Processed Food

7 Health Benefits of Ghee Indian Clarified Butter Original

Have you ever hear about Ghee Indian Clarified Butter? Ghee Indian Clarified Butter is health butter originally from India. It is called as health butter because Ghee is a clarified butter which means that the milk fat is rendered from the butter. The water and the milk solids as proteins have been boiled off, so there is just the rich golden butterfat left.

If the usual butter has a high concentration of fat which can be dangerous for the body if taken continuously, Ghee Indian Clarified Butter contains only pure fat which is safe for daily consumption. In addition, this clarified butter contains also various nutrients that bring health benefits to the body, which is not owned by ordinary butter. Here are 7 health benefits of Ghee Indian Clarified Butter and its contents which will be described as follows:

  1. Ghee Indian Clarified Butter contains Omega 3 which is a healthy form of fat.

Omega 3 is essential fatty acids as an integral part of cell membranes. They affect the function of the membrane cell receptor, providing materials for making hormones that control contraction and relaxation of artery walls, clotting blood mechanism, and taking the role on inflammation response. Because of these functions, Ghee Indian Clarified Butter has a lot of benefits, such as:

  • Conserve the heart from serious heart disease and stroke.

When the contraction and relaxation of artery walls running normally, the heart can run its function optimally so the heart disease won’t have happened. A study of lipid which is published on 2013 said that Omegas 3 in Ghee Indian Clarified Butter help to protect the arteries from hardening. It causes the plaque that may be raised in heart disease and stroke or the blood clotting will disappear quickly as long as the artery walls have good quality

  • Prevent osteoarthritis (inflammation of the bone and joint), rheumatoid arthritis (joint inflammation because of the rheumatoid factor), and lupus disease (autoimmune disease).

Omegas 3 have an important role preventing the inflammation. They can inhibit the cells releasing many inflammation substances in many inflammation diseases like osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and lupus. This effect makes Ghee butter has health benefits for the joint and prevent many other inflammation diseases.

  1. Ghee Indian Clarified Butter has vitamin A.

As we know, vitamin A has a good function keeping the eyes stay healthy. The vitamin A in Ghee Indian Clarified Butter prevents macular degeneration which will prevent blindness. It has also health benefits for inhibiting the development of cataract disease. In addition, the carotenes inside Ghee butter can eliminate free radicals from the body so this clarified butter is also good as antioxidant.

  1. Ghee Indian Clarified Butter contains vitamin E

Vitamin E is daily consumed to keep the healthy skin. High vitamin E in Ghee Indian Clarified Butter makes this butter has health benefits for the skin, such as prevents dry and dull skin and maintain the skin looks brighter and toned.

  1. Ghee Indian Clarified Butter has vitamin D

Ghee Indian Clarified Butter contains vitamin D which has health benefits for the bone. Vitamin D is important for calcium and phosphorus absorption which are the main materials for the bone and teeth formation. Consume the Ghee Indian Butter daily will help you to prevent the bone disease like osteoporosis. It helps also the teenagers to grow up well and have the strong bones.

  1. Ghee Indian Clarified Butter has conjugated linoleic acid.

Linoleic acid is one of the essential fatty acids which is classified as polyunsaturated fatty acids (Benefits of Saturated Fat). Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) has a lot of health benefits for the body. It can reduce the fat mass which prevents obesity and become an agent against cancer.

As an anti-obesity agent, CLA inside the Ghee butter can reduce fat deposition and increase lipolysis (breakdown of the lipids) in adipocytes (lipid cells). When fat deposition decrease, protein body mass will increase and obesity can be prevented.

As an anti-cancer agent, CLA blocks the growth of cell tumors and metastatic spread of cancer. It can inhibit both benign and malignant tumors in its fast acting.

  1. Ghee Indian Clarified Butter contains butyric acid.

Butyric acid is classified as short-chain fatty acid which has great benefits for the body. In a research that has already published, butyric acid in Ghee butter can decrease the inflammation reaction which is happening in parts of the body, especially in the gastrointestinal tract. This effect makes Ghee Indian Clarified Butter has the health benefit to accelerate the healing process of colitis (inflammation of the intestine). The stimulation of T-cell production which has an important role in the immune system is brought also by this clarified butter. You’ll have a great immune with this butter daily consumption.

  1. Ghee Indian Clarified Butter contains lower LDL level.

The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry in 2000 said that Ghee Indian Clarified Butter contains LDL (bad cholesterol) level lower than the ordinary butter. Low LDL level in the blood is good for the body, preventing a heart disease and stroke. In addition, this clarified butter can reduce the cholesterol in the serum and intestine also through biliary lipids secretion. A research has shown that the rats which were given Ghee butter daily had a decreasing in cholesterol levels after 8 weeks. This was a great invention as a novel treatment to reduce the cholesterol level.

7 Health Benefits of Ghee Indian Clarified Butter and Its Contents have been explained. You should remember that Ghee Indian Clarified Butter gives a lot of health benefits if it’s consumed in a proper amount. The excessive consumption of this butter is less good for the body.