Today, burrito not only consume in the Mexico. Other western countries such as in US or Europe already include this meal in their menu. Furthermore, the countries in Asia also start to introduce burrito with their own style. Therefore, the filling of burrito in each countries may be different and not the same as the original one. However, still the peoples around the world is start to enjoy this dish. This making the burrito as one of the favorite meal in the world.
Nutritional Value of Breakfast Burrito
One serving size of green bean and cheese burrito may contain below nutrition:
*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.
Below are 8 benefits of breakfast burrito:
1. Promote Digestive
Burrito normally contain so many vegetables. These vegetables are rich of fiber. Namely lettuce, tomatoes and onions. Furthermore, they are good to maintain the digestive system. Hence, the intestinal movement can be optimized. Therefore, the digestive metabolism can perform very well. This is the same health benefits of yogurt for toddlers.
2. Weight Loss
The good control of digestive system may lead to an optimize nutrition absorb. Therefore, this is a good meal for diet. It will help to absorb nutrient and avoid to absorb fat. Furthermore, it will help to reduce the weight since it is low in carbs. Hence, having a burrito in the morning will effectively keep your gain.
3. Source of Vitamins and Minerals
The content of burrito are a good source of vitamins and minerals. The vegetables bring so many vitamins for the body. Such as vitamin B, C, D and E. Therefore, it is good to maintain the skin and bring a healthy hair. Furthermore, the vitamin D deficiency may lead to unhealthy bone and teeth.
4. Boost Immune System
Vitamin C from the burrito ingredients will help to boost the body immune system. Hence, the body will be strong enough to avoid diseases and infection. Therefore, it will keep the body to stay healthy. It is also can help to a quick recovery from a cold.
5. Energizing
Another benefits of breakfast burrito is including to add more energy level in the morning. The calories inside a burrito is enough to handle your morning activity such as to go to the office or going shopping at the groceries. Therefore, consuming burrito as the breakfast may beneficial as a good source for the energy in the morning. This is the same health benefits whipped cream.
6. Improve Metabolism
Burrito has enough fiber and energy to improve the metabolism system of the body. It optimize the metabolism process by increasing the burning process from food into an energy. Therefore, the blood circulation can be optimized. Furthermore, the oxygen circulation to the entire body can be maintain. Hence, the brain nerve can be stimulated and the kognitif and motoric function can run properly.
7. Capsaicin for Blood Pressure
Spicy peppers are common ingredient in the salsa, chili and sauces used to create burrito. It is usually containing compound called capsaicin. Capsaicin may be beneficial for lowering blood pressure and cholesterol. Therefore, adding salsa or chili to your burrito will be beneficial for your health. This is the same health benefits of Indian Long Pepper.
8. Source of Protein
The meat inside a burrito is a good source of protein. Therefore, another benefits of breakfast burrito is as source of protein. It helps to develop the muscle. Furthermore, it brings nutrition to the brain. Therefore, consuming burrito as a breakfast will stimulates the mind and thinking. This will freshener some ideas to start the day.
Below is a recipe to gain the benefits of breakfast burrito:
Even though a burrito can bring many health benefits, doesn’t mean it has no effects. There is some caution that needs attention when having a burrito as the meal: