Kids Health

32 Signs of Yeast Infection In Toddler : Vaginal & Mouth

Yeast infections can occur in all age groups, from very young to very old. In infants, the most common diseases caused by yeast diaper rash and Oral thrush (the type of yeast infection in the mouth and throat). the cause of yeast infections is Candida. Candida is usually found in small quantities in the skin and in the mouth, gastrointestinal tract, and vagina without causing any problems. Candida in the someone body controlled by a healthy immune system and some good bacteria.

Problems arise when overgrows candida in the body leads to infection. It can be caused by a person’s immune system is weakened so, candida in the vagina can multiply and cause symptoms of yeast infection. Sometimes, the excess candida occurs after the girl had been taking antibiotics for bacterial infections because antibiotics can kill “good” bacteria that keep candida from growing. Yeast also can grow too fast in girls who have high blood sugar. Nearly 75% of girls definitely having yeast infection problems. Then what happened to a toddler girl? What is the sign?

The Signs of Vaginal Yeast infections in Toddler Girl

A yeast infection usually occurs on the warm and moist part of the body such as the mouth and moist areas of the skin. When an infection occurs in the vagina, it is called vulvovaginal candidiasis. Here are the signs if it happens to a toddler girl:

1. Inflamed area and itchy vagina (an early sign)

The earliest signs of vaginal yeast infection in toddler girls are itching and burning sensation in the vagina and the vulva. About three from four women will develop a yeast infection. Yeast infections occur when the yeast, overgrowing in the vagina and vulva. Antibiotics and a weakened immune system can make a woman more likely to get a yeast infection. Besides, itching and irritation, yeast infection will produce a thick, white discharge cheesy. It is noted that yeast infection tends to get worse armpit summer, when wearing tight pants and sweat more.

The differences of vaginal itching signs of yeast infection in toddler girl with other diseases:

you need to distinguish signs of yeast infection in your daughter with a sign of bacterial vaginosis, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), Chemical irritants, and Lichen sclerosis.

  • In vaginosi caused by the wrong bacteria growing In vagina area can cause infection, a sign that similar to a yeast infection: itching, inflammation, burning, discharge, smells fishy in vaginosi.
  • On sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) such as trichomoniasis, chlamydia, genital herpes, genital warts and gonorrhea can cause vaginal itching vulva / and irritation and other symptoms. it’s just that there is usually a special mark in accordance with the kind of infectious disease, such as herpes will discharge from the skin.
  • On Chemical irritants. A number of chemicals, including creams, detergents, soaps, perfumed toilet paper, and fabric softeners can irritate the vagina and vulva. This condition causes vaginal itching, but not to the extent of inflammation.
  • On Lichen sclerosis. This is a rare condition that causes white patches of thin to form on the skin, especially around the vulva. Patch can permanently injure vaginal area. These marks are more common in postmenopausal women open toddler girl.

2. Vagina feels dry and scaly.

Other Early Signs of yeast infections is vaginal dryness, scaly skin in the same area. Yeast grow excessively in the vaginal area, including around the vulva can also lead to vaginal dryness. if this sign coincide with the first mark at the top, the possibility of a toddler girl was exposed to yeast infections. It is certainly not a symptom of manoupose.

Vaginal dryness and flaking can also be caused by other diseases, but there is a difference when experiencing vaginal yeast infection with other diseases:

  • On Yeast infection, vaginal dryness and flaking characterized by the presence of fluid Thick, white, cheesy and also a sign of swelling and pain around the vulva, or itching.
  • Irregular menstrual cycles, or less, cervical or endometrial cancer, characterized by fluid Bloody or brown and also Abnormal vaginal bleeding, pelvic pain
  • Gonorrhea is characterized by Cloudy fluid or yellow and also Bleeding between periods, urinary incontinence, and pelvic pain.
  • Trichomoniasis Pain and itching while urinating, characterized by Frothy fluid, yellow or greenish with a bad smell
  • Shedding of the uterine lining after childbirth, is marked with a colored discharge into Pink
  • Bacterial vaginosis is characterized by discharge into White, gray, or yellow with fishy odor and also have the signs of Itching or burning, Redness and swelling of the vagina or vulva

3 . There are cheesy discharge

In addition to skin inflammation and itching, the signs of yeast infection in toddler girls is their cheesy discharge. The discharge is usually thick, white, and buttermilk. ni may look like cottage cheese or ricotta cheese. Discharge can range from thick to thin and clear faint yellow.

If it is not white, curd like it in the folds of his skin, then red, itchy skin rash may be a sign of not a yeast infection. But definitely, if it comes out the smell usually have health problems occur in the vagina toddler girl.

