
25 Health Benefits of Chlorophyll For Human Body

We bet that you ever hear the substance called chlorophyll. Yes, chlorophyll basically is the green pigment in the plants that will be very beneficial to facilitate the absorption of the light from the sun, which is commonly called as photosynthesis, so that the plants could create their won foods. Chlorophyll is also widely known for its ability to give the green color in the plants, which then will give you the answer why the leaves are green in color.

An interesting fact about chlorophyll is that its molecular structure is very similar with the hemoglobin that produced by the intake of iron. The only difference between those two is that the central atom of hemoglobin is iron, while the chlorophyll is magnesium. But, do you know that the chlorophyll will give you various health benefits, just like the hemoglobin? So, in this article, you will find various health benefits of chlorophyll. Check this out.

  1. Detoxification

The first benefit that you will get from chlorophyll is that it will act as the detoxifying agent in the body. So, the chlorophyll could be the best detoxifying agent because this chlorophyll has the purifying properties. The chlorophyll would stimulate the blood flow and oxygen in the bloodstream, which then will help your body to flush out the harmful contaminants within the body.

In addition to that, chlorophyll will also very beneficial to get rid out the harmful material in the body such as mercury, which then of course will maintain and keep the health of the liver. The chlorophyll is also would be very beneficial to reduce the harmful effects of radiation and thus, it will maintain the overall health of the body.

  1. Restore Red Blood Cells

The second benefit that you will get from chlorophyll is that it will restore the red blood cell production. So, whenever you’re suspected of having iron deficiency anemia, the consumption of foods that contain high amount of chlorophyll would be very beneficial since chlorophyll would replenish the red blood cell production in the body.

Chlorophyll has the a lot of enzymes that will cleanse the blood and enhance the blood’s ability to transport more oxygen through other parts of the body. So, the chlorophyll without a doubt would be beneficial for people who at the higher risk of developing the iron deficiency anemia such as women and particularly, pregnant women.

  1. Promote Digestive Health

The third benefit that you will get whenever you get the chlorophyll is that it will promote the overall health in your digestive system, because chlorophyll would stimulate the bowel movements, which then of course will maintain the health of the intestinal system. In addition to that, chlorophyll will also rejuvenate the wounded tissue in the intestinal system, as well as lowering the effects of cytotoxicity by cleansing the colon and prevent the constipation.

  1. Healing Wounds

The fourth benefit that you would get whenever you’re getting the chlorophyll is that this substance will heal the wounds. Whenever you applied the chlorophyll topically, it has the great benefits to speed up the healing process of the wound, as well as healing the burns too. The reason behind its ability to speed up the wound healing is because this chlorophyll could inhibit the growth of the bacteria by making the situation and environment of wounds and burns become unfavorable for bacteria and thus, the bacteria will begin to die and the healing process would speed up.

In addition to that, it turns out that chlorophyll would be very beneficial too to stimulate the production of white blood cells. which will be a perfect solution to improve your immune system and fight against various infections that will lead you to various harmful diseases in the future. But, you need to keep the attention that this benefit of chlorophyll could be applied whenever it is being used as the topical cream.

  1. Deodorizing Abilities

The next benefit that you will get whenever you get the chlorophyll is the fact that chlorophyll has the deodorizing abilities. So, instead of buying the deodorant and mouthwash in the grocery store, you could use the chlorophyll alternatively since it has a natural deodorizers ability. Chlorophyll is very efficient in dealing with the bad breath and thus, it can be used as the natural mouthwash. This chlorophyll would be a great natural mouthwash since it will help with to reduce the amount of gas and colon in the stomach, which are the main factors of the people with bad breath.

  1. Balancing the Acid-alkaline Ratio

The enxt benefit that you will get whenever you take the chlorophyll is that this chlorophyll has the properties that can maintain the balance the acid-alkaline ratio. Many studies have shown that drinking the chlorophyll liquid will be very beneficial to maintain the balance level between acid-alkaline within the body since chlorophyll is very rich in magnesium which contain the high alkaline levels.

