3 Health Benefits of Carbohydrates for your Heart

Carbohydrate is one of the elements that is needed in your daily diet. It has an amazing role of giving you energy for the whole day. You even need carbohydrates for gym as being explained in benefits of carbohydrates for the gym.

However, there are lots of stereotypes and diets that stamp carbohydrates as the enemy. In fact, carbohydrates are not that bad. They are divided into two main categories called simple and complex carbohydrates.

Simple carbohydrates or carbs are the type of carbs which can be digested quickly. Furthermore, they also send immediate bursts of glucose into the blood stream.

No wonder, whenever you consume these carbs, you may feel a rush of energy. Simple carbs can be found in refined sugars, such as white sugar. Added sugars will provide more calories, but lack vitamins and minerals. This type of sugar can lead you to weight gain.

On the other hand, complex carbs are digested more slowly. They provide a lower and steady release of glucose into the blood stream. That’s why this type of carbs is claimed to be better than others.

You can find complex carbs in some types of food, such as legumes, starchy vegetables, whole-grain and fiber. Why do people need carbs? People simply need carbs for obtaining energy to carry daily activities.

The carbs that we eat are broken down into simple sugars and will be absorbed into the blood stream. Besides for obtaining energy, what can carbohydrates do? Consuming carbohydrates can also be beneficial for your heart health.

Let’s see these benefits further!

1. Help reduce the risk of heart attack

Have you ever heard that consuming carbs can help prevent heart disease? Yes, it does, especially when you consume complex carbohydrates. Complex carbs, such as whole grains, vegetables and beans will help you stay full. As a result, it makes you eat less.

Besides, consuming complex carbs can help decrease inflammation. Furthermore, it helps us decrease the risk of plaque buildup in the arteries. When the arteries are not blocked, it can help preventing the risk of heart disease.

If you concern about heart health, make sure you also know these symptoms of heart attack in women. It’s very important to be knowledgeable of the symptoms so that you can take quick solution to it.

2. Lower the risk of getting cardiovascular disease

There’s a study which showed that middle-aged women are prone to have cardiovascular disease. It is even stated that cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the top killer of women and accounts for 1 in every 5 deaths in the United States.

There are some other factors that increase the risk of CVD in middle-aged women, such as menopause, gestational diabetes, smoking and PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome).

However, middle-aged women can prevent the risk of getting CVD. Higher intake of carbohydrate was linked to lower CVD risk. Saturated fat itself was not able to lower the risk of CVD, however the intake of carbohydrates and saturated fat were linked to the lower risk of getting hypertension, diabetes and obesity.

3. Control weight

There is an evidence which showed that eating plenty of fruits and vegetables along with whole grains will help you control your weight. It is all due to their fiber content which aids weight control. The fiber helps you feel full without taking a lot of calories.

Thus, when you have healthy weight, you will also help to maintain your heart health. Remember to focus on complex carbs so that you will not gain too much weight. You can focus consuming fiber-rich fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and beans, peas and lentils.

Are you looking for some tips on weight loss? Consider reading these health benefits of chia seeds for weight loss and health benefits of honey for weight loss. Consuming these two foods might be helpful to help you losing some weight.

Choose your carbs wisely

Remember that there’s a simple carbohydrate which is rich in sugar. When you consume too much simple carbs, you will gain weight instead of maintaining healthy weight.

When you gain weight, you will gain the risk of getting cardiovascular disease or heart disease. So, let’s see some tips of choosing the right carbs for you.

  • Consume more fiber-rich fruits and vegetables – whole fruits and vegetables are healthy as they add fiber and water to your body. As a result, you will feel more full without worrying too much on excessive calorie intake.
  • Whole grains are better than refined grains. Not only rich in complex carbs, whole grains are also rich in B vitamins. Whole grains are also beneficial for those who suffer from diabetes. Read more in health benefits of whole grains.
  • Limit your sugar – added sugar will be harmful for you. Eating or drinking too much food or drink with sugar will only cause you to take more calories which will lead to weight gain or even obesity.