Vitamin B1

23 Real-Works Vitamin B1 Benefits For Health and Pregnancy

Vitamin B1 is often called as Thiamine or Aneurin. The characteristic of vitamin B1 is easily dissolved in the liquid, so it simplify the process of absorption by the human body. Vitamin B1 is found in the variety of foods that commonly consumed, usually in combination with other B vitamins. It also commonly combined with a variety of vitamin B complex supplements.

Vitamin B1 is essential for the body. Besides, it is to reducing aches, another benefit of improving blood circulation, stabilize the metabolism, prevent nerve damage, and optimize the work of the brain. Therefore, vitamin B1 is very important to be consumed. Vitamin B1 can be obtained by eating meat, eggs, nuts, cereals, fruit and vegetables.

In this article you will know:

  • The Benefits of Filling the needs of Vitamin B1 appropriately
  • The Benefits of Filling the needs of Vitamin B1 for pregnant women
  • The Symptoms of Vitamin B1 requirement in the body is not right
  • Daily requirement of Vitamin B1, and
  • Sources of Vitamin B1

The Benefits of Filling the needs of Vitamin B1 appropriately are:

  1. Generate Energy

Vitamin B1 benefits has an important role in converting the glucose into energy, helps to improve blood circulation and increased the blood circulation which can help the oxygen distributing to tissues throughout the body. The higher levels of oxygen same with the higher energy level of the body, especially when doing an intense exercise.

  1. Assist Cardiovascular Fuction

Vitamin B1 is responsible for the acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that transmits the signal to muscles and nerves. Vitamin B1 deficiency can lead to reduced neurotransmitter and cause irregular heartbeats. Severe it can cause congestive heart failure. In a study showed that people who have uninterrupted system of heart works get back to normal again after being given nutritional supplements Vitamin B1 for 7 days.

  1. Improve Brain Function

Vitamin B1 is important to the brain, espesiallly to maintain brain function, improve memory and concentration, too. Its also reduce stress, strengthen the nerves, reduce of brain disorder like as multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, cirrhosis, and other.

  1. Protecting Nerve

Vitamin B1, Protected nerve myelin also protective layer of coating. If deficiency can weaken the nerve myelin. Adequate intake of vitamin B1 ensures the development of nerve myelin  and help nerve function.

  1. Help Digestion

Vitamin B1 helps the body secrete hydrochloric acid. Because Vitamin B1 it’s water-soluble, it is able to improve digestion and the production of hydrochloric acid (HCL), break down fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.

  1. Prevent Anemia

Health benefits of vitamin b1 for preventing anemia is one of the best solutions. Anemia causes hypoxia or lack of oxygen. It also triggers a decrease in hemoglobin levels in the red blood. Vitamin B has a role in helping the production of red blood cells and increases the oxygen throughout the body. So, if the blood circulation system is good, the body isn’t lack of oxygen.

  1. Protect the mucous membrane

The body is unique, it has a mucous membranes that protecting our bodies from foreign microorganisms that can cause infection. That is why, a mucous membranes should protects. Vitamin B1 helps the formation of new mucous membranes cells and if deficiency can cause dry mucous membranes and rupture.

  1. Help Glucose Metabolism

Vitamin B complex, such as B1 is needed to convert carbohydrates into glucose, to create the energy optimally. Carbohydrate metabolism plays an important role in maintaining the body system balancing, especially in the liver, because keeping blood glucose levels is the roles of liver.

  1. Prevent Beriberi

Why this disease can happen when lack of the blood? it’s because beriberi attacks the nerves and causing the disruption of a person’s motor skills. There are plenty of Beriberi which can attack a person who are vitamin B1 deficiency, like as:

Nerve disorders (Dry Beriberi) with characteristics:

  • Stimulation sensation (such as needles) on toes
  • Hot burning sensation in the feet at night
  • Calf muscle spasm
  • Pain in the legs and feet.

In the brain disorder. Brain disorder or Beriberi brain, Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, often arise in case of heavy and  vitamin B1 deficiency suddenlly. The characteristics are:

  • Early signs include mental disorders, laryngitis and double vision.
  • The patient will fabricate events and experiences to fill a void memory

Cardiac abnormalities (wet Beriberi), the characteritics are:

  • High cardiac output
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Widening of the blood vessels that causes the skin to become warm and moist.

