Vitamin C

Top 6 Health Benefits of Vitamin C for Children

Children need a lot of nutrients for their growth and development. One of the nutrients that is essential is vitamin C. Children who are fussy eaters and do not consume a lot of fruits and vegetables may experience vitamin C deficiency.

As a parent, you need to be aware of the various benefits of many vitamins and minerals for your child. Vitamin C is one of the vitamins that is really popular as you can find this vitamin in forms of tablets and syrups. Vitamin C is also widely known as an immune booster. However, it is not only that as there are so many other health benefits of vitamin C for children.

According to the National Institutes of health, infants and children under the age of one should have a significantly higher vitamin C (around 50 mg) than older children.

This dosage emphasizes that vitamin C plays a vital role in healthy development even in the early stages of life. Regarding to some types of food rich in vitamin C, you can try consuming these: red peppers, citrus fruits like oranges and lemons, grapefruit, and kiwi fruit.

Let’s check each of these following health benefits of vitamin C your children can get!

1. Aid bone health

It’s not only calcium’s job to maintain bone health, it is also vitamin C’s job. It has been credited to be able to improve overall bone health. Vitamin C is in charge of producing collagen and cartilage.

These two items are crucial structural substances in the body. Furthermore, it also helps to finalize the function of the new cells as well as the structure of the bone cells.

Vitamin C plays an important role in supporting bone health in children as their bones are growing and changing more quickly than adults.

If you want your kids to have stronger bones, you can also give them some milk. Make sure you also know these health benefits of drinking milk every day for kids. Get to know why kids should drink milk every day.

2. Help maintain respiratory health

Vitamin C is well known for being able to boost the immune system. However, it is especially helpful in fighting off respiratory ailments in children.

The most common respiratory ailment is RTIs (Respiratory Tract Infections). It can transmit easily in the environment, including in classroom.

Vitamin C may also be helpful in treating some more chronic respiratory problems, such as asthma in children. It is all due to its properties as an antioxidant which can fight the free radical damage. This damage can cause inflammation of the lungs in the children who suffer from asthma.

If your kids suffer from asthma, make sure to have rosemary oil as one of the treatments. Consider reading these benefits of rosemary oil for respiratory.

3. Support the absorption of iron

Iron is also another crucial component for your child’s health. Vitamin C tablets for kids will also help the process of iron absorption in the body. Iron is essential for the overall health and development of children as well as for the formation of blood.

The deficiency in iron will lead to a variety of health problems, however, vitamin C can help protect your children from those problems.

4. Boost the immune system

Everyone seems to know this benefit already. Vitamin C is well known as an immune booster. Many people consume vitamin C so that they won’t get sick easily, especially when they are exposed to a lot of viruses.

Vitamin C is indeed able to boost and maintain a healthy and strong immune system. Not only that, it also helps to reduce the duration of colds and flu. No wonder, vitamin C tablets for kids are something that every parent must have.

You can also obtain vitamin C from some fruits, such as kiwi and some citrus fruits. Get to know more about it in health benefits of kiwi fruit and health benefits of citrus fruits for immune system.

5. Maintain normal brain

Vitamin C is also critical as an antioxidant in the brain. Neurons are vulnerable to oxidative stress and sufficient amount of vitamin C will be necessary to prevent damage because of this stress.

Oxidative stress on the brain cells may lead to neurodegenerative diseases over time, such as dementia. Hence, establishing a habit of consuming a vitamin C rich diet from a young age can have benefits for the future.

6. Support skin health

Not only boosting the immune system of the body, vitamin C is also beneficial for supporting the skin health. No wonder, vitamin C is also widely used in skincare products.

Vitamin C helps maintain the collagen formed along with the connective tissue health. Your child’s skin health is supported by ensuring strong and healthy tissues.

Vitamin C is only one of the nutrients needed for children. There are some other more you need to give your children. Consider reading these health benefits of collagen for kids.

You also need to know these health benefits of vitamin B for kids so that you know the best to give to your kids.