the benefits of chia seed for children is that it helps facilitate the growth of teeth and bones. This is because chia seed contains calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and proteins that are good for both growth. 

Surprisingly, chia seeds contain higher amounts of calcium, even compared to the popular daily products. That is why, the seeds can be a huge help for the kids that are allergic to these daily products, so the calcium within their body can still be maintained well. And just like the benefits of mutton soup, chia seeds are a very healthy meal.

2. Support Heart’s Health

In addition to helping the process of teeth and bone growth, the benefits of chia seed is to make the heart healthy. The oil inside chia seeds contains omega 3 acids. Omega 3 acids have been proven in both human and animal studies to have healthy benefits for heart health. 

Starting from being able to lower cholesterol, prevent excessive blood clotting, to maintaining the rhythm of heart rate and blood pressure.  Therefore, it is possible that chia seed is a good option for children with fish allergies because the source of omega 3 acids is mostly from marine animals. However, you can also find similar benefits in other healthy foods like health benefits of peanut butter.

3. Increases Body Endurance

Parents must have known that chia seed is rich in antioxidants. The content is really good to help the body fight infections and various diseases (such as cancer) caused by free radicals.

Well, free radicals also decrease the immune system that makes your child sick quickly. By consuming chia seed rich in antioxidants, free radicals are eradicated to the end.

4. Rich in Protein

Not only calcium and omega 3 acids, chia seed also has other good benefits for the child, which is rich in protein, similar to the health benefits of tofu

There’s 4 grams of Protein in every 28 grams of chia seeds. This amount of Protein is already sufficient to help control hunger, while repairing muscle damage as well. In fact, chia seed includes a complete protein, namely nine essential amino acids that cannot be produced by the body. 

Therefore, chia seed is a type of grain that is healthy enough for your child to consume because its complete protein content is beneficial for health, such as reduce the risk of obesity because it can maintain the stability of a child’s weight and makes hair and skin look more radiant.