So, the healthy alkaline and  acidity ratio would be very important for your body so that the body will be enabled to inhibit the growth of the harmful pathogens. The healthy alkaline and acid ratio would also protect you from any complications caused by the cardiovascular disease, as well as improving the function of the liver, kidneys and also chlorophyll would be very beneficial to maintain the brain health.

  1. Prevent Cancer

The next benefit that you would likely to get whenever you take the chlorophyll is that the chlorophyll might be very beneficial to protect you from cancer. There is an evidence that chlorophyll would shield the colon against various assortments of carcinogen that commonly found in the air, in the raw foods, cooked meat, and grains. Specifically, the chlorophyll would be very essential to protect you from the colon cancer by inducing the apoptosis.

In the matter of fact, there are some studies that have already proved that the chlorophyll would be beneficial to prevent cancer. The studies shown that chlorophyll has the phytochemical compounds that would be beneficial to inhibit the growth of tumor and prevent the body from the multiplication of cancerous cells. So, you need to consider to take chlorophyll whenever you want to stay away with the cancer.

  1. Control the Hunger and Starvings

The next benefit that you could get whenever you’re getting the chlorophyll is that the chlorophyll would help you to control the hunger and starvings and thus, it will help you to maintain the body weight and always make you getting in shape all the time. In the matter of fact, there is a study that released in 2013 which evidence that the compound containing chlorophyll would suppress the hunger in people.

So, the study conducted on twenty moderate overweight women, who were given three different meals in separate occasions, which are two meals containing chlorophyll and one meal without chlorophyll. The result of the study is that the meals that containing chlorophyll would suppress the hunger in those women and their blood sugar levels were always stable during the tests. So, if you’re on a diet, consider to consume foods that contain the chlorophyll.

  1. Controls the Body Odor

The next benefit that you could get whenever you’re getting the chlorophyll is that the chlorophyll would increase the body odor. In the matter of fact, there is a study that already evidence that the chlorophyll would be very beneficial to control the body odor. The study conducted in 62 patients in a nursing home, and when they consume the foods that contain the chlorophyll, they experienced the improvement on the odors. In addition to control the body odors, the chlorophyll would also alleviate the constipation and gas and thus, it would promote the digestive health.

  1. Protects the DNA Against Fried Foods

The next benefit that you could get whenever you’re getting the chlorophyll is that the chlorophyll would protect your DNA against the fried foods. As we all know, the fried foods will give you various negative effects, such as will make you gain some weight and will lead you to cholesterol and the complications of it. Not only that, the fried foods will also release the chemical compound that will damage the DNA of colon cells. The consumption of foods that contains chlorophyll would be very beneficial to fight against that bad effects from fried foods.

In the matter of fact, there is a study that already conducted before. The result of the study is that the group of people who consume fried foods alongside with foods that contain a high amounts of chlorophyll experienced  the less DNA damage of colon cells. But, you better avoid the fried foods at all since these kinds of food would ring you a lot of health problems in the future.

  1. Powerful Source of Antioxidant

The next benefit that you could get whenever you’re getting the chlorophyll is that this chlorophyll is the source of powerful antioxidants. As we all know, the antioxidant compound in the food would be very beneficial to fight against the harmful free radicals which then will protect the cells in the body. In addition to that, the antioxidant properties that contain in chlorophyll would also very beneficial to promote the overall health in the skin since it will deny the early aging process in the skin and protect your skin from wrinkle and heavy pigmentation that caused by the harmful free radicals.

  1. Effective Against Candida Albicans

The next benefit that you could get whenever you’re getting the chlorophyll is that the chlorophyll would be very essential to prevent you from the candida albicans disease. The candida albicans is the disease that could lead you to various things, such as tiredness, fatigue, digestive problem, and depression. In the matter of fact, there is also a study that already proved that consume the foods that contains the chlorophyll would decrease the chance of you having the candida albicans because the chlorophyll could stop the growth of candida albicans.

