
5 The Benefits of Carbohydrates for the Gym

When we exercise, carbohydrates provide energy for workouts. If we exercise without eating carbs, tend don’t have macronutrients to have glycogen reserve in muscles.

In recent years, the health and fitness industry recommended weight loss and diet through books, websites, and infomercials. Some nutrition experts have slandered carbohydrates in food as fattening, can be discarded even unhealthy as the reason for extraction.

Although some research related to diet limited carbs within increasing biomarkers and health. It has many benefits of inclusion for athletes and fitness fans. Here are the benefits of carbohydrates for the gym;

1.     Recovery

Glycogen or carbohydrates stored in muscles, is essential for optimizing anaerobic performance, as almost 80% of production ATP is derived from carbohydrates breakdown.

Resistance research quickly through spent glycogen in muscles. Consuming carbohydrates in food after exercise to get results re-synthesis rate of glycogen quickly and giving the body enough glucose to start the process of recovery.

Glycogen stored in muscles re-charge in the first hour after workouts. The accelerated charging of glycogen is probably important for each individual to do some training sessions in a period of 24 hours.

Consuming carbohydrates one hour after exercise to help increase synthetic protein give affect the growth of muscles, many health benefits of carbohydrates for the body.

Well, after an intense workout, muscles will less protein and are even ill. To reduce illness, recharge the body will healthy food for recovery.

  • Blueberries

Post workouts, using autopilot to take a protein shake through blueberries with antioxidants help to prevent damage of free radicals. This is reported by the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition that recovery muscles quickly before and after workouts.

  • Water

There are some reasons why water is important, but that is a concern that makes us hydration and exercise during heavy workouts. If the body doesn’t hydration before and after exercise, cramps, fatigue, and dizziness can attack harshly, at the end to extend in recovery. Suggesting to drink for 10 ounces of water every 10 to 20 minutes, and if sweat often has too much drink.

  • Potassium Rich Foods

Muscle cramps are unexpected contractions that can target some muscles and are probably by a deficiency of micronutrients like potassium. Potassium can be lost easily by excessive sweat and dehydration.

The adequate intake recommended is 4.7 grams per day. Potassium can be found in protein-rich foods and green leafy, consuming this food as a preventive for muscle cramps.

  • Tart Cherries

If lifting heavy things and putting them off, can cause stress significant in inflammation. Next time when lifting heavy things, drink a glass of juice tart cherries before and after workouts.

The Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition indicated that tart cherries juice can reduce muscle pain and inflammation.

  • Protein

Water and micronutrient have a role in recovery but protein is forward. It’s better to consume protein after workouts in shake form even food. Protein helps in the recovery of damage caused by exercise to muscle fibers and supports adaptation drive by training muscle fibers and re-charging energy. Suggest consuming 1,25 to 1,5 grams of protein per pound of targeted weight.

  • Salmon

Salmon is rich in fish oil called omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 is eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) involved in some anti-inflammation processes.

During this process, both EPA and DHA showed eicosanoid anti-inflammation which is molecule signals providers made oxidize fatty acid. They play a big role to reduce inflammation and decrease the production of cytokines and inflammation stopped by fatty acids.

  • Fast Digesting Carbohydrates

Post-workout, glycogen stored exhausted, and hungry for carbohydrates can be digested. Consuming carbohydrates such as all types of white starch or fruit will push spike insulin and recharge glycogen is stored. To consume carbohydrates to be digested around 10 to 15 minutes after workouts.

2.     Manage Weight

Some sources said that carbohydrate simple sugar higher tend denser calorie and therefore, easy to cause consumption. That’s why need to consider it before giving label carbohydrates good or bad.

Well, others consume healthy food for managing body weight and controlling body weight obtained from walking. A lot of good things we can get from walking and some of them are the health benefits of walking for weight loss.

Continuing the example of healthy foods are whole grains, nuts, wheat, and wholegrain brown rice contain something called resistance of starch, which is a fiber that can’t be digested through the upper digestive tract to the colon.

The resistance of starch reduces the density of calories in food because can’t digest and has proven to increase insulin sensitivity, prevent a build-up of fat in adipocytes, and probably increase satiety.

Some research shows that resistance to starch increases the retention of protein and might have a positive side on the body compound give affect the rest metabolic rate. This effect gives the result characterization of resistance starch as magic food weight loss. This food for managing weight,

  • Quinoa

It is a unique whole grain because have full protein around 7 grams per serving and fiber around 6 grams. Fiber actually has a function of binding fat and cholesterol.

