Herbal Oil

22 Insane Benefits of May Chang Essential Oil for Health and Beauty

These days so many people are interested in essential oil either for aromatherapy or for special treatment of diseases. Therefore, the medical science is trying their best to discover more herbs which are potential to be used as essential oil. One of the famous essential oil hebs is May Chang or Litsea Cubeba. It belongs to the Lauraceae family. It is called May Chang because it is derived from the fruit-pepper in China but May Chang can also be found in Indonesia and around Southeast Asia countries. It has been known throughout Asia and used as the effective herb to heal and treat some diseases.

According to some studies revealed that May Chang has potential oil for health and it is mostly used as herbal therapy. The healthy benefits of May Chang essential oil can be gained from its branches, bark, flowers, leaves and even roots. Thus, this useful essential oil is also used in fragrances, soaps and even flavourings. As for the ancients, they used May Chang as herbal medicine to heal some diseases such as backache, asthma, digestive problems, headache and so on. Hereby the further explanation about health benefits of May Chang essential oil:

1. Anti-Cancer

According to some studies revealed that May Chang is very effective to fight cancer. It is stated that May Chang essential oil has carcinostatic properties in which it can treat cancer and even fight it very well.

2. Treat the Fatigue

The medical science found that May Chang essential oil is very effective to treat the fatigue problem. A few drops of May Chang essential oil will heal and treat the stressed mind and also laziness.

3. Treat the Cough and Cold

May Chang essential oil has been known as multibenefits essential oil to treat some diseases especially cough and cold. Since it contains antiseptic and also antiviral properties in which they can make the coughs and cold at bay. The aroma of May Chang essential oil is effectively effect to the respiratory tonic very well. Thus, May Chang essential oil is very good to heal the cough and cold.

4. Keep the Spirit and Soul Healthy

May Chang essential oil has been used since long time ago as the aromatherapy and also fragrance to refresh and relax soul and spirit. It is also known as the rejuvination essential oil. May Chang essential oil can clean the soul. It is proved by some studies revealing that May Chang essential oil which can relax the stressed mood and also blues. A few drops of May Chang essential oil can melt the negative thinking or emotion. In the other sides, it will promote the fresh and relaxation entire the body. Thus it will affect to the peaceful sleep.

5. Asthma

Since long time ago the ancients used May Chang essential oil to heal asthma. The aroma of May Chang essential oil will give the fresh air and it will promote the fresh air through the respiratory system. Thus it will be the effective way to heal asthma.

6. Backache

It has also been proved since long time ago the ancients used May Chang essential oil as the effective herb to heal the back pain. The relaxation contained in May Chang esssential oil can effect positively to the lower back pain. Thus for those who are suffering from backache, it will be better to use a few drops of May Chang essential oil as the alternative treatment.

7. Allergic

For those who are suffering from allergic or even chronic allergic may take a few drops of May Chang essential oil to relief the allergic. According to the study revealed that May Chang has antibacterial and antifungi in which they can hand the problem relating to allergic and May Chang will even make the skin relaxed.

8. Bronchitis

For some people having bronchitis is very uncomfortable, but it can be handed by May Chang essential oil. According to the studies revealed that May Chang can heal the chest ailments and also respiration including bronchitis. Thus for those who want to heal the bronchitis, May Chang will be the effective way to do so.

9. Chest ailments

It has been explained above that May Chang essential oil has the powerful aromatherapy in which it can effect positively to respiratory system. It is the same case in affecting to the chest ailments treatment. The aromatherapy which May Chang contains will give the fresh effect and heal the ailments associated to chest or respiratory system.

10. Digestive Problem

According to some studies stated that May Chang essential oil is very useful to treat the digestive problem. May Change essential oil has been used since long time ago as the traditional Chinese medicine to heal the indigestion. Medically, May Chang essential oil can stimulant the digestive system and it will give good appetite for most of people.

11. Treat the Nausea

May Change is not known only of its great fragrance, but also it is known as the great essential oil to treat some diseases including the common disease such as nausea. A few drops of May Chang essential oil will relief the nausea well.