Infantile beriberi,  Symptoms include:

  • Heart failure
  • Loss of voice
  • Peripheral nerve damage.
  1. Preventing Neuropathy

Neuropathy as the disease is common in people aged 40 years and over is difficult, to avoid due to a Decrease in the body’s ability to regenerate nerves. However, neuropathy can be avoided. way is by taking Vitamin B, Vitamin B1 including regular and not excessive. it aka keep our nervous system.

  1. Reduce the Risk of Mosquito Bites

If we look, Durian is a fruit that contains high vitamin B1. Mosquitoes can detect the presence of our carbon dioxide we exhale. By eating durian then our breath Becomes smelly durian fruit. It was not so favored by mosquitoes. If this durian skin, the inside is applied to the body, it can reduce the risk of mosquito bites Because our body odor was mixed with the smell of durian.

  1. Reducing the Effects of Aging

Vitamin B1 is an antioxidant that has the ability to resist the effects of aging due to cell damage. Consuming the daily requirement of vitamin B1, can Effectively maintain skin health, Including Preventing premature aging and wrinkles on the face.
The ability of vitamin B1 is also linked to its ability to maintain brain function. If vitamin b1 able to balance a person’s emotional condition, aging will also be a little resistor.

  1. Increase Appetite

Vitamin B1 is known to increase appetite so as to ensure adequate nutrient. This is because vitamin B1 is able to maintain digestive health, secrete hydrochloric acid are important to help the digestion of food. Because the water-soluble, vitamin B complex is able to improve digestion and the production of hydrochloric acid (HCL).

  1. Prevent kidney disease

Vitamin B1 is effective to prevent Kidney failure that the caused by complications of diabetes type 2. Several studies have shown, an intake of 100 mg of vitamin B1 3 times a day for 3 months can reduce levels of albumin in the urine, where the albumin itself be an indicator of diabetes disorders.

  1. Maintain Eye Health

Vitamin B1, fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6 helps to maintain eye health and prevent the formation of cataracts. Vitamin B1 maintain health condition, including neurons associated with the performance of the eye. Although not directly optimize the performance of the retina, but the vitamin b1 maintain relationships eyes with neural retina.

  1. Avoid Skin Rash

Skin rash usually occurs as a result of blood vessels or capillaries dense, skin is exposed to chemicals, animal waste which had not been cleaned, or because viruses and bacteria. But you should know that excessive amounts of vitamin B1 can also cause a skin rash. Rash has many forms. What is certain when the skin is irritated by becoming red, swollen, or grainy like boils. Even this rash usually does not cover the area of the skin. The course of treatment using the ointment from the doctor for this type of skin rash and also reduces vitamin B1, both from the consumption of food and medicines.

  1. Avoid Hypertension

Hypertension or high blood pressure in the arteries that causes the heart to work harder. Hypertension can triggers the other disease, such as stroke, heart failure, and chronic renal, as a result of someone who consumes vitamin B1 excessively causes kidney problems. So checking blood sugar, cholesterol, kidney function, since renal impairment is improperly can be happen from the excess of vitamin B1 which settles in the body.

  1. Agitation

Agitation or anxiety or easily emotions is problems can occur as a result of this excess of vitamin B1. Or psychomotor disturbances which have the characteristics of an increase in motor activity. Usually, it is caused by vitamin B1 excessive and vitamin B6 deficiency.

  1. Prevent Heart Palpitations

Palpitations or heart pounding who usually the result of hyperkalemia that caused by high potassium levels in the blood. Because the impact of excessive consumption of vitamin B1 that causes deposition in the kidneys. On an ongoing basis, palpitations of the heart can cause heart failure and heart attack.

  1. Prevent Constipation

Indigestion or nutrient absorption disorder in the intestine may cause constipation. Constipation itself mean disruption in expenditure feces. In the large intestine water is absorbed and the rest of the food is decomposed into feces. Thus, in the normal state of man where defecation is done once a day. But if constipation can be 2-3 days, it is able to defecate. This is why the consumption of fruits, vegetables rich in vitamins B1 must continue to be consumed.

