Food & Bevarages

5 Amazing Health Benefits of Raisins for Toddlers

Raisins are commonly used as garnishes or additional ingredients in foods such as toppings in pastries, sponges, salads, cereals, muffins or eaten directly as snacks.

They are made of dried grapes. This sweet slice of wrinkled fruit offers a healthy snack full of energy. The most raisin-producing country is Turkey followed by California.

As explained in the benefits of golden raisins, the grapes turn into raisins as it goes through the drying process first. The color of the raisins varies based on the drying process.

For example, the black-coloreed raisins are sun dried. Light to medium brown raisins are mechanically dried in special drying tunnels.  Golden to bright yellow are mechanically dried and treated with sulfur dioxide to maintain color.  Then the green raisins are dried with air in tight structures, or buildings with materials made of soil and organic matter.

Thanks to its sweet taste and shape, raisins are often consumed as healthy snacks or used as food toppings, such as muffins, breads, salads, cereals, and yogurts.

The benefits of eating dried raisins can be obtained from the nutrients in them. In 28 grams (±3 tablespoons) of raisins there are 84 calories and a variety of other nutrients, such as carbohydrates, sugars, fiber, protein, Vitamin C and B6, minerals, an additional antioxidant content

After your kid has reached the age of toddler, consuming raisins as sweet snacks is recommended. Its wonderful nutrients are the sources of amazing benefits, such as :

Health Benefits of Raisins for Toddlers

1. Provides Healthier Digestive System

The fiber contained in raisins can smooth their digestion. Fiber can bind and soften stools in the intestine, making stools easier to remove.

In addition, raisins also contain prebiotics that can support the growth of good bacteria in the intestine. With smooth defecation and maintained amounts of good bacteria in the intestine, the health of the digestive tract will also be maintained. However, you can also find similar benefits in the benefits of mesclun salad as well.

2. Keeps Bone and Teeth Healthy

Both of these aspects are important for a toddler’s growth. Keeping these factors under control is mandatory. Some of the nutrients in raisins, such as oleanolic acid, and linoleic acid, have antimicrobial properties. These antimicrobial properties can be useful to fight problem-causing bacteria in the teeth, such as cavities and gingivitis.

Raisins also contain calcium and boron. The combination of both minerals are important to make sure that bones and joints are in good condition. This mineral can also prevent the occurrence of osteoporosis that usually occurs with age. 

A study conducted by the FDA showed that eating raisins can actually protect teeth from potential cavities due to their antimicrobial properties. Raisins contain phytochemicals and antioxidants that help suppress the growth of cavities-causing bacteria. 

In addition, phytochemicals found in the currant can also prevent harmful bacteria from sticking to the surface of the teeth.

3. Prevents Iron Deficiency (Anemia)

Child development is a very concerning thing for parents. However, often the growth of children does not run smoothly due to various body conditions. One of the conditions that parents fear is anemia, mainly due to iron deficiency.

Iron deficiency anemia in toddlers can have a negative effect on the development of the child. Iron is an essential nutrient for the growth and development.

Iron helps transfer oxygen from the lungs throughout the body and helps muscles store and use that oxygen. Even though it seems to be complicated, iron deficiency is actually common in children.

You can easily meet children who are experiencing iron deficiency. There are children who are iron deficient with mild conditions to those with iron deficiency anemia, a condition in which the blood does not have enough healthy red blood cells. If the condition is not treated, it affects the growth and development of the child.

Fortunately, raisins can help you. Aside from the benefits of turkey berry, raisins are rich in iron so it is suitable as a source of nutrients to increase the intake of this mineral. If the problem still persists, don’t wait any longer to consult your trusted doctor.

4. Prevents Hypertension

Higher blood pressure levels above normal blood pressure guidelines in children are usually rarely detected. Because, hypertension in children is difficult to measure, more difficult to identify, and often hypertension is considered rare in children.

Hypertension in children less than 6 years of age is generally caused by other health conditions. At the age of 6 years onwards, the causes of hypertension are similar to adults, namely excessive weight, unbalanced nutrition, and lack of exercise.

In children, hypertension usually also does not often show symptoms, unless the hypertension it suffers is classified as level 2 hypertension. In America, hypertension in children is detected along with excessive weight (obesity).

In addition to obesity, about 40% of children who were examined and showed hypertension were likely affected by White Coat Hypertension, i.e. blood pressure rise due to fear and anxiety when facing a doctor (who generally wears a white suit).

Currently to diagnose your child with hypertension, his blood pressure will be compared to other children who have the same sex, height, and age as the child. If you’ve happened to face a bad scenario, try adding raisins to your kid’s diet.

Similar to the health benefits of ginger tea, long-term intake of raisins can help lower blood pressure. This is because there are potassium, fiber, and bioactive compounds, such as phenols and tannins. However, more research is needed on this impact.

5. Preventing Chronic Diseases

The antioxidant content in raisins, such as phenols and polyphenols, is useful to fight excess free radicals in the body. Excess free radicals that are left alone have the potential to cause damage to your toddler’s cells and DNA. This condition increases the risk of chronic diseases, such as cancer and heart disease.