
You Don’t Need to Dip In, Sea Air is Actually Good for You!

Did you know that being around near ocean could actually save someone’s lives?

I know, I know. With all the possibility of natural disaster, the thought of getting a sunburn, the thought of your beach body being judged, or whatever that prevent you from being on the seaside; beach probably the last holiday destination in your mind right now. But enough of that, stop worrying and pack your bag now because the science is in. The scientist has found that the salt air is actually good for you.

Way back in the 16th century, beach-going was often a strictly medical undertaking. When British high society suffered from a mess of maladies. Ranging from fevers, digestion problems, depression, and tremors all be blamed to the pressures of urban life, pollution, and the general deterioration of society. By the new emphasis on science and experimentation physicians began to consider new remedies for old ailments spurred. Their new wonder drug was cold sea water. It was believed that a brisk shock of cold water stimulated the entire body, inducing happy feeling on the brain and also drive tumor away.

Thus, around the mid-18th century, a standard therapy using cold water was developed. It’s not actually that relaxing practice, as it involved dunking people in the freezing sea repeatedly until cold and suffocation bring the revitalization effects then the cold and shocked patients were brought to the side to receive backrub and warm towel. This regimen would be repeated every morning for several weeks.

Apparently, it wasn’t enough to nearly drown in the sea to relieve your stresses and ailments; you had to drink it too. Way back in 1750, a popular British doctor Richard Russell published A Dissertation on the Use of Seawater in the Diseases of the Glands, Particularly, the Scurvy, Jaundice, King’s Evil, Leprosy and the Glandular Consumption, in which he advocated using seawater for bathing and drinking. Using seawater for medical purposes even has a name: thalassotherapy.

So we always KNOW that salt water is good for us, but salt air? That is new health benefits of breathing salt air. Here are the 6 facts you need to know about sea air.

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1. Inhaling Salty Air Can Help Patients with Cystic Fibrosis.

According to Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Cystic Fibrosis is a progressive, genetic disease that causes a thick, sticky buildup of mucus in the lungs, pancreas, and other organs causing infections, extensive lung damage, and eventually, respiratory failure. Furthermore, the mucus also prevents body to absorb vital nutrient by inhibiting the digestive enzymes that allow the body to break down the food.

In an article published by Wall Street Journal, One expert, Thomas W. Ferkol, a pediatric pulmonology specialist, dives in—and explains why people with lung disease might want to take up surfing. The study that done in Australia is observing the effects of the ocean air on surfers who suffering from cystic fibrosis. Patients in Australia had long reported to their doctors that they could breathe more easily after surfing.

In an experiment, the researchers administered inhaled hypertonic saline to cystic fibrosis patients for 48 weeks backed up by the idea that the salt would draw more water into the surface of the airways and open them up. The results of the experiments were published in 2006: Patients had fewer pulmonary flare-ups, required fewer antibiotics, and also end up with clearer lungs.

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2. The “saltwater” Breakthrough for Children.

There are many health benefits of breathing salt air! The “saltwater” breakthrough is a result from a research in 2011, when Seattle’s group researcher published “Inhaled hypertonic saline in infants and toddlers with cystic fibrosis: short-term tolerability, adherence, and safety“ and published in the Pediatric Pulmonology journal after a clinical trial designed helps young children with cystic fibrosis by inhaling hypertonic saline.

Using the 7% hypertonic saline administered twice daily for 14 days in children the results showed good improvement to lungs with few side effects. 

3. The Ocean is a Perfect Vacation Destination for COPD Patients

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a term that used to describe progressive and (currently) incurable lung diseases which characterized by increasing breathlessness. This includes emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and refractory (non-reversible) asthma.

Seeking vacation destination for COPD patient can be complicated, we want to maintain a healthy respiratory system without any hassle to those with chronic lung disease. We should scratch big cities vacation since pollution is definitely not a good idea as airborne particulates may further aggravate COPD symptoms and progression; altitudes above 2000 can gradually improve respiratory health as the body begins to adjust to the thinner amount of oxygen in the air but these elevations can prove to be particularly challenging for the patients. So that leaves us with tanning under the beach’s sunshine.

At the right temperature, a beach would be an excellent location as the salt-filled air can have a beneficial effect on the lungs such as thinner mucus, improved lung function, reduced coughing, and decreased sinus pressure.

4. Salt Air Makes You Calm

“My respiratory systems are okay, is there any benefit for me?” Don’t worry, there are still plenty of reasons to go to the beach. Besides the sunshine, if you need any more reasons. Our body’s levels of serotonin could be balanced by breathing and absorbing oxygen near the seaside. Serotonin, also known as the happy chemical, has a various function in our body.

But Serotonin is considered a natural mood stabilizer and contributes to well-being and happiness., which is why a day by the water makes you calm and at peace. 

5. Salt Air Can Prevent Aging

Sea air can improve our ability to absorb oxygen by neutralizing damaging free radicals as sea air is full of negative hydrogen ions. As we learned in biology, too many free radicals can accelerate aging and eventually lead to negative health problems. So by inhaling sea air, we are supporting our body to combat free radicals.

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6. Salt air improve life in general

Ben Wheeler, M.D., Senior Research Fellow at the European Centre for Environment and Human Health, claim that they have evidence suggesting that living near, and visiting, the coast, might be good for health. On Newsmax Health, Dr.

Wheeler explains that the research that involved analyzing data on more than 48 million English residents suggests that populations living closer to the coast in England are more likely to report good health than that farther inland. He also did a detailed survey that followed people as they moved back and forth from the coast and inland. The analysis showed there’s a strong link between good health and coastal living.

So evidently, you can be healthy just by being near the seaside. That’s all the health benefits of breathing salt air! You don’t even have to take a dip for the health benefits of breathing salt air.