12. Headache

It has been explained that May Chang essential oil is very effective to treat so many diseases including headache. The aroma of May Chang can effect the relaxation in which if it is oiled to head will give relaxation and that process will lead to the headache treatment and it will heal the headache.

13. Muscles Pain

If You have muscles pain, May Chang essential oil will be the effective way to solve that problem. May Chang essential oil contains anti-inflammatory in which it can heal any pains including muscles pain. A few drops of May Chang essential oil will heal this problem well.

14. Arrhythmia

Another good news of May Chang essential oil that it can also normalize the cardiac arrhythmia. Based on some studies stated that May Chang essential oil is very effective to reduce the risk of arrhythmia for its sufferers.

15. Regulate Blood Pressure

Another health benefits of May Chang essential oil is it can regulate the blood pressure well. According to the researches stated that May Chang essential oil can effectively regulate the blood pressure.

16. Keep the Skin Healthy

May Chang has been known as the multibenefits herb across Asia since it has function to keep the skin healthy. According to the researches revealed that May Chang essential oil is very potential to be used in soaps and also body lotions since May Chang essential oil contains antibacterial and antifungal properties.

17. Prevent from the Acne

Acne is common problem among people. They even get stressed facing the acne problem and they try their best to find the best treatment to fight it, but it is good news that finally medical science found that May Chang essential oil can prevent the skin from acne. It is due to the antibacterial properties contained on May Chang essential oil which normalize the cellulities and prevent from the bacteria caused acne.

18. Treat the Oily Skin

For some people having oily skin is not comfortable, but it will be handed by May Chang essential oil. Since it has mild astringent properties so that May Chang essential oil can treat the oily skin very well. The poweful aroma itself will reduce the oily skin very well too. A few drops of May Chang essential oil as aromatherapy will reduce the inflammatory conditions including oily skin.

19. Keep the Mood Healthy

According to the studies revealed that May Chang essential oil is very great herb to rise the relaxation and cheer atmosphere for people. Keep the mood healthy means that May Chang essential oil can make the mood happy, relaxed and fresh therefore it will make mood healthy. Fragrance from May Chang essential oil is believe can lead to relaxation and it is proved by many fragrance products using May Chang essential oil. A few drops of May Chang essential oil will erase the blues and also anxiousness among people.

20. Repel the Insects

Another benefits of May Chang essential oil is it can be a repellant for insects. It has been explained above that May Chang is commonly used in body lotions and soaps as antibacterial and antifungal properties. For repelling the insects will also be used in lotions or even shampoo. Using the May Chang and oil it on body will repel the mosquitoes. Furthermore, it is also good to keep the pets such as cats and dogs as additional shampoo to keep them from insects.

21. Bring back the Happiness (Memories)

According to a study revealed that Chang May essential oil is very useful to keep the brain especially mood cheering and also relaxed. In the same case, May Chang essential oil aroma can bring the happiness of memories back to the people who use it. Therefore the May Chang essential oil is also generally used in cosmetics and also flavouring products.

22. Reduce the Excess Perspiration

Sweating means that You are healthy, but the excess sweating is sometimes bothering You in any occasions. There are many products working on how to reduce excess perspiration very well, but one of the best is May Chang essential oil. It is proved as the effective deodorant to reduce the excess sweating. A few drops of May Chang essential oil will be the effective deodorant to reduce the excess sweating.

Side Effect of May Chang Essential Oil

There are so many benefits towards the May Chang essential oil since it contains useful properties especially in its aroma. In the other hands, May Chang essential oil also has the side effects that You must to know it very well. According to the medical science stated that May Chang essential oil can increase the pressure of the eyes thus for those who are experiencing glaucome must avoid to use May Chang essential oil.

May Chang essential oil will also cause the allergic for people who has the sensitive skin. For the safety, keep the May Chang essential oil away from children especially babies or infants. For the right usage, it will be much better if You consult to the doctors about using is for treatment.