The Benefits of Filling the needs of Vitamin B1 for pregnant women

  1. Maintain Baby’s Organ Development

Development of the baby’s organs, especially the nervous system is important to be supported by the consumption of vitamin B1. Beriberi disease will affect the brain including nervous system normality. Besides, the baby’s organs are developing such organ movement. Then important organs such as the heart and liver that develops after consuming these vitamin B1 or thiamine.

  1. Brain and Nervous System Baby developing

As described before, in the brain and nervous system development of the baby are the main vitamin B1 benefits. when the baby is born, the body and its activity as the respiratory system, feeding systems, all controlled by the brain and nervous system.

The Symptoms of Vitamin B1 Deficiency

The early symptoms of the requirement of Vitamin B1 is not right include: irritability, weakness,  loss of appetite, sleep disturbances, impaired memory, abdominal discomfort and weight loss. In the end could happen severe vitamin B1 deficiency, which is characterized by neurological disorders, brain and heart.

Daily requirement of Vitamin B1

For the needs of men, vitamin B1 with a dose according to age as follows (per day):

  • 1 to 3 years (0.5 milligrams)
  • 4 to 8 years (0.6 milligrams)
  • 9 to 13 years (0.9 milligrams)
  • 14 years and over (1.2 milligrams)

while for women are (per day):

  • 1 to 3 years (0.5 mcg)
  • 4 to 8 years (0.6 mcg)
  • 9 to 13 years (0.9 mcg)
  • 14 to 18 years (1.0 mcg)
  • 19 years and older (1.1 mcg)

Fill daily needs of vitamin B1 was on a variety of food sources. To identify the source of foods containing vitamin B1, can be seen on the following sub topics:

Sources of Vitamin B1

Vitamin B1 is contained in foods and supplements. The food that we consume daily, usually contain vitamins B1, although its quantity may vary. Broadly speaking, a source of vitamin B1 consists of legumes, vegetables, especially green vegetables, fruits, and meats.

  1. Meat. In the production of canned meat found to contain 0.9 mcg vitamin B1.
  2. Fish.  Tuna and salmon contains at least 4 ounces able to meet 38% of the daily requirement. Kuwe fish (pompano), 0.45 mcg  per 100 gram on 1 serving portion.
  3. Cereals. 1/4 cup containt 0.5 mcg vitamin B1.
  4. Grains. sunflower seeds containing 1.48 mcg in 100 grams. pine nuts, 1.28 mcg in every 100 grams. Pistachio nuts in every 100 grams contains 0.87 mcg vitamin B1. Macadamia nuts contain vitamin B1 by 0.7 mcg in every 100 grams, pecan nuts contain vitamin B1, 0.66 mcg in 100 grams. The peas contain 0.4 mcg vitamin B1 in every 100 grams.
  5. Eggs. its contains 0.03 mcg vitamin B1.
  6. Wheat. The content of vitamin B1 in one cup of oats contains 4.47 mcg vitamin B1.
  7. Pineapple. In this pineapple in every 100 grams was 0.08 mcg.
  8. Oranges. lime in every 100 gram is 0.04 mcg. Sweet oranges in every 100 gram is 0.08 mcg. Tangerines in every 100 gram is 0.07 mcg.
  9. Grape. Vitamin B1 content in 100 grams of grapes is 0.05 mcg.
  10. Watermelon. in 100 grams of watermelons is 0,033 mcg.
  11. Asparagus. in 100 grams of asparagus is 0.143 mcg.
  12. Spinach. Vitamin B1 content in 100 grams of spinach is 0.08 mcg.
  13. Eggplant. Vitamin B1 in 100 grams of eggplants is 0,039 mcg.
  14. Paprika. Its content of vitamin B1 is 22.0 mcg.
  15. Broccoli. In 100 grams of broccoli is 10 mcg.
  16. Carrots. In 100 grams of carrots is 0.04 mcg.
  17. Green Beans. In 100 grams of green beans is 0.47 mcg.

so, consume vitamins, including vitamin B1 appropriately and in accordance with the doctor’s advice. If the vitamin deficiency or excessive is not good, because it can cause various health problems. once again, the body is unique.