  1. Relieve Redness and Swelling

The next benefit that you could get whenever you’re getting the chlorophyll is that the chlorophyll would be very beneficial to relieve the symptoms of redness and swelling. In the matter of fact, the chlorophyll that commonly contained in green leafy vegetables are commonly being used as the redness and swelling reliever since a long time ago in a traditional society. In addition to that, the scientific studies that already conducted in animal also support the evidence that chlorophyll would be very beneficial to treat the redness and swelling.

  1. Promote Healthy Iron Levels

The next benefit that you could get whenever you’re getting the chlorophyll is that the chlorophyll will also promote the healthy iron levels. In the matter of fact, the other form of chlorophyll called chlorophyllin will be very effective to protect yourself from anemia. Chlorophyllin would be very useful to switch the iron for magnesium at the center of molecules, which then will provide bioavailable form of the iron that your body could directly use. As the result, the body could maintain the sufficient levels of iron which is really beneficial to transport the rich-oxygen blood from the lungs to the other parts of the body.

  1. Prevent Arthritis

The next benefit that you could get whenever you’re getting the chlorophyll is that the chlorophyll would be beneficial for everyone of you who have the arthritis. The chlorophyll would be beneficial to prevent arthritis is because the chlorophyll has the anti-inflammatory properties in it. In the matter of fact, the studies have already shown that the chlorophyll and its derivative could inhibit the growth of the bacteria that will cause the inflammation that could lead you to arthritis. This benefit thus will enable the chlorophyll to be a potent choice for the preparation of phytomedication to treat painful medical conditions.

  1. Anti-Aging

The next benefit that you could also could get whenever you’re getting the chlorophyll is that the chlorophyll has the anti-aging properties in it, which without a doubt will boost your overall appearance and will make you stay fresh and you all the time. So, the chlorophyll would fight against the aging process by maintaining the healthy tissues attributing to the richness of antioxidants and the presence of magnesium. In addition to that, the chlorophyll would also stimulate the production of anti-aging enzymes, as well as release the benefits of its Vitamin K to rejuvenate the adrenal glands and improves the adrenal function in the body.

  1. Anti-Microbial Properties

The next benefit that you could get whenever you’re getting the chlorophyll is that the chlorophyll also has the anti-microbial properties. The result of the benefit of the anti-microbial properties that contained in chlorophyll is that your body will be healthy all the time because this chlorophyll would prevent the growth of the harmful microbes, such as the candida albicans that already mentioned above. Many studies also indicate that the alkaline in chlorophyll would speed up the healing and also will fight against many harmful contaminants that will lead you to various kinds of disease.

  1. Boost Your Immunity

The next benefit that you could get whenever you’re getting the chlorophyll is that the chlorophyll will boost your immune system. The chloropyll would strengthen the cell walls and overall immune system because of its alkaline compounds as already mentioned above. For your information, many types of bacteria couldn’t survive around the alkaline environment, which then will make the bacteria will begin to die as soon as possible whenever you consume the foods that contains chlorophyll and thus, your overall health would be improved too.

In addition to that, the chlorophyll will also support the immune system because this substance is the oxygenator which will stimulate the body’ ability to fight against various diseases, as well as improve the overall energy and speed up the healing process whenever you’re having some ailments.

  1. Prevent Blood Clotting

The next benefit that you would get whenever you’re getting the chlorophyll is that you will be more likely to be prevented from the blood clotting. So, the chlorophyll would protect you from the blood clotting because as already mentioned above, this substance contain a lot of Vitamin K in it, which is very essential for the normal clotting of blood. In addition to its benefit to protect you from the blood clotting, the chlorophyll would also be very beneficial to treat the heavy bleeding conditions, such as nosebleed and also bleeding that comes from the menstrual period in women.

  1. Maintain the Hormonal Balance

The next benefit that you could get whenever you’re getting the chlorophyll is that the chlorophyll would be very beneficial to maintain the balance of the hormone in the body. Chlorophyll will specifically would be very effective to maintain the sexual hormone in the body in both male and female. The reason behind the efficacy of chlorophyll to maintain the balance of hormone is because its Vitamin E components. The Vitamin E in chlorophyll would stimulate the production of testosteron hormones in male and stimulate the production of estrogen hormones in female.

