In many places, sorrel is one of the ingredients that used to make soup. In addition, to make tea, other, sorrel can also be mixed with buttermilk or you can make it into juice. Many choices of dishes that use sorrel. But, this article will not discuss about it. This article will discuss about the health benefits we get from sorrel leaves.
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Sorrel is a vegetable that is low in calories but has plenty of water content. Sorrel is rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, B9, and C. Sour taste on sorrel leaves is due to high oxalate content. Sorrel is one source of minerals because it contains potassium, magnesium, sodium, iron, phosphorus, and calcium. There is no fat and rich in flavonoids.
Here is a list of nutrients that sorrel leaves have per 100 g based on USDA National Nutrition Database:
Nutrition Value of Sorrel Leaves
Energy 22 Kcal
Carbohydrates 3.20 g
Protein 2.00 g
Total Fat 0.7 g
Cholesterol 0 mg
Dietary Fiber 2.9 g
Folates 13 ug
Niacin 0.500 mg
Pantothenic acid 0.041 mg
Pyridoxine 0.122 mg
Riboflavin 0.100 mg
Thiamin 0.040 mg
Vitamin A 4000 IU
Vitamin C 48 mg
Sodium 4 mg
Potassium 390 mg
Calcium 44 mg
Copper 0.131 mg
Iron 2.40 mg
Magnesium 103 mg
Manganese 0.349 mg
Zinc 0.20 mg
Kaempferol 10.3 mg
Myrcetin 5.7 mg
Quercetin 86.2 ug
Well, very many useful contents is provided in the sorrel. This vegetable is perfect for people who think health is very important. Because the content in sorrel is very much, automatically there are many benefits also to our body if we consume it. Listed below are the benefits that we can get from the sorrel leaves.
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Scientifically, sorrel has flavonoids that have several vitamins and minerals content that can be used as an antioxidant which protects the body from free radicals that can cause deadly diseases.
According to research at Jamaica’s Northen Caribbean University, flavonoids that contained inside the sorrel can use to against several kinds of cancer.
Sorrel leaf rich in Vitamin C. We need this vitamin C every day to protect our skin from wrinkles and tighten our skin. Sorrel leaves have the source to relieve itchy and ringworms. Sorrel leaves contains anti-microbial and anti-allergic sources.
For you who have problems with your hair such as dry hair or damaged hair, you can also rely on the benefits of sorrel leaves. Because you can see at the draft of nutritional content above, sorrel leaves have many high Vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C contents that ready to treat our hair.
Because Sorrel has a high calcium content, it is very useful to maintain bone health in women and overcome osteoporosis. Other than that, Sorrel is one of the very useful treatment to treat breast cancer because it has the content of vitamins, minerals, carotenoids, and chlorophyll that help against breast cancer. In particular, chlorophyll works to increase oxygen so that cancer cells cannot be last long.
According to the Jamaica Gleaner, in some parts of Africa, the sorrel is used as medicine for coughs and some people relieve boils and abscesses using the leaves of sorrel.
Sorrel leaves are no fat and low calories although they have vitamins, proteins, minerals and carbohydrates in high content. So, don’t worry if you consume this vegetable. you will not become fat instead you can use the leaves for your programming diet.
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A study of a journal “Antiviral Research” shows that sorrel leaves contained oligomeric, polymeric proanthocyanidins and flavonoids that can use to reduce the spread of the herpes simplex virus type-1 that can cause cold sores or fever blisters. But, we can’t make sure if it works for human or not. Therefore, before using it, you must ask the doctor.
One of the health benefits of sorrel leaves that this leaves contains antioxidants and flavonoids, that has purgative and diuretic properties. This works for removing harmful toxins from the body. It causes the content of protocatechuic acid, that effective for detoxifying your body. You can make a tea from sorrel leaves and drink it.
The high content of Vitamin A inside the sorrel leaves works for improving your eyesight and also helps in getting rid of night blindness.
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The high content of that founded in sorrel leaves its works for reducing the bad cholesterol present in the body as well as in the reduction of triglyceride levels. It can make the blood pressure turn into lower levels.
Beside vitamin, fresh leaves of sorrel are also a rich source of several vital antioxidant phenolic antioxidants like kaempferol, myricetin, quercetin, etc. The combining these compounds help to protect scavengers against oxygen-derived free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS) and have a roll in aging and various disease processes.
As you can see in the list above, sorrel leaves also contain an enough amount of minerals like manganese, calcium, potassium, magnesium, copper, and zinc. Potassium’s function is to helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure. Meanwhile, the manganese and copper are used to cofactor for the antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase.
The function of iron, sodium, phosphorus, and chlorophyll in the sorrel leaves helps in increasing the levels of hemoglobin in our body. This is especially needed with the person who has suffered anemia.
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When you have scurvy, it means that your body needs more than vitamin C. Well, the leaves of sorrel provides an enough content of vitamin C. Next time, try to prove that you can get the benefits of leaves sorrel by using the leaves to curing the scurvy.
Another benefit of sorrel leaves is can be healing you from cold sores and fever blisters, It causes the high sources of flavonoids, oligomeric and polymeric proanthocyanidins that can resolve this problem.
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Another health benefits of sorrel leaves :
That is the health benefits of sorrel leaves. Although, there are many benefits, there is some several things that you have to be informed when you use the sorrel leaves. Please pay attention to list at below :
There are the health benefits of sorrel leaves. Hope that you can get benefits of this article.
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