7 Health Benefits of Rock Salt, the Natural Shape of Salt

Salt is very essential in our life we cannot live without salt. Rock salt is one of the types of salt which is much healthier than the table salt or processed salt we use in our kitchen. Rock salt is free from dangerous chemical compounds which make it carry a lot of health benefits.

Rock salt is known by various local names, such as Sendha Namak or Kala Namak in Hindi or Shende Ion in Marathi. It is crystalline and mostly available in white color, however there are some various colors too, such as light blue, red, orange or gray.

It is loaded in rich minerals, such as sodium chloride, calcium, magnesium, iron, sulfur, zinc and cobalt. No wonder, it is claimed to be the most powerful and beneficial type of salt compared to the others.

Let’s check each of these benefits of rock salt, the natural shape of salt in the world.

1. Aid digestion

In traditional Ayurveda practice, rock salt has been used as a home remedy for several digestive problems, such as constipation, bloating and heartburn. So, if you experience some digestive problems, then you can consider consuming rock salt.

It is all due to the minerals and vitamins the rock salt has. Rock salt is able to detoxify your intestines and stimulate better bowel movement. If you experience loss of appetite, you can also consider adding some rock salt into your diet.

If you want to lose weight, you can also try consuming rock salt. There’s a study suggesting that rock salt can prevent sugar cravings by stimulate the production of insulin in your body.

Try combining it with some physical activities, such as jogging or walking. Read more about it in benefits of walking for losing weight.

2. Immune booster

Rock salt is rich in vitamin K which is able to benefit your health. It does by boosting your immune system. In this era where we are exposed to free radical and viruses, it is very important to have strong immune system. Fortunately, you can strengthen it by consuming rock salt.

Besides boosting your immune system. vitamin K in rock salt is also in charge of strengthening your bones.

If you wish to have some immune booster, you can try consuming citrus fruits too. Despite their sour taste, they can give you these health benefits of citrus fruit for immune system.

3. Promote healthy skin

Rock salt, in Ayurvedic medicine practice, has been used as a great cleanser, especially for those who suffer from acne or clogged pores. Rock salt does not only cleanse your skin, but also strengthens and rejuvenates the skin tissue. As a result, it will give you radiant skin.

In addition, if you suffer from eczema or dermatitis, you can also have rock salt to keep your skin soft and smooth.

If you have some skin problems and are looking for some remedy, you can try reading these benefits of white flower analgesic balm.

4. Good stress reliever

If you feel stressful and try to find some reliever, then you can try rock salt. A small pinch of rock can save your life from stress. You can try add a pinch of rock salt to your favorite soup or dish or even put some of it into your bathtub to take a relaxing bath.

Rock salt is rich in magnesium and sodium. As a result, it can calm your nerves in an instant way. Furthermore, it can also lift up your mood and easily relieve all your stress.

5. Treat sore throat

Salt water gargling has been proven to be effective in relieving sore throat and treating cold. You just simply need to add some rock salt into the water and gargle with it.

It’s all due to its decongestant properties which provides relief from blocked nose and cough. Besides, it also boosts the capacity of your lungs and relieves some symptoms of asthma and tonsilitis.

There are also some famous remedies for treating cold and flu, such as mentioned in benefits of ginger root for colds and flu and health benefits of throat coat tea.

6. Maintain healthy blood pressure

Rock salt can also be used to maintain healthy blood pressure. It is able to stabilize blood pressure because of the amount of potassium in it. If you are dealing with hypertension, then you can add some rock salt to your diet plan. It is much healthier compared to the processed table salt.

7. Relieve muscle cramps

It is very uncomfortable to have muscle cramps and you won’t be able to sleep peacefully if you have one. Muscle cramps are mostly caused by the imbalance amount of electrolyte in our body.

Fortunately, you can just consume rock salt to balance the amount of electrolyte. Rock salt contains sodium chloride which is able to help the nerves and muscles to function properly.

Furthermore, sodium chloride also helps balancing the potassium deficiency in the body so that the risk of muscle cramps can be reduced.