  1. Stronger Bone and Muscle

The next benefit that you could get whenever you’re getting the chlorophyll is that the chlorophyll would make the bone and muscle stronger than before. This is because the turmeric would help the formation and maintain the stronger bones. As you already know, the chlorophyll contains a lot of magnesium, which will play an important role for the health of your bones alongside with other nutrients like Vitamin D and calcium. The magnesium compound in chlorophyll would encourage the healthy relaxation and contraction among your bones and muscle.

  1. Prevent Kidney Stones

The next benefit that you could get whenever you’re getting the chlorophyll is that the chlorophyll would help you to prevent the kidney stones. The chlorophyll would be very beneficial to protect you from kidney stones is because this substance has the rich source Vitamin K. Vitamin K is an essential nutrient that would be useful in the urination and reducing the growth of calcium oxalate crystal, the substance that without a doubt will lead you to chronic disease like kidney stones.

  1. Treating Pancreatitis

The next benefit that you will get whenever you’re getting the chlorophyll is that the chlorophyll would treat pancreatitis. In the matter of fact, many health experts have already suggested that this substance would be the great source to treat pancreatitits. According to many health experts, chlorophyll could alleviate the pain and discomfort in abdomen that caused by the chronic pancreatitis without causing any side effects in the future.

  1. Good for Oral Health

The next benefit that you could get whenever you’re getting the chlorophyll is that the chlorophyll would increase the overall health of the mouth. Many health experts suggest that the chlorophyll would be very beneficial to treat against various diseases that occurs in the mouth, such as bleeding gums and oral infections that will lead you to inflammation. Because its benefit fro the oral health, the dentists are looking at chlorophyll as the way to improve the oral health in their patients. Many toothpastes, mouthwash, and breath mint manufactures are also adding chlorophyll in their products.

  1. Good for Culinary Usage

The last benefit that yu will get whenever you’re getting the chlorophyll is the fact that chlorophyll would be very beneficial as the culinary use. You could consume it in various green leafy vegetables or green-colored beverages.Whenever you consume it regularly, there is no doubt that your overall health and performance would be improved and you become energetic and productive during the day.

Source of Chlorophyll

Now afetr you already know all of the benefits from the chlorophyll, you might also want to know what kind of foods that contains a high amount of chlorophyll in it. As already mentioned above, the chlorophyll is commonly coming from the green leafy vegetables and also the green-colored beverages. So, in the article below, you will find various foods and beverages that contains a high amount of chlorophyll in it. Include these foods and beverages into your healthy diet.

  • Arugula
  • Parsley
  • Sprouts
  • Seaweed
  • Wheat Grass
  • Kalee
  • Spinach
  • Watercress
  • Leeks
  • Garden Cress
  • Chlorella
  • Cabbage
  • Green Beans
  • Swiss Chards
  • Spirulina
  • Basil

Chlorophyll Precautions

Now after you already know all of the health benefits of chlorophyll alongside with the list of foods that rich in chlorophyll, you might need to see the precautions and warning that associated with the consumption of chlorophyll. Here are some precautions that related with the chlorophyll:

  • Although chlorophyll has so many health benefits, however the toxic natural effects that contained in chlorophyll still remains a mystery. Some health experts say that the toxic effects of natural chlorophyll would cause the discoloration in the tongue, urine, and feces whenever you consume it orally.
  • The over-consume of the foods that contains high amounts of chlorophyll would lead you to diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and loose bowel movements which then you might need some medical attention to cure it.
  • Because the lack of scientific evidence, the chlorophyll that has the form of supplement shouldn’t be consumed by the pregnant women to avoid any complications that might be harmful for the health of the pregnancy.
  • The patients that still undergo the guaiac card tests for occult blood also shouldn’t be consumed the chlorophyll orally since it might will give you the false result and outcome on your tests.

Read More About Health Benefits of Vegetables:

So, now you already know everything that you need to know related to the chlorophyll. While the chlorophyll will give you a lot of health benefits, but you also need to consider the bad effects of it whenever you over-consume it. Take the chlorophyll wisely and you’ll get the full advantage of it. So, stay healthy!