Pregnant Nutrition

15 Amazing Benefits of Curd during Pregnancy

Do you love to eat curd? If you have a yes answer, you have started to build a good healthy diet especially if you are pregnant women. Curd is a dairy product obtained by curdling the milk with an edible acidic substance addition such as lemon juice or vinegar until the liquid portion has been drained off. The benefits of curd during pregnancy can be seen from its useful nutritional content, such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B, folate, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, manganese, etc. Per 100 grams of curds contain nutrients value as follow:

Calories 98

                                 % Daily Value*

Total Fat 4.3 g 6%
Saturated fat 1.7 g 8%
Polyunsaturated fat 0.1 g
Monounsaturated fat 0.8 g
Cholesterol 17 mg 5%
Sodium 364 mg 15%
Potassium 104 mg 2%
Total Carbohydrate 3.4 g 1%
Dietary fiber 0 g 0%
Sugar 2.7 g
Protein 11 g 22%
Vitamin A 2%
Calcium 8%
Vitamin D 0%
Vitamin B-12 6%
Vitamin C 0%
Iron 0%
Vitamin B-6 0%
Magnesium 2%
*% Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie of diet.

Based on its nutritional content, there are 15 amazing benefits of curd during pregnancy:

  1. Curd prevents malnutrition in pregnant women.

Pregnant women need high nutrition for their body and for their fetus. All nutrients present in curd are easily absorbed in the digestive system. Besides, curd also helps in absorbing other food nutrients so the body can use the nutrition from the food optimally. These amazing benefits of curd during pregnancy will prevent malnutrition condition in pregnant women.

  1. Curd can cool down the body heat during pregnancy.

Pregnant women tend to have higher body heat due to their body metabolism. If the body heat is too high, it is not good for the development of the fetus and can cause dehydration for the mother. To solve this problem, curd can cool down the body heat of pregnant women. This is one of the best benefits of curd during pregnancy to create an appropriate environment temperature for the baby.

  1. Curd helps to prevent heartburn during pregnancy.

Pregnant women have a sensitive condition in their stomach during their pregnancy. They often experience in heartburn when consuming spicy foods. Curd is the best choice to be combined with the spicy foods. It becomes the other benefits of curd during pregnancy to neutralize the substance in spicy food so the heartburn condition can be prevented.

  1. Curd is good for the pregnant women who are lactose intolerant.

Some of the pregnant women are lactose intolerant so they can’t consume milk. To face this problem, the curd is the best alternative to be consumed because it can convert the lactose in milk become lactic acid, an easier digested substance.

  1. Curd helps to prevent gestational hypertension.

Maintaining the blood pressure in normal level is one of the benefits of curd during pregnancy. Curd contains potassium, a mineral that controls muscle contraction in the body, including the heart muscle. Having good potassium level makes the heart can pump the blood effectively in its rhythm so the blood pressure can be maintained at a normal level.

  1. Curd helps boost immunity in pregnant women.

Curd contains vitamin C that plays the role in the immune system. The high vitamin C can boost immunity during pregnancy so any infection can be prevented. This becomes the important benefits of curd during pregnancy.

  1. Curd protects the digestive system of the pregnant women.

Curd has good bacteria as probiotic to protect the digestive system during pregnancy. This probiotic fights against several microorganism in the intestinal which can bring diarrhea.

  1. Curd helps the fetal bone and teeth development.

Maximizing fetal growth and development become the biggest benefits of curd during pregnancy. Curd has a high amount of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D which are very useful in bone and teeth formation of the fetus.

  1. Curd can be used as natural skin care product which is safe for pregnant women.

This is one of the best benefits of curd during pregnancy that you should know. Curd contains nutrients like zinc, vitamin E, and phosphorus which make your skin brighter and healthier in a safe way. You can make your own home remedies skin care by mixing the curd, flour, and lime juice and apply it to your skin.

  1. Curd can release stress and anxiety during pregnancy.

Some pregnant women are easy to get stress and anxiety during their pregnancy. Curd helps release stress and anxiety by its calcium contained which can prevent cortisol (stressing hormone) released in the body.

  1. Curd helps to prevent pigmentation and dry skin during pregnancy.

Pigmentation and dry skin are the common problems due to hormonal imbalance during pregnancy. The benefits of curd during pregnancy are preventing those problems happen and keep the skin healthy because it is rich in vitamin E.

  1. Curd helps the fetal brain and nervous system development.

One of the great benefits of curd during pregnancy is helping the development of the fetal brain and nervous system. Curd is rich in vitamin B (vitamin B5, vitamin B6, vitamin B12) and folate which is essential for fetal brain development.

  1. Curd helps to prevent anemia during pregnancy.

Curd offers a healthy iron-rich diet to be consumed to prevent anemia during pregnancy. Besides, the curd is rich in vitamin C also to help the iron absorption in the body.

  1. Curd helps to protect the vision both for the mother and the baby.

The other benefits of curd during pregnancy come from its vitamin A contained which is important to maintain the healthy eyes and create a good vision both for the mother and the baby inside.

  1. Curd prevents preeclampsia during pregnancy.

Preeclampsia is a hypertension condition that may be found in pregnancy which can lead to the seizure. Curd contains magnesium as a great natural remedy to prevent preeclampsia in pregnant women.

15 amazing benefits of curd during pregnancy have been explained above. Pregnant women can consume it as cheese, smoothies, or various cooked dish. Always remember to consume it in a proper amount, not too much and not less. If you consume it too much, you’ll get some problems with your digestive system because of is acidity. Enjoy your pregnancy and always keep your body healthy.