Healthy Activities

10 Benefits of Watching TV with Family (No.7 is True)

Nowadays people consider television as a (almost) must existed thing in their house, even in other types of building both residential and commercial. They use TV not only to get information, but also for entertainment, education even business. Therefore, TV could be easily found everywhere and people who watch it even range from children to adult. TV even exists in a portable version such as on the cell phone. In rainy days, those who are accustomed to run while watching TV would still get the benefits by doing it at house or indoor buildings.

Regarding to the large popularity of TV, it is found from some researches that TV could give both positive and negative impact to the society, particularly for children and teenagers who are in formation phase on both their way of thinking and way of life. That is why, some types of parents are usually very careful in dealing with TV by accompanying their children in TV time. A few of them even totally prohibit watching television at all.

Anyway, if you are looking for ‘medium’ possible solution to deal with this condition, you may consider to have a daily program of watching TV with family. Watching TV with family has variety of benefits to give better education and tighten the relationship between family members. Some of those benefits of watching TV with family are the following.


1. Being a Quality Time with Family

A common problem of nowadays people is about too much routine activities at work or school. This makes them hard to find a quality time with family except at the weekends or holidays, if they do not have school program or do extra-time work.Watching TV together with family could be a considerable choice for having a quality time after a full-day work or school. This could be done after or before dinner time where all family members could sit together, talk each other or simply spend the time together for recharging the energy and mind for  tomorrow activities.

2. Bounding with Family Members

A common problem of nowadays people is about too much routine activities at work or school. This makes them hard to find a quality time with family except at the weekends or holidays, if they do not have school program or do extra-time work.Watching TV together with family could be a considerable choice for having a quality time after a full-day work or school. This could be done after or before dinner time where all family members could sit together, talk each other or simply spend the time together for recharging the energy and mind for  tomorrow activities.

3. Facilitating and Teaching Children to ‘Pick’ Appropriate Program

The segment of TV audience that people or parents need to pay very much attention is the children. Children do not know how to pick any TV program properly because they do not have much consideration and insight. They would likely pick a program that they like it at most, the trending program or the program their friends like to have. Therefore, the role of parents or other members of family is very important to direct children pick the proper and the suitable program for their age. They are supposed to facilitate and teach children to pick appropriate program as well as avoid watching improper program. For audience in general, not only children, choosing appropriate TV program would also be good for health as it could relieve stress as one of symptoms of heart attack in women.

4. Accompanying Children to ‘Learn’ from Television

Children actually could get much lesson from TV. This could be a very good idea for enhancing the lesson they get from the school as well as from other sources. Some TV programs are mainly created and addressed for children so parents could search more to find that kind of program, such as Discovery Channel, cartoon story and so on and so forth. Horror movies, for example, could be very beneficial for health and insight of children if they could be accompanied by parents. This particularly relates to the benefits of watching horror movies.

5. Avoiding Children Away from Any Improper Program

In addition to some educational or entertainment program, there are many TV programs which could give bad impact for the children, such as adult TV programs, any program broadcasting violence, showing bad habit or rude words. Parents need to pay very much attention in order children could avoid that kind of program for preventing them to do imitation and the likes. To be sure, there are some strategics that parents could rely on to do this mission and it could be different among parents according the type of family relationship, the character of parents as well as the characters of children themselves. However, watching TV with family could make easier for parents to avoid the children consuming any improper TV program.

6. Keeping Updated to the Recent Information

A common reason why people like to watch TV, even every day, is because it enables them to have updated about recent information through TV news program, running text and the likes. This reason could also be a cause for family members to watch TV together since they would have very good time and chance to discuss about the recent information, share stories, or simply do a chit-chat while having snack. It would even be better if you watch humorous program because you could refresh your mind while optimizing benefits of laughter.

7. Tightening the Relationship among Family Members

Many things could be done to tighten relationship among family members in the midst of very tight schedule of business or school. In addition to having meal time or spending holiday together and creating a clean house due to the psychological and health benefits of a clean house, watching TV together with family could also be preferable, moreover it is relatively affordable than other mentioned choices. When all family members could have a special time and space to spend the time together, the relationship could warmer and closer.

Related: Benefits of Hugs

8. Reducing Stress

Likewise, watching TV is the best entertainment to reduce stress. Also, it’s cheap and easy. You could just grab your remote, choose your favorite channel, then relax for a while. You could just enjoy yourself and forget about your problems through the programs.


9. Resolving Problems 

Well, TV time is one of the best time to enjoy with family, maybe after dinner or right in the morning business. Above are the benefits of watching TV with family. You could consider to set a routine schedule of watching TV with your family as soon as you know those benefits. As you could see and imagine, it would be very good for you, your children, your other family members and solidity of a family. To sum up, watching TV together with family would be very very beneficial as long as you could pick a proper program, set the routine schedule and make the time valuable.


10. Linking the Communication 

However, it is highly suggested that parents do not only direct children in picking the program, but also accompanying them during the TV time so if it is by chance, they have any question to ponder, parents could directly give any answer or explanation. TV time could also be a very good chance for parents to build a good communication and relationship with their children because children would be accustomed to freely ask parents about anything. Additionally, parents could also teach children about what to do while watching television, such as not talking loudly and more. The role parents is also needed in managing schedule of watching TV, particularly for teenagers, because without proper schedule, watching TV could be cause of bad impacts.

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Indeed, watching TV is just a regular activity that we all do in our leisure time. Though, there are many programs that you can watch yet invite your family members to watch together. Indeed, watching TV with family may bring a lot of good things such as reconnecting again with one and another. As a result, that is all the explanation about the health benefits of watching TV with family.