The use of antibiotics

The next sign after you check out four of the above, try to remember it: Does your toddler girl recently use antibiotics?

if the answer is yes, even yeast infections can be difficult to diagnose, because the symptoms are often similar to other infections. However, yeast infection is suspected the possibility if your daughter has recently taken antibiotics. because when antibiotics against infection, the unfortunate result is that they sometimes can simultaneously kill the good bacteria that makes the yeast in balance.

Diagnosis of Vaginal yeast infections

Medical professionals can use two basic methods to diagnose a yeast infection: microscopic examination and culturing. You should see a medical specialist to be sure, because there are so many kind of vagina health problems.

Treatment of Vaginal yeast infections

In the clinical world, yeast infection is generally treated with a type of antimycotics (anti-yeast medication) for example: topical clotrimazole, topical nystatin, fluconazole, and topical ketoconazole.

For example, one dose of fluconazole (as Diflucan 150 mg tablet taken orally) has reported 90% effective in treating vaginal yeast infections.

Mouth Yeast infections in toddler girls

In addition to the vagina and surrounding area, yeast infections can also occur in the baby’s mouth. Another common type is usually called oral thrush. It appears as white patches in the baby’s mouth. appears on the tongue, palate or the inside of the cheek.

It is usually difficult to remove, the canker sores, and lead to bleeding that occur if the patch is removed. In general, oral thrush caused by yeast candida albicans which is transmitted through an infected mother’s vagina during labor (at birth) or transmission through milk bottles and teats are not clean, or improper hand washing. Oral thrush in babies occurs 7-10 days after delivery.

The Symptoms of Mouth Yeast Infections in Toddler Girls

Yeast candida albicans is a saprofit. If the baby’s body resistance is down or on the antibiotic, it may occur yeast growth that is rapid and can cause infections such as oral thrush and diarrhea. So, that when the use of certain antibiotics at ages under one year will lead to thrush or oral persistent thrush.

In infants, symptoms of thrush infection is the body temperature rises to 40 degrees Celsius, drooling more than usual, fussy, would not eat or regurgitated food, do not want bottles milk and even breast milk, and restless. It is usually also accompanied with bad breath are less savory, due to bacteria or yeast. While in young children, sometimes the temperature rise was too high and reduced appetite.

Sprue shape will look like:

  • Vesicles or small spheres.
  • It is white or yellowish.
  • At first diameter of 1-3 mm.
  • Then developed shaped membrane. If membranes erodes, it will look like the shape of the hole / ulcer.
  • The amount of canker sores remains, does not enlarge, widen, or spread as well as ulcers.

Usually this is accompanied by the appearance of vesicles heat generation. Sometimes new vesicles appear 1-2 days after the heat. Sometimes even without heat, vesicles appear only one vesicle, which makes the heat generally yeast candida or thrush because the herpes virus.

The symptoms are easily to recognize is the tongue that becomes somewhat slippery, reddish color, injuries occur at the bottom and the edge or on the central part of the tongue. In the inner cheek look white spots, sometimes there are small bumps that can be broken so that the mouth is sore.

Overall, the symptoms of oral thrush are as follows:

  1. Looks whitish patches on the tongue or around the mouth, such as the former milk which is difficult to remove.
  2. Babies cry during feeding or while sucking from a bottle. Whitish patches because the yeast can cause discomfort, and pain particularly severe infections.
  3. Babies often refuse to drink or breastfeed even sometimes would spit out.
  4. The oral mucosa peeling.
  5. Multiple lesions (wounds of many) on the mucous membranes of the mouth to resemble whitened lips milk clot attached, when it removed then it will be bleeding.
  6. When there is chronic granulomatous then occur attack from infants to children lasting up to several years to attack the child’s skin.
  7. Symptoms are body temperature rises to 40 degrees Celsius.
  8. Baby salivate a lot more than usual. A psychic, he will be cranky.

The Diagnose of Oral Trush (Mouth Yeast Infection in Toddler Girl)

Diagnosis of oral thrush can be enforced by the presence of at least 3-4 of the signs and symptoms that are specific, namely:

  • Symptoms of thrush in the form of body temperature rises to 40 degrees Celsius.
  • Tongue reddish color.
  • Looks whitish patches in the mouth, such as the former milk which is difficult to remove.
  • Multiple lesions (wounds of many) on the mucous membranes of the mouth to resemble whitened lips milk clot attached, when removed and then bleed.

Things you can do if a yeast infection in the mouth of a toddler girl

  • Giving medicine, giving anti-yeast drugs, which are as follows:
  • Keeping the baby’s mouth
    • These drugs containing 25 mg/ml miconazole in sugar-free gel. Miconazole gel can be given to the lesion after eating.
    • Each pastille containing 100,000 units nystatin. One pastille to be sucked for 7-14 days. Pastille Nystatin dosage more palatable than others. Therefore, this Nystatin sugars.

If oral thrush has occurred in children and has been given the drug, in addition to maintaining oral hygiene,  give them some soft foods.