Quinoa is delicious to eat by yourself, mixed with raw vegetables as a cold salad or warm. It has a low glycemic index so won’t occur strictly up and down blood sugar.

  • Mushroom

Flavor and texture as meat, good for vegetarians and used addition in meat dishes like hamburgers, meatloaf, meatballs, etc. The research found that substation meat with mushroom once time eats per day lead to reduce weight loss significantly because consuming a little fat and calorie.

  • Berries

Blackberry, blueberry, and strawberry are ideal weight-loss foodies because relatively low calorie, packaged with solid nutrients, add flavor, are loaded in fiber and antioxidants, and are small fruits for cereal yogurt, smoothies, salad, or a snack.

  • Spinach

It has low calories and has nutrients (vitamins A, K, C, E, copper, manganese, iron, and calcium) and phytonutrients. Spinach contains a green leaf sheath called thylakoids which is increasing weight loss to 43% and carb to 95%.

  • Dark Chocolate

Consume dark chocolate 2 times a week related to low BMI to keep calories. People who eat dark chocolate in the middle amount have better moods and levels of activity, eat more vegetables and fruits, and eat less saturated fat.

  • Peppers

Green peppers have vitamin C in a big amounts. Another function in reducing weight loss can help to absorb iron. Peppers can customize in flavor depending on color, crunchy, sweet, or spice.

  • Apples

Usually contain 100 calories, perfect for a snack or pre-workout staple. Polyphenols inside apples are related to increasing the healthy immune system and reducing the risk of stroke, high cholesterol, and cardiovascular.

  • Carrots

Used to curb hunger before eating the high calories. It has the function of substation fatty with thickened soups and stews. Carrot has a compound in beta carotene and high fiber.

  • Beans

Beans are the perfect food for weight loss because they can help to keep in energetic condition satiety longer. In addition, beans are complex carbohydrates for the body needs time to convert to energy. The research found that black bean help increases the resistance of insulin, effect to protects against obesity.

  • Edamame

It is Japan nuts have full protein and healthy fatty. It helps to double minimize waist because 1 cup of edamame contains 17-gram protein, 8 grams of fiber, and 189 calories.

  • Nuts

The variety of nuts is almonds, and walnuts are rich in fat and fiber, good for the heart, and control hunger. Brazil nut is a good option. They are the biggest selenium to protect metabolism, immunity, and reproductive health. Walnut is an alternative option with 13 grams of polyunsaturated fats decrease to fat storage and improve metabolism insulin.

3.     Insulin Regulation

Many people confuse a spike of insulin with a spike of blood glucose. Next, fast rapid, and decrease blood sugar can cause hunger, and increased glucose leads to fast insulin. These are symptoms of insulin resistance.

A study in 2010, compared the effect of 2 different insulin. One meal contains of 21 grams protein and 125 grams of carbohydrates, while 1 portion contains 75 grams of protein and 75 grams of carbohydrates.

The result shows that high protein food induced higher a little insulin response. More important, fatty stores can’t be increased without supplies of calories. Therefore, rise and fall weight loss mediated by the effect of balancing energy doesn’t insulin.

4.     The Function of the Hormone

Extracting carbohydrates from food like kale give a big effect on neuroendocrine function. There are health benefits of kale and proof that hormonal acute response supports metabolism correlating carbohydrate intake.

Two hormones specifically have the main role in the arrangement of food intake and body weight leptin and ghrelin. Both of them play in controlling the system and energy balance of humans, neuroendocrine disturbance from this hormone helps in maintaining body weight.

Research shows leptin serum levels are a positive strong determinant of the resting metabolic rate called RMR, in turn, pushes improvement composition of the body.

5.     Long-Term Health

Maintaining health and welfare long-term is the goal for athletes and fitness. As we know both these people avoid drinking alcohol and smoking.

These are the health benefits when quit smoking. Research in epidemiological and clinics shows that the consumption of fiber food obtained in wholegrain, carbohydrate-rich foods, probably give effective protection against numerous chronic disease.

Scientific show benefits to protecting health from long-term dietary habits dominated by plant-based carbohydrates. The fact, population in Japan, Italy, Costa Rica, and Greece is related to long life and preference for plant-based carbohydrate foods.

Residents in this area, given the label Blue Zones, adhere to dietary habits that contain 90% calories from carbohydrates